Physics 101

What we did today!

Thurs. Nov. 16:
Nuclear Power, Weapons, & The World's Energy Future
! -- Ch. 26

A few new articles from The Economist, Nov. 25 and Dec. 2 2006 editions

Three Nuclear In-Class Discussion Sheets

Discussion Graphs

Reading Assignments:
Nuclear Power
Nuclear Weapons -- The World Scene --
Nuclear Power vs. Nuclear Weapons

Alternate Energy and the World's Energy Future

Thurs. Nov. 16
The Nucleus -- Ch. 26

The atom:  pre1890
The atom:  ~1895
The atom:  ~1900
Radioactive Decay:
Radioactive Decay Equations:
Ch. 26 Homework
Review:  13,15,17,18,20,21,26,27,35
Qs:  1,3,4,9,11,12,14-16,19,20,24
Problems:  1,2,6,8-10

Tues. Nov. 7:
Nanotechnology !

What is nanotechnology?

From Gary Stix article in Sept. 2001, Scientific American:

"  After biomedical research and defense-fighting cancer and building missile shields
still take precedence-nanotechnology has become the most highly energized discipline in
science and technology. The field is a vast grab bag of stuffthat has to do with creating tiny
things that sometimes just happen to be useful. It borrows liberally from condensed-matter
physics, engineering, molecular biology and large swaths of chemistry. Researchers who once called themselves materials scientists or organic chemists have transmuted into nanotechnologists.
         Purist academic types might prefer to describe themselves as mesoscale engineers.
But it's "nano" that generates the buzz."

NANOTECHNOLOGY is a word that is used to describe a plethera of different
technological developments on a length scale of 100 nm or less (thus the term nano).
It encompasses the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, and engineering, as well as
medicine.  We will focus on how physics and engineering have changed -- what new
things can be done on a nanometer scale.

What is a nanometer? [Nanoscale circuit on bottom right]

    Check out this file.

Invitation to the Nano-World

Richard Feynman's 1959 lecture on the idea of manipulating and controlling
things on a small scale.

Check out this special article -- READ THE WHOLE ARTICLE -- It helps address these concerns.

Websites and Articles for your Written Assignment & Class Discussion:

The National Nanotechnology Initiative:
News articles from recent nanotechnological developments

Special Website To Get Things Started -
      Several articles are on this website -- latest in nanotechnology
Scientific American Article:  Oct. 2006, pp. 52-55
Taskforce on Nanotechnology:  General overview, p.1-9
Good sections to read:
Theme 2:  Future Economic Scenarios, p.46-50
Theme 4: Future Social Scenarios, p.54-59
Theme 7: Ethics, Governance, Risk and Uncertainty, p.71-75
Feel free to pick other sections.

Why NANO anyway?

    This question seems to have erupted in Physics 101 classes across the nation!  What good is nanotechnology?  What will it be used for?  Why should we care?

Since we are in a physics class, lets look at one aspect of nanotechnology -- how circuits have changed and what nanotechnology has to offer for our computers of the future.

Circuits have changed dramatically in the past 20 years.  From individual
components which were soldered onto a board to integrated circuits which are
patterned with lithographic techniques.  From integrated circuit chips (IC chips) that
contained 134,000 transistors for a 12.5 MHz clock speed in 1982 to 1.2 million
transistors per chip and a 50 MHz speed in 1989 to 28 million transistors in 1999 for
733 MHz clock speed on the Pentium 3 chip.  This spring (2002), Intel and IBM, SOny,
SCE, and Toshiba all reported their latest chips have reached the nano-zone.  The
spacing between components on their chips is under 100 nanometers.  New technologies
will need to emerge in order to support much more shrinkage.  (see websites below:
NIST, Circuit news)  <>

Cleaning up the environment using nanoparticles.  Nanoparticles are unique in that they have
large surface areas compared to their volume.  This means that they can be used in applications
where catching other materials on their surface is needed.  For instance, nanoparticles are used
for filters, for cleaning up your pants, and here they are being explored to clean up toxic waste. 
Nanoparticles are also being explored for use to store hydrogen for alternate energy sources.
(see this short article:  Technology Review, Sept/Oct 2006, p. 49)

Tues. Oct. 31 & Thurs. Nov. 2

Atoms & Lasers -- Ch. 21

What's coming this semester -- Nanotechnology, optical communications -- all based on knowledge of the ATOM

Looking at Atoms:  Using the SEM, STM, and AFM

SEM:  Scanning electron microscope
STM:  Scanning tunneling microscope
AFM:  Atomic force microscope

Click here for the PPT link on the use ofSEM, STM, and AFM
Some interesting websites on STM


We have spectra -- how do we explain them?

At the turn of the century, we had the picture of an atom called the Raisin Pudding Model where the atom was the pudding with the electrons being the raisins.

The result of Rutherford's experiment (done by graduate student, Geiger, and undergraduate student, Marsden) was that the picture of the atom had to be changed.  He went back to Newton's Principia and came up with the planetary model of the atom.  This was then modified by Bohr and others as we move toward the quantum mechanical picture of the atom.

            Structure of the atom:  nucleus with protons and neutrons & cloud of electrons surrounding it

            Atoms have an energy level structure which is made up of the various allowed energies an electron can have if it is excited by thermal means (heat) or collisions or by light.

            The "orbit" we talk about for electrons is a classical picture which does not take into account the quantum nature of atoms.  The radius of the orbit is actually the most probable position of the electron, however the electron can be all over the place within the orbital cloud.

              When atoms absorb energy, they jump from a lower energy level to a higher one.  When atoms jump from a high energy level to a lower one, they emit a photon of light whose energy is equal to the difference between the upper and lower energies.  In other words, light can only be emitted or absorbed if it is JUST ENOUGH to make the electron have the correct amount of energy for the new energy level.

How is light made?
Excitation of electrons to high energy levels is followed by electrons dropping
to their ground (or un-excited states)  This means they give up energy to make the transition and that energy is
given off in the form of photons.  Photons are packets of light energy that have just the right amount of energy to
shift the electron from one energy level to the other.

Atoms of every element have a different number of protons, neutrons, and electrons in it.  You are
going to look at gases in this experiment.  The electrons in the gas tubes are excited by electrical current
flowing through them.  When the electrons give up the extra energy and go back to their original orbit
around the nucleus, they give off light of a certain color.  Only colors relating to the allowed energies
of the electron are given off.  Each element has its own set of allowed energies for its electrons and the
photons which are emitted form a SPECTRUM which is unique to that atom.  So, like a finger print,
we can identify what element is in the tube by recording what colors of light are given off by the hot

Light's Wave Nature:
Light propagates from one place to another as a wave.  It has wave properties of diffraction,
interference, reflection, and refraction.

Wave Properties:

Wavelength, lambda
Frequency, f
Period, T                      T = 1/f

Wavelength * Frequency = Speed of Wave

Speed of light, c

Interference of Waves:  Two waves superimpose on each other.  The amplitudes at a given location are added to find the resulting waveform.  Amplitudes above the equilibrium point are positive and those below the equilibrium point are negative.

Constructive Interference:  Occurs when both waves are in phase with each other.
Destructive Interference:  Occurs when each wave is out of phase with the other, by 180 degrees.

Light's Particle Nature:
Planck was the physicist who derived the theoretical expression which describes the intensity of light
given off as a function of wavelength for a given temperature black body radiator.  It was based on the
idea that each electron could only give off energy in discrete amounts rather than any and all energies.

                    E = h f           c = l f = 3 x 108 m /s

In order to describe spectra, scientists had to model the atom with different energy levels so that light
could be absorbed or emitted in discrete amounts also.  The photons which interact with the atoms have
to have just the right amount of energy to get the electron to jump from one orbital to another (or one
energy level to another) or the photons are not absorbed or emitted.  This idea came from Einstein
when he studied the photoelectric effect.

How does light act?  Light travels from one place to another as a wave; it interferes with itself, it diffracts going
through an aperture (small hole).  It interacts with matter via absorption and emission as a particle.  It reflects off
of surfaces of materials, refracts (or bends) when it enters a material with a different index of refraction (related to
density),  and can be absorbed by the material. This is known as wave- particle duality of light.

Laser -- Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of

The recipe for a laser & Energy levels for Gain Medium - Clich here for the picture from lecture

1.  Two mirrors are required.  One with 100% reflectivity and the other with less than 100%
2.  A gain medium -- a material which has an energy level structure with an upper lasing level that is
long lived to make an inversion (more electrons in the upper lasing level than the lower lasing level).  This is the material whose electrons are excited in order to make the amplification of the
light.  These may be gases (argon, HeNe), solids (YAG), semiconductors, or liquids (dye lasers).
3.  Pump -- a mechanism for pumping electrons in the gain medium up into the upper lasing level.
This may be done with a flashlamp, electrical current, or another laser.
4.  Spontaneous emission -- spontaneous emission occurs when an electron in an excited state
jumps back down to a lower energy level giving off a photon.  The photon can go in  any direction
and has no particular phase.
5. Spontaneous emission occurs in direction of the mirrors and is caught between the mirrors --
bouncing back and forth from mirror to mirror, traveling through the gain medium.
6.  Stimulated emission -- stimulated emission occurs when a photon "tickles" or interacts with an
electron in the upper lasing energy level, stimulating it to emit a photon and jump to the lower lasing
level.  The stimulated photon is emitted in the EXACT same direction as the initial photon and with
the EXACT same phase.  THEREFORE, the total wave (electric field) that is traveling in the laser
cavity is now increased in amplitude (constructive interference).
7.  We have Amplified the light going through the gain medium when bunches of electrons make this
stimulated transition down to the lower lasing energy level.

Energy Levels for Gain Medium

The best energy level system is the FOUR level system.

The highest energy level has a short lifetime (electrons will leave quickly from this state) and the
electrons are excited there by the pump.
The upper lasing energy level is the next lowest in energy.  Electrons quickly drop to the upper
lasing level from the highest level.
The upper lasing level has a long lifetime (electrons will stay there awhile).
The lower lasing level has a short lifetime (electrons drop to lowest energy level from here).  We
don't want many electrons in the lower lasing level or else they could absorb light from the cavity and
decrease the total amplitude of the laser light.

CH. 21 HW
Review 11,14,15,17,23,28
Qs 6,7,9-12,15-17
Es  1,2

Thurs. Oct. 19th
Rebuilding the levees in New Orleans -- In class Discussion

  Group Discussion:

What are some of the issues brought out in the readings? List 5

Pick an issue to discuss within group:

What is each member’s point of view?  List facts that support the viewpoint

What other points of view might there be?  Why might someone think this?  What facts support this viewpoint?  List at least 2 other viewpoints with explanations.

 For Next Tuesday:
Prepare to present your case to two other groups.  Each group will have 10 minutes to present to the larger group.  Find more information to support your viewpoint and be prepared to discuss the implications of the different views -- political, social, economic, ethical, etc.

The Levees in New Orleans -- READING ASSIGNMENT -- read all articles and look at all websites for our in-class discussions.

General Reading (not for use as main analysis article in written assignment)

National Geographic August 2006 :  Home No More
National Geographic August 2006:  Where is New Orleans?
New York Times, May 19, 2006:  New Orleans Levees Still Not Good Enough
NOAA:  Hurricane Katrina Website

<>More In-Depth Reading (for use in written assignment for analysis section)

Civil Engineering Magazine, June 2003:  The Creeping Storm
Scientific American, January 22, 2006:  Protecting New Orleans
NPR Site:  May 20, 2006:  Why did the 17th Street Canal Levee Fail?
National Geographic August 2006:  Super Storms


Short Written Assignment [50 pts.  – 2 sections (a) analysis and (b) discussion]:

CHoose one article from the In-Depth Selections for the ANALYSIS part of the assignment:

(a) Article Analysis: (25 points)  The first part of the assignment should contain a listing of answers to the following questions: ( ~1 page long)

USE your main article (from analysis) and other articles to discuss one of the issues brought out about the New Orleans experience with Hurricane Katrina

(b) Article Discussion: (25 points)  The second part of the assignment should be a 11/2 page answer to the following question.  This should be about 4-500 words long.

Choose one of the issues brought out in the article you read and use it (and at least one other source) to answer the following question in more depth.

<>Remember to think about:   Practical constraints, also use citations as appropriate

The Article Discussion page should follow good writing practices and contain an introduction, a serious discussion of the issue, and a conclusion.

How well it is written/proof read (5 pts extra credit)

Thurs. Oct. 12
Ch. 8 -- Energy

Main Ideas:

Work:    Can be defined in a number of ways.  It is related to changing the state of
motion of an object, changing an objects position, and/or changing its state of energy.

                                   W =  F d  = DKE  = DPE

F is force, d is distance, KE is kinetic energy, and PE is potential energy.  Applying a force over a distance can increase the
speed of an object or change its potential energy.

                                    KE = 1/2 m v2

Is energy due to motion of an object.  Any object in motion will exhibit KE.  It is a
scalar quantity NOT a vector quantity.

                                     PE = m g h

Is energy due to position above or below a reference height.  PE can be negative if
work must be done on the object to move it to your reference height.

                           Power = Work/Time

This describes how quickly you do the work.  The quicker it is done the more power is required.

Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, it
simply changes states (or types of energy).

Conservation of Mechanical Energy states that a system that is isolated can exhibit
conservation of mechanical energy. That is the total energy of the system comes from the sum of PE and KE and as the system


                               KE + PE = Constant.

In-Class Demonstrations and Calculations of W and
Conservation of Mechanical Energy.

Examples of Conservation of Energy:

 (1)  A 1 kg pendulum swings from a starting position of 50 cm above equilibrium. What is its speed at the bottom of its

(2)  The same pendulum swings to 15 cm above equilibrium.  What is its speed there?

Mini Experiment

Bouncing Balls & Roller Coaster Experiments

1.      Bouncing Ball:  Ball, meter stick

a.       Choose a height to start from.  hi =

b.      Drop ball.

c.       Record height ball returns to.  hf =

d.      Calculate the following quantities:  PE before, PE after, Speed ball hits ground with.

e.       Is mechanical energy conserved during fall?  After return bounce?  What happens to the energy of the ball?

f.        Choose another height to start from.  Then calculate how fast the ball is moving part of the way through the fall (for instance, drop ball from 75 cm and see how fast it is moving at 30 cm)


2.      Roller Coaster Problem:  Loop-de-loop, car or ball, meter stick

<>a.       Make necessary measurements to calculate the following: 

PE at top, Speed of car/ball at bottom, Speed of car/ball at top of loop


CH. 8 Homework
Qs 2,4,5,6,9,11,13,15
Ps 1,2,6,8,13,15,16
Extra Problems

Thurs. Oct. 5 & Tues. Oct. 10

CH. 6 -- Momentum

Some Basic Ideas:  Momentum is conserved in fireworks, collisions, and in elementary particle experiments !

Information on the Neutrino Discovery and Recent Experiments:

Other Neutrino News:

Main Equations:

Linear Momentum                                   p = mv

Newton's Second Law                              F = (pf - pi) / t

Impulse                                                 F Dt = D(mv)

        In order to change an object's momentum, you must apply a force for a period of
time.  If you increase the time, you can decrease the necessary force.

Conservation of Linear Momentum           p(before) = p(after)

Fermi Lab:  <> Go see how conservation of momentum and

energy are used in real life!


        Momentum is a vector quantity defined as   p = mv where p and v are

        Momentum is a conserved quantity when there are no external forces
        acting on a system.

        Elastic Collisions are ones in which both momentum and kinetic energy
        are conserved.

        Inelastic collisions are ones in which only momentum is conserved.


Main Ideas:
Example problems on conservation of momentum -- group work

Experiment:  Momentum Conservation
             2 Carts on Track, Stop watches

Estimate the relative masses of the two cars (individually and with masses on

Draw a picture of the situation.

Calculate the speed of both cars through experimentation.

Use momentum conservation with the two carts' speeds to determine the relative masses of the two carts.

Ch. 6 HW
Qs  4-6, 9, 11, 15, 23
Ps 1, 3, 5-8, 10
*** THEN, add to Problem 10 the following:
Extra 1) What are the final speeds of the two cars if they collide and stick together?

ALso, Extra Problems:
Extra 2)  Two railway cars are moving. Car 1 has a mass of 10,000 kg and moves at 3 m/s. 
Car 2 is full of coal and has a mass of 30,000 kg.  If the two cars collide, latch together, and move off
at a speed of 1.5 m/s, what was Car 2's initial speed?

Extra 3)  See Ch. 6 HW Solutions for this 3rd problem.

Thursday, Sept. 14th

Ch.  4-  Newton's Laws


F = ma                  F = D(mv)/Dt

In  Class Work:
              Define Newton's 3 Laws

              Give examples of each as you would explain them to a middle schooler..

Focus in on Newton's Laws:

1.  First and Second Law:  The NET force is the important quantity.  If there is a NET
force, there is an acceleration.  If there is NO NET force, there is no acceleration; BUT there can still be motion (constant speed in  straight line).

2.  Examples of Places where net force must be considered:

Falling objects and air resistance.
Pushing objects across a surface and friction force.

3.  Third Law:  Action and Reaction Pairs, Which forces need to be largest to get an
object to accelerate in a  particular direction.

Examples of Newton's Laws -- Net force and terminal velocity

Units of Force, Weight, Mass

Ch. 4 Homework

Qs  1,5,6,8,11,13,14,16,20,22,23,25
Ps 1-3,5,6,8

 Thursday, Sept. 14th

Ch.  3-  Motion

Simple Motion:

Mini-experiment In Class

Equipment:  Meter sticks & stop watches

Using the above tools and the people in your group.  Measure the
following quantities.

a)  Average speed of a person walking at constant pace.

b)  Average acceleration of person starting from stop to a run.

c)  Your response time when dropping a ruler between fingers

Experimental Procedure:   Describe below how you would do the
above 3 measurements.

How many trials would you do? Why?

Data:   Record data below and show calculations of speed,
acceleration, and response time.

Analysis:  Are the values you calculated reasonable?  why or why

What are possible sources of error?

Looking back would you change your experiment in any way?

Key Concepts:

Projectile Motion:

              Motion can be separated into its vertical and horizontal components.

        Vertical motion controlled by gravitational forces and any air resistance that occurs.
        An object undergoing horizontal motion feels no unbalanced forces (once thrown/shot
        object is released).
        Equations of motion can be chosen for each type of motion.

                Vertical:    dy = 1/2 a t2       Vfy = Viy ± at

                Horizontal:  dx = Vix t

When a ball is thrown up in the air, it experiences vertical motion.

When a ball is rolled across a table, it experiences horizontal motion.

When a ball is thrown across the room, it experiences BOTH vertical and
horizontal motion.

              Galileo showed that we can look at each of the above motions separately.

              Angles for projectile motion -- In class demo/ experiment --

What angle is the best to use for shooting a dart gun if one wants to have the dart travel the
farthest in the horizontal direction?

        What angle gives the longest range for horizontal distance when vertical motion is
        ignored?  Why?
        What angle gives the longest time of flight in the vertical direction when horizontal
        motion is ignored?  Why?
        Combining these factors -- what do you get?
Tues. Sept. 12  2006

Ch.  3-  Motion

Key Concepts:

Acceleration - average and due to gravity

Free fall and Air resistance -- Terminal velocity

Terminal Velocity -- Free fall and air resistance

Graphing:  Key Concepts:
Distance vs. Time Graph
Velocity vs. Time Graph
Acceleration vs. Time Graph
Reading Graphs & Creating Graphs

What does each type of graph look like for the following

        Constant Motion -- the distance increases with time (straight line with some slope, the steepness of the line is related to the speed), the speed stays the same regardless of time (straight horizontal line), the acceleration is zero

        Acceleration -- The distance increases or decreases with time but the slope changes (as you speed up the slope increases, as you slow down the slope of the curve decreases) thus you see a curved line on distance graph, the speed incresases of decreases with time in a linear fashion (straight line with some slope corresponding to acceleration), the acceleration is a constant at all times (straight horizontal line (non-zero, may be positive or negative))

        No Motion -- the distance remains the same regardles of time (straight horizontal liine), all other graphs are at zero (no speed and acceleration)

        Changing Acceleration -- all graphs are more complicated, distance changes with time in a curved fashion and so does speed, accelearation is changing with time (straight line at some angle)

Graphing of Scenerios
Ex. Dog runs ambles down street at constant pace, sees a cat and speeds up
to chase it at a full run, cat ducks into doorway and dog must decelerate to
a stop.

Ex.  Hawk sitting in tree, sees a mouse, dives going faster and faster to a high speed,
swoops across the field, grabs for mouse but misses, flies dejectedly at a lower speed
to a fence post, lands on post feeling sorry for itself.

Identify types of motion in scenerio, make 3 qualitative graphs of the
motion (d vs t, v vs t, and a vs t)

Thurs. Sept. 7  2006

Ch. 1,2, & 3-  Motion

Key Concepts:

Looking at graphs to determine trends and find information

Vectors vs. scalar quantities
    Length associated with amount is a scalar, but is part of a vector.
    Direction completes the designation of the vector -- vector is a scalar quantity PLUS direction

Addition of vectors graphically in 2-D and numerically in 1-D

Speed -- average and instantaneous



Vector Quantities

Acceleration - average and due to gravity

Homework Ch. 3
Qs  2,3,9, 10 (graph), 13, 14 (graph), 15, 16
Ps   2, 15, 17-19 (graph), 21, 22

Tues. August 29th & Thurs. Aug. 31st


Met in small groups to analyze the four articles following the reading critically list above.
Class discussion about facts and issues of the stories.

Next Class:  we will continue looking at the four articles
Be prepared for the following:
What is your point of view?  or a point of view of a particular interested party?
How can you defend that view?

Due:  Thursday, Sept. 7th   in class
Analyze the "are we losing our edge," article
Type all answers to 5 questions
Write a 3-400 word answer to the last two questions where you consider the direction the US could take (from a particular point of view -- a politician, an industrial lab CEO, a scientist, a citizen, an economist, etc) and what the possible implications and consequences might be.

Ch. 1
Qs. 5,6

Ps. 3c,d, 4c,d

Ch. 2 
Qs.  1, 3-5, 7, 9

Ps. 4, 5

Read Ch. 3 for Thursday.

Tues. Aug. 22 & Thurs. Aug. 24, 2006
The US standing in science -- see websites listed below

Discussion about Science

Discussion about Critical Thinking
Reading Critically

Time special Issue on the US and Science, February 2006.