BOT 630W "Advanced Dendrology for Teachers" Projects
Please note that if the data base is a modified MUDES data base from previous years,
you MUST load it into the XID directory to achieve full fuctionality of the MUDES engine:
All you have to do is copy the modified MUDES data base *.xid into the c:/mudescd/Xidw/
folder. Then select the *.xid data base you want to use. You will then have a fully functional
data base within the context of the MUDES.
Non-MUDES data bases can be run directly by selecting the desired data base in the appropriate folder.
Use Explorer or My Computer to examine previous data bases in the folders in MUDESCD/Botany630DProjects/YEARProjects/
- 2007 Expert System Development by MAT
- Common Angiosperm Trees in Ohio and Indiana A database of common trees found around our local schools in Indiana and Ohio. Language altered for students ranging from 8th to 10th grade. Justin Seibert and Mary Brown
- Biomes of the Earth for 7th Graders This
general database was designed to help 7th grade biology and ecology
students learn the various biomes located on Earth. It will also
aid in their distinguishing similarities and differences among the
biomes. This database was designed to be used as an inquiry
activity. Chuck Hughes and Angela Vilkoski
- Scientists in History
Classification of scientists throughout history. Grade
Level: 7-10 science Maggie Long and Karen Reddin
- Insect Order Identification
Using this Expert System, students (grades 9 and 10) will be able to
identify unknown insects to their order name. Tonya Nkhata and
Jeff Yuva
- Beyond the Pond
Third graders will classify animals found around the pond and consider
structures for survival with this interactive database. Natalie
Harr and Pat Betteley
- 2006 Expert System Development by MAT
- Secondary Succession Created for 7th grade study of secondary succession. Jessica Aston
- Pasta Identification. Martha Fisher
- Tree Identification for Madison Local School Trees ID Class. Gary Fligor
- Trees of St. Lawrence. Julie Frampton
- 2005 Expert System Development by MAT
- White Solid Identification. In this activity, students will use chemical tests and physical observations to determine the identity of 15 white solids. By Liz Coleman and Aimee Hansen.
- Fishy Finds.
Our MUDES project is being modified to help students with the classification
of fish that are common to North America. There are 18 fish included
in the project. By Matt DiPietro, Theresa Waltner, & Patrick Hardin.
Target Grade Level - Grades 4-12
- Trees of Kramer School.
Gail Reynolds, MAT student. Project based on a dichotomous key
identifying several trees on the grounds of Kramer Elementary School in Oxford,
- 2004 Expert System Development by MAT
- I'm a GENUS! Dendrology
Database (with species) Adaptation of Miami University Dendrology Expert System.
Tara Lawson, Matthew Lawson, and Ray McCampbell July, 2004. This database
simplifies the attributes in the MU Expert System and is designed for elementary
students and learning disabled high school students.
- Database of
common Ohio Trees modeled after Ohio Department of Natural Resources
index of Ohio trees. Constructed by: Brandi Butterbaugh,
Joe Beringer, Steve Farmer, Heather Sparks July 2004
- Ohio Fossil Index.
This is an expert index that will help students identify basic fossils
that are found in Ohio. This is designed to be used in a junior
high school setting. By: Jay Farmer and Fritz "Punny Guy" Prior
- Biomes of the World.
Tim L. Maluvac.For: First Year Biology Class ( 9th and
10th grades). This will be used as an introduction into biomes.
The students will be instructed to test as many of the data sets in the system
as they can and see if they can first identify the useful unique traits to
identify a specific biome using multiple data sets. Then observe how
many of the traits are similar and try to understand why unique Biomes can
have some of the same characteristics. We will then learn more about these
biomes, and see why this is a simplistic view of how the environment is set-up.
This will lead to investigating the other more refined biomes of the world.
We will take a look at such things as the Alpine tundra, chaparral, woodlands,
great basin, etc.
- Carrion Beetles of
Tuscadawas County, Ohio. This database was created by J. K. Brady
specifically for the identification of beetles collected in carrion baited
pitfall traps in Tuscadawas County, Ohio. This database is specific
to beetles that can be collected in carrion baited pitfall traps in northeastern
Ohio, U.S.A..
2003 Expert System Development by MAT students:
- We Love Trees. The
Angiosperm Database has been modified to allow children at the ages of 10-14
years-old to access and extrapolate the attributes of various plant species
and determine the specific specimen. MODIFIED BY NORA KEEN, VERONICA RODRIGEZ, AND BETH BROWN
- Flowering Trees.
Modified by Carrie Bishop, Erik Ganz, Tim Oswalt, and Kip Brady for
use by 8th-10th grade students in Ohio Schools. July 2003.
- Trees Around Our Schools.
The expert system was modified to distinguish among 35 common
trees local to our school campuses. Modifications of taxa and character states
were established to correlate with Ohio state benchmarks and indicators.
Also, modifications for grades 9-12. Joe Moorehead, Melissa Whitley-Huff, Amie Gardner, Judy Ladaika
Ohio Stream Macro Invertebrate data
carry over project from 2002 by Tracy Klug
Human Bone data base. The
skeletal system consists of 206 bones. However, in this data base,
many of the bones are grouped together due to their similarities. J.P. Oehrtman
and Corey Ullman. Intended Grade Level: 11-12. Classes: Anatomy & Physiology, Advanced Placement Biology
- Mineral Identification data base. Teresa Schwoeppe & Joe Ohradzansky. Database suitable for grades 7-12 Objectives:
1. The students will use the xid database to identify minerals following
the steps of the scientific method. 2. Students will integrate technology
into their method of identification. 3. Students will devise a classification
system for a set of objects (minerals). 4. Identify chemical and/or physical
properties of matter.
2002 Expert System Development by MAT students:
- Cooperative Angiosperm Key Project.
This project is designed to be used as a cooperative lesson with both high
school biology students and sixth grade students. At Lakota, where
Craig and Phil teach, Biology I is offered both at the Freshman School and
the High School. We have included within the database, twenty-nine
representative trees which can be found at either one or both of these two
schools. Columbia Elementary, where Sharon teaches, is a new school
with virtually no mature trees on the campus. The Ohio proficiency
outcomes require that at the ninth grade level, students should be able to
design a dichotomous key, while one of the sixth grade proficiency outcomes
requires the students to use a dichotomous key. By Craig Myers, Philip Preston,
Sharon Preston
- Winter Trees. Modified
by Tracy Cindric, Jennifer Regelski, and Eric Joreski. MUDES was modified
for winter characterisitcs of angiosperms. The species list was modified
to reflect those trees most likely to be represented in Franklin County,
Ohio. Information was obtained for this from "Leaf Identification Key
to Eighty-Eight Ohio Trees" from The Ohio State University. The
final modification included providing defintions for terms in the Menus and
Submenus in order to help 9-12 grade high school student more accurately
identify unknown species.
- Ohio Stream Macro invertebrate data
base Created by Tracy Cindric in 2002 for use with ecology classes using macroinvertebrates to moniter creek water quality
- Backyard Birds data base This
project is deisgned for middle or high-school level identification of common
birds found typically at bird feeders or schoolyard sanctuaries. Use
of database is enhanced when bird feeders can be seen or observed from classroom
setting. Authored by: David Huff and Brad Greenspan
- Candy Bar data base Attributes and photos collected and compiled by Royce A. Heim
- 2000 Expert System Development by MAT students:
- We will modify the MUDES system to design a “tree trail”
on our school’s campus. The system will include a twenty family database
with one key species from each family. We will modify the system’s
characteristics into leaf, flower and bark characteristics. Once a
tree is identified we will include a “fun fact” to be shared about that tree.
The MUDES program will be used in a two week lesson plan. By Pat Winkler,
Dawn Mann and Jody Holloway.
- Leaf Diversity Portfolio.
Objective: Each student is responsible for creating his/her own collection
of leaves that will be identified, based on characteristics discussed in
- Family Characteristic Charts were developed by Tim King.
- Cation Identification data base Grades 10-12 Author: Jason Cronk
- North American Insects data base This databased was created for high school biology insect identification by Craig Yendrek, Brunswick High School.