Did You Know ...
- Many diseases are transmitted by what are termed as common sources: environmental reservoirs of pathogens with which humans have constant contact. In these web pages, we will focus on diseases spread through water and food even though they also may be spread through soil.
- Pathogens are disease-causing microbes. They may be bacteria, protozoans, viruses, or fungi.
- Water and food are called vehicles. Other vehicles may include air, blood and other body fluids, drugs, and intravenous fluids. In waterbourne transmission, pathogens are usually spread by surface or ground water contaminated with untreated or poorly treated sewage. In foodborne transmission, pathogens are generally transmitted in foods that are incompletely cooked, poorly refrigerated, or prepared under unsanitary conditions.
- There are steps that we can take to help prevent infection from these microbes in food and water.
- Follow the links and learn all you can to help you and your family stay healthy and safe!