Preparation of Dehydrated Media General directions for the preparation of dehydrated media are:
Weigh out the powdered media. The amount of powdered media needed is indicated on the label of the media. Place a weigh boat on the balance pan. Tare the balance. Slowly add the powder to the weigh boat. Do not return any excess powder to the bottle.
If preparing 1 liter of media, you will need a 2 liter flask. Due to boiling during autoclaving, the flask needs to be 2x the volume of the media being prepared.


Image courtesy of Indigo Company

Add approximately 100 ml. of the 1000 ml. of distilled water to the flask. Then slowly add the powdered media to the flask. The weigh boat will fold to make a funnel. After adding all the powder, pour the rest of the distilled water in the flask.
Place the flask on a hot plate and heat to just boiling to dissolve powder. Remove flask from hot plate and loosely cap with foil or cotton.
Autoclave media at 121 C. at 15 psi for 15 minutes.

Image courtesy of Austin Community College
  Open a bag of Petri dishes. Label in small letters the name or initials of the media and the date. Do not open plates. Handle plates aseptically.

Image courtesy of Dr. Fankhauser
  Allow flask to cool. If you pour the plates while the agar is too hot condensation will form on the lids. Water in the plates will affect the growth of the bacteria.

Image courtesy of Austin Community College
  Open Petri dishes like a clam shell. Do not lay lid down. Pour agar into bottom of dish until bottom is covered. Allow the plates to solidify. Invert and store in the refrigerator. Perform quality control by placing two of your prepared plates in the incubator for 48 hours to check for growth of contaminants.

Image courtesy of Dr. Fankhauser
What are Culture Media?
Types of Media
Purchase of Media
Introduction to Bacteriology

© Steve Johnson and Bev Wolfe. All rights reserved except for the images, which retain their own copyrights.
This site was designed by Steve Johnson and Bev Wolfe.
Last updated: 08/07/03