Types of Biological Warfare Agents

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Plague | Anthrax | Smallpox | Possibilities


There are three categories for BWAs. Category A has the highest priority due to the fact that these organisms can be easily disseminated or easily transmitted from person to person. These organisms may also cause a high mortality rate. This creates the potential for a major health impact and may cause a public panic or social disruption. Category B agents have the 2nd highest priority and are moderately easy to disseminate. They would cause moderate mortality rates. Category C has the 3rd highest priority. These are emerging pathogens that could be engineered for mass dissemination in future due to the availability, ease of production and dissemination, and potential for high morbidity and mortality rates.


The majority of the agents that we will look at are Category A although there will be a few from Categories B and C.




© 2003 Jay Farmer, J.P. Oehrtman, and Tim Maluvac. All rights reserved, except for the images, which retain their own copyrights.

This site is designed by Jay Farmer, J.P. Oehrtman, and Tim Maluvac for MBI 699.W.

Last modified: August 7, 2003

background courtesy of: http://bt.swmed.edu