Agar Plates



Image that your agar plate is divided into 4 quadrants. Inoculate the specimen onto the first quadrant of the plate.
Flame the inoculating loop until it is red hot. Allow it to cool.
Streak (lightly rub the loop over the specimen) for isolation on the first quadrant.

Image courtesy of Towson University

Plate images courtesy of Towson University
Turn the agar plate 1/4 of a turn in your hand. Go back into the first streak zone two to three times with your loop. Then streak for isolation in the second quadrant.

Image courtesy of Towson University
Good isolation.


Turn the agar plate another 1/4 of a turn. Go back into the second streak zone two to three times with your loop. Then streak for isolation in the third quadrant.

Image courtesy of Towson University
Poor isolation.


Turn the agar plate one more time. Go back into the third quadrant two to three times with your loop. Then streak for isolation in the fourth quadrant.

Do not touch your loop to the first quadrant.

Image courtesy of Towson University
No isolation.
Inoculation of Broth
Incubation of Cultures

Introduction to Bacteriology

© Steve Johnson and Bev Wolfe. All rights reserved except for the images, which retain their own copyrights.
This site was designed by Steve Johnson and Bev Wolfe.
Last updated: 08/07/03