Inoculation of Broth If a broth medium is to be inoculated, it should be inoculated before the agar plates.

1. broth
2. agar plate
3. smear

While keeping the sample hand still, bring the broth towards it. Use your little finger to remove the cap from the broth. The little finger is finger number 5.

Image courtesy of Barry's Clipart
Sterilize the top of broth tube by passing it quickly through a flame two to three times.

Image courtesy of Barry's Clipart
Carefully place the sample swab, loop, etc. into the broth tube without touching the lip of the tube. Gently swirl the sample swab, loop, etc. in the broth. Remove from broth.

Image courtesy of Tansen Co.
Sterilize the top of the tube as before.

Image courtesy of Barry's Clipart
Replace the cap on the tube.

Image courtesy of US Tubes
Inoculation of Agar Plates
Culture Incubation

Introduction to Bacteriology

© Steve Johnson and Bev Wolfe. All rights reserved except for the images, which retain their own copyrights.
This site was designed by Steve Johnson and Bev Wolfe.
Last updated: 08/07/03