Controlling Bacteria Growth




History of Penicillin

Disinfectants are chemicals that kill microorganisms and are used on inanimate objects(not safe for your skin).

examples: 409, Lysol, swimming pool chlorine, bleach


Antiseptics are chemical agent that kill or slow down the growth of microorganisms and that are safe to apply to your skin, but are not used inside your body.

examples: Bactine, Hydrogen Peroxide, Rubbing Alcohol, Iodine


Antibiotics are chemical substances produced by certain microorganisms that inhibit or kill other microogranisms. They can be applied to your skin (neosporin) or taken inside your body (penicillin) They are sometimes categorized as...


The Story of Penicillin Discovery

Imagine a cluttered, disordered laboratory with equipment and chemicals scattered around and you have the setting of the discovery of penicillin. The scienetist who worked in this lab was a man named Alexander Fleming. Fleming focused on the study of bacteria and was specifically looking for an antiseptic to treat infections. He used Petri dishes to grow the bacteria and he was cleaning one day when he noticed mold also growing in a dish. There was an area around the mold where there was no bacteria. It appeared that the mold had killed the bacteria. Upon further inspection, Fleming found that the mold was from the penicillum family.

Eventually Fleming was knighted in 1944. Two American scientists, Ernst Chain and Howard Florey expanded the penicillin research. The scientists along with Fleming recieved the Nobel Prize in 1945.

PBS People and Discoveries © 1998 WGBH

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Sampling Bacteria Controlling Bacteria Growth
Identifying Bacteria Uses of Bacteria
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