Ancient History
My birth I was born in Middletown Hospital to poor immigrant parents. My parents immigrated to Ohio from Kentucky. Yes, I am older than your mother. Don't even tell me that I am older than your grandmother.
My family I have been married to the same man, Scott, for 20+ years. We have a son, Ben who is a college student and a daughter, Allison who is a junior in high school. Scott's grandmother lives with us too. Also we have a dog, Max and a cat, Dottie Marie.
My education I went to Franklin High School in Franklin, Ohio. I obtained my college degree from Miami University in Medical Technology. Then I took "teacher" classes at Wright State University when I started here. This summer I took "science teacher" classes at Miami University.
My experience I worked as a medical technologist at Kettering Hospital, Sycamore Hospital, and Children's in Cincinnati for 13 years. I started teaching here at MVCTC in 1992.
My hobbies Some of my favorite things to do are eating (which is obvious by looking at me), reading, and sleeping. I am very good at all of these things.
My pet peeves A few of my pet peeves are people that won't try, people who don't use manners (please, thank you, and excuse me are allowed and even encouraged in my class), and health students that don't treat others with respect.

