<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> advanced genetics

Genetic 342 A&B

Kenneth G Wilson

Professory of Botany

Analysis of human genetics using families

Movement to other organisms

Growth of arginine auxotropic mutants on minimal medium with various supplements
Mutant Strain Number Minimal Media Ornithine Citrulline Arginine
Wild Type + + + +
Group I - + + +
Group II - - + +
Group III - - - +

Precursor -->Ornithine-->Citrulline-->Arginine

Analysis of arginine auxotropic mutants
Group I Precursor -//->Ornithine-->Citrulline-->Arginine
Group II Precursor -->Ornithine -//->Citrulline-->Arginine
Group III Precursor -->Ornithine-->Citrulline -//->Arginine




This is our friend Oliver the parrotlet,

Oliver is a true parrot,

the smallest in the world.