PCR Amplification of DNA (Taken from Plant Biotech)

1. Thaw all components (except Taq Polymerase) on ice 30 min before the lab.

2. Combine the following components for each reaction (on ice) in an Eppendorf tube: 

Tube (1.5 ml Eppendorf)

Distilled water

10X PCR buffer


5 unit/µl Taq Polymerase


Wizard Mix

284 µl

36 µl

36 µl

4 µl (ask TA to    pipet enzyme)

360 µl

3. Vortex and centrifuge for 30 seconds at 13,000rpm.

4. Combine the following for each reaction in a PCR tube(50 ul total reaction volume).   


Wizard Mix


A plasmid containing hsp16.6 gene

Cyanobacterium genomic DNA

A plasmid containing cox II gene

Onion genomic DNA

Primers (F and R) for hsp16.6 gene

Primers (F and R)  for Cox II gene

1 (Negative control)

47 µl

1 µl


1 µl primer Fh

1 µl primer Rh


2 hsp16.6 gene control

47 µl


1 µl


1 µl primer Fh

1 µl primer Rh


3 hsp16.6 gene

47 µl


1 µl


1 µl primer Fh

1 µl primer Rh


4 (Negative control)

47 µl

1 µl


1 µl primer Fc

1 µl primer Rc

5 cox gene control

47 µl


1 µl


1 µl primer Fc

1 µl primer Rc

6 cox gene

47 µl


1 µl


1 µl primer Fc
1 µl primer Rc

7 Positive control

47 µl


PUC18 plasmid provided in the kit                                   1 ml

PUC18 primers provided in the kit 

         1 ul F +1 ul R = 2 µl total

. Run the following program (about 2.5 h):

   Initial Step

Next 30 cycles:

    Program a final extension at

5. Take 10 µl of PCR product from each tube for gel electrophoresis (Refer to the protocol for agarose gel electrophoresis).


    sterile water

    10X amplification buffer with 15mM MgCl2

    10 mM dNTP

    50 µM oligonucleotide primer F (forward)

    50 µM oligonucleotide primer R (reverse)

    5 unit/µl Taq Polymerase

    template DNA (1 µg genomic DNA, 0.1-1 ng plasmid DNA) in ddH20


Text iGenetics by Peter J. Russell

This web site is provided for instruction in Botany and Zoology 342

by Kenneth G. Wilson,
Professor of Botany
Miami University