{1860 - 1900)

The era of Mendel and some of his contemporaries

Charles Darwin - The Origin of Species (1859)

The Voyage of the Beagle

Gregor Mendel - Mendel Web


1866 Publication of Gregor Mendel's work - MendelWeb

1879-85 -W. Flemming described Chromosomes

1888 - W. Waldeyer first used the term chromosome

1875 - O. Hertwig fusion of sperm and egg

1885 - August Weismann inheritance is based exclusively in the nucleus

1890 O. Hertwig and T. Boveri described the meueiosis in detail

1900 -1944

1900 - rediscovery of Mendel's work Hugo de Vries Carl Correns Erich von Tschermak}

Text iGenetics by Peter J. Russell

This web site is provided for instruction in Botany and Zoology 342

by Kenneth G. Wilson,
Professor of Botany
Miami University