ࡱ>  Root EntryFMPerfectOffice_MAIN& SummaryInformation(@HABCDELM U/3$ ArialY3Z3$ArialY3Z3$ ArialY3Z3@ Normal Comma Currency Percent Fixed DateHeading 1Heading 2 Total Comma0 Currency0033@ R033@ 2033@ B033@ 033@  033@ 033@ 033@ 0 33@ P033@ 0033@ 033@   %&'( @@0d  $ ArialOYZ$ ArialOYZ  LB  %&'( 0d  $ ArialOYZ$ ArialOYZ  B           ^  ddư>   ?&  Mb@?   #       f  g    i2      -./g  0d    4TwH;<;6 Angiosperm$u<7~E7U<< 3Images needed for Angiosperm Trees May 2010Apices `Margins `  ` Bases/Stipues need to check out species data Vine growing on a tree FruitAchene. Clean up fruit color composite top row"Nut morphology'#replace concentric groove image$fix smooth exocarp%fix smooth endocarp&fix composite(Cupule5)replace fringe image, also check out encoding*Interior pubescent,cupule/nut lenght ratio-replace >2/3rd images/Number of stamens!0Add image showing stamens2Number of pistils!3Add image showing pistils05Ovary position data needs to be verified7Outer Bark color!8fix greenish in composite)9fix label on inner bark composite;Bud morphology(<cross section of strongly angled&>nEED MAIN BUD MORPHOLOGY IMAGE@Bud scale colorAfix green in compositeCBud morphologyDTomentseEGlandular0FSome serious issues with regard encodingHTwig bark texture8Iget rid of smooth/rough images and categories???Jneed to check data here$Lfix lenticel color composite!Mfix pith color composite Opith(Pspongy - need image + check dataQhomogeneousRdiaphragmedTpith shape Utriangular data + imageAcuminateMucronateObtuseEmarginate3aimage of repand should be used for revolute- adecide issue of sinuate versus repand Crennulate Serrate Serrulate Doubly serrateDentateDenticulateGlands on margins-Merge all pinnate categories into oneCuneate AcuteObtuseOh+'0 `lx Roger MeicenheimerRoger Meicenheimer14@@   ?&  Mb@?   #       f  g    i2      -./g  0d    4TwH;<;6 Angiosperm$u<7~E7U<< 3Images needed for Angiosperm Trees May 2010Apices `Margins `  ` Bases/Stipues need to check out species data Vine growing on a tree FruitAchene. Clean up fruit color composite top row"Nut morphology'#replace concentric groove image$fix smooth exocarp%fix smooth endocarp&fix composite(Cupule5)replace fringe image, also check out encoding*Interior pubescent,cupule/nut lenght ratio-replace >2/3rd images/Number of stamens!0Add image showing stamens2Number of pistils!3Add image showing pistils05Ovary position data needs to be verified7Outer Bark color!8fix greenish in composite)9fix label on inner bark composite;Bud morphology(<cross section of strongly angled&>nEED MAIN BUD MORPHOLOGY IMAGE@Bud scale colorAfix green in compositeCBud morphologyDTomentseEGlandular0FSome serious issues with regard encodingHTwig bark texture8Iget rid of smooth/rough images and categories???Jneed to check data here$Lfix lenticel color composite!Mfix pith color composite Opith(Pspongy - need image + check dataQhomogeneousRdiaphragmedTpith shape Utriangular data + imageAcuminateMucronateObtuseEmarginate3aimage of repand should be used for revolute- adecide issue of sinuate versus repand Crennulate Serrate Serrulate Doubly serrateDentateDenticulateGlands on margins-Merge all pinnate categories into oneCuneate AcuteObtuseTruncate<check encoding۶m۶m/@* " I$I$+@*   Gymnosperm$u<7~(7 Gymnosperm images needed1Leaf persistence - desciduous - two yearsLeaf color0need individual brownish + fix compositeyellowish(fix click area for 2 white linesLeaf apex  acute acuminate Leaf shape. Linear - wrong image, need replacementbetter fan shapedNO INDIVIDUAL IMAGESsubulate  scalejdd< I Group14Group1 |]|pxMi2: