Practice Proactive, Reserve Reactive!
Prevention & Treatment
Food-borne Illnesses
Food-borne illnesses are a common and often life-threatening problem for millions of people in the Unites States. Surprisingly, most cases occur when food is prepared in the home. A person infected with a food-borne pathogen may have mild or wildly variable symptoms. The treatment of such illnesses can be very costly. If food is handled and prepared safely, most of those incidents can be avoided. The best way to prevent food-borne illnesses is to educate and protect yourself!
Food-borne Prevention and Treatment Tips
Water-borne Illnesses
Protection of your drinking water is a shared responsibility among the local and state governments, water suppliers, businesses and individuals. Citizens can use the new information to make themselves aware of drinking water hazards and treatments. As always, prevention of contaminants or pollution is the best way to enjoy clean drinking water.
Water-borne Prevention and Treatment Tips