Web Browser launch of : mudescd/Xidw/guide.htmOR
To launch the XID engine:
XID Help menu, once the XID engine has been launched.
Double click on mudescd/Xidw/XIDRO.exe
First launch the XID engine, then,
Click on the + beside the Xidw folder.
Click on any of the displayed data bases to read a description of that data base.
Double Click on a data base to load it to the XID engine.
Double Click on mudescd/Xidw/Tutorials/tmudestut.html
Double Click on mudescd/Xidw/Tutorials/tmudestut.html
Although we believe that our data bases are reasonably accurate, we and you fully understand that some residual errors are likely to exist in them.
In no event will MUDES or XSI be liable for any damages (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of savings, loss of time, loss of information, or any other incidental or consequential damages) arising from your use or misuse of the MUDES data bases or XID Software, even if MUDES or XSI has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. Some states provide you with other rights; as a result, some of the above limitations may not apply to you.
Error reporting would be greatfully appreciated and compensated by a copy of the corrected data base, free of charge, for up to five years after your purchase. Please report potential errors to
Beginning in Summer 2000, Dr. Roger Meicenheimer has offered summer workshops in advanced dendrology and expert system development to K-12 public school teachers:
A requirement of this workshop is to modify the existing MUDES tree data base to meet these teachers' curriculum needs.
Alternatively, students/teachers can develop a new alpha version of an Expert System data base that better fits their curriculum and the courses they actually teach.
Both alternatives have been attractive to previous teachers/students.
Descriptions of specific data bases that have been developed in this workshop since 2000 until present are here.
These data bases are being made available for your potential use on this copy of the MUDES-CD as a bonus feature!
Please note that if the data base is a modified MUDES data base from these bonus data bases,
you MUST transfer it into the XIDW folder to achieve full fuctionality of the MUDES/XID engine:
All you have to do is copy the entire contents of the modified MUDES data base folder into the mudescd/Xidw/
folder. No subfolders are allowed. Then select the *.xid data base you want to use. You will then have a fully functional data base within the context of the MUDES.
Non-MUDES data bases can be run directly by selecting the desired data base in the appropriate folder.
Alpha version data base errors:
In no event will MUDES or XSI be liable for any damages (including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of savings, loss of time, loss of information, or any other incidental or consequential damages) arising from your use or misuse of the MUDES data bases or XID Software, even if MUDES or XSI has been advised of the possibility of such damages. This limited warranty gives you specific legal rights. Some states provide you with other rights; as a result, some of the above limitations may not apply to you.
Error reporting: Roger Meicenheimer will make every attempt to put you in contact with the original authors of these data bases. However, such contact is not guarenteed in any way, shape or form. Please initiate such contact via