Field-Intensity Correlation Functions

Introduced initially by Howard Carmichael and coworkers, the setup below allows one to make measure a correlation between the electric field and intensity of the source. It can also be viewed as a wave-particle correlator, or as a conditoned field measurement (conditioned on detection of a photon). So far analytic results exist for a cavity QED system, an OPO, an OPO with a two-level atom, and cavity QED system with 1-d quantized center or mass motion.

Miami publications

Time Evolution and Squeezing of the Field Amplitude in Cavity QED, J. E. Reiner, W. P. Smith, L. Orozco, H. J. Carmichael, and P. R. Rice. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B. 18, 1911 (2001).

Intensity-Field and Intensity-Intensity Correlations for a Two-Level Atom in an Optical Parametric Oscillator, C. E. Strimbu (grad) and P. R. Rice, Proc. SPIE Fluctuations and Noise: Quantum Optics (2003).

Nonclassical Intensity Correlations In Cavity QED, C. E. Strimbu
(grad) , J. R. Leach (grad),
and P. R. Rice, Proc. SPIE Fluctuations and Noise: Quantum Optics (2003).

Intensity-Field Correlations of Non Classical Light, H. J. Carmichael, G. T. Foster, L. Orozco, J. Reiner, and P. R. Rice,  Invited paper to Progress In Optics, to be published in spring 2004.

Other publications