Culturing The process of transferring microbes to a growth medium is called inoculation. The microbes to be transferred are called the inoculum.

Image Courtesy of Dr. Fankhauser
The primary media is the media that is inoculated with the patient's specimen. Agar plates are usually the primary media.

Image courtesy of University of South Alabama
Broth media is used for facilitating the growth of fastidious (picky) microbes or microbes in low numbers.

Image courtesy of Austin Community College
Agar Plate Inoculation
Broth Inoculation
Culture Incubation
Introduction to Bacteriology

© Steve Johnson and Bev Wolfe. All rights reserved except for the images, which retain their own copyrights.
This site was designed by Steve Johnson and Bev Wolfe.
Last updated: 08/07/03