Pre-biotic Evolution


Historical Time Line for the Study of Evolution

von Helmont [1577-1644] proposes spontaneous generation
L Pasteur [1822-1895] disproves spontaneous generation
Charles Darwin[1809-1882] in 1859 proposed the Theory of Evolution
The First Experimental Test -

M Calvin 1950 tries to initiate origin of life-like chemicals - using NH4, CO2, H2O, H2 -->HCHO
Formaldehyde in the cyclotron.
Miller and Urey 1953 use NH4, CH4, H2O, H2 --> amino acids and variety of molecules. The key is cyanide which is a synthetic intermediate.
Sydney Fox and co-workers produce proteins and enzymes in the 1950s. The key is driving off the side-product water.

Text iGenetics by Peter J. Russell

This web site is provided for instruction in Botany and Zoology 342

by Kenneth G. Wilson,
Professor of Botany
Miami University