-. 6Tutorial Database7.0AReleased July 2008 [images:http://www.xidservices.com/databases] CXAttdata!Amaranthaceae (pigweed, amaranth) Herbaceous annuals or perennials. Leaves alternate or opposite. Flowers small and greenish, petals lacking. Each flower subtended by a small, usually spine-like bract. Ovary 1-celled and 1-seeded.Anacardiaceae (poison-oak,-ivy) Shrubs or trees with milky or resinous juice. Many species dermal-toxic. Fruits 1-celled and 1-seeded, dry or fleshy. Leaves alternate, often compound.Asteraceae (sunflower, daisy) The flowers are arranged in heads which resemble a larger flower. There are two types of flowers (ray = ligulate and disk = tube). These can occur together or separately. Seeds often with hairs (pappus) attached. Same as Compositae."Apiaceae (parsley, carrot, celery) Flowers in simple or compound umbels. Herbaceous, often aromatic, annuals or perennials. Stems often hollow. Leaves simple to more often compound to dissected. Ovary inferior, fruit splitting into two, 1-seeded sections.Agavaceae (yucca) Evergeen, perennial, herbaceous or semi-woody with a basal rosette of long, narrow leaves. Sepals and petals similar, yellow to white. This family is very similar to the Liliaceae.Apocynaceae (dogbane) Perennial herbs, vines, or shrubs with milky juice and usually opposite leaves. Very similar to the milkweed family. Fruit often a pod of downy seeds. Many species are poisonous.Asclepiadaceae (milkweed) Perennial shrubs, vines, or herbs usually with milky juice. Leaves simple, opposite, alternate, or whorled. Fruit a pod (follicle) with feathery parachutes called "coma" attached to the seeds; seeds often arranged like fish scales.Boraginaceae (borage) Flowers tubular with 5 lobes. The flowers arranged in a coiled cluster (scorpoid cyme). Fruit of 4 nutlets. Leaves often bristly hairy.Brassicaceae (mustard) Petals 4, free to the base. Stamens usually 6, (4 long & 2 short). The fruit a 2-celled superior ovary, either long and narrow (silique) or short & broad (silicle). Often with a "hot" taste.Cactaceae (cactus) Fleshy plants of arid environments. The leaves reduced to a variety of spines. Often confused with some of the spurges which occupy the same sites and are similar in apearance, but have milky juice.Campanulaceae (bellflower) Petals united, flowers regular to strongly irregular. Ovary inferior, fruit usually a capsule of 2-5 cells. Leaves simple, alternate, or all basal. Milky juice sometimes present.Cannabaceae (marijuana) Flowers inconspicuous, leaves alternate. In the U.S. represented only by marijuana, an annual with palmately compound leaves; and hops, a perennial vine with 3-lobed leaves. Both species glandular.Capparaceae (caper) Foul smelling herbs or shrubs. Very similar to Cruciferae. Petals 4, stamens 6 to many, leaves usually trifoliate or palmately compound. Fruit a 1-celled capsule, often with a prominent stipe. In some references, this family is spelled Capparidaceae.Caryophyllaceae (chickweed) Annual or perennial herbs. Leaves simple and entire, usually opposite. Petals 4-5, often bilobed at the tip. Fruit a 1-celled capsule, styles 2-5.Chenopodiaceae (lambsquarters) Flowers tiny, greenish, petals lacking. Leaves often covered with a whitish mealy substance. Fruit 1-celled and 1-seeded, plants often found in alkaline or saline soils.Clusiaceae (St. John's wort) Leaves opposite, simple, usually sessile and punctate. Stamens many, styles 3. Fruit a capsule, seeds very small. Same as Hypericaceae.Convolvulaceae (morningglory) Herbs, or more often vines, climbing by twining stems. Petals united to form a tube or funnel. Fruit a 1-4 celled capsule, commonly with 1-4 seeds. Juice sometimes milky.Cucurbitaceae (cucumber, gourd) Climbing or trailing herbs with alternate leaves and usually tendrils. Leaves palmately veined and rough (scabrous). Fruit a gourd (pepo), melon, or berry, sometimes a spiny capsule. Often bitter.Dipsacaceae (teasel) Similar to Asteraceae, flowers in dense heads, petals united, ovary inferior. Leaves opposite, entire to pinnately lobed. Herbaceous plants with four distinct stamens.Elaeagnaceae (Russian olive) Shrubs or small trees. The leaves and young stems covered with shiny peltate or stellate hairs causing a golden or silvery color. Fruit a 1-seeded, pithy berry.Equisetaceae (horsetail) Distinctive erect, herbaceous plants with hollow, ridged, silicaceous stems. Some stems apparently naked, tipped by a spike of spore producing structures, others with whorled branches.Euphorbiaceae (spurge) Herbaceous annuals or perennials with milky, often acrid, juice. Leaves alternate, opposite, or whorled. Flowers often subtended by showy bracts. Fruit a 3-celled capsule.Fabaceae (pea, bean, legume) Fruit shaped like a pea or bean. Leaves often compound. Tendrils sometimes present. Flowers regular or irregular. A very large and variable family. See also Mimosaceae, Caesalpiniaceae and Papillionaceae.Geraniaceae (geranium) Annual or perennial herbs with 5 white, blue, or purple to pinkish petals. Fruit of 5 carpels, long beaked, the carpels separating at maturity. Leaves with prominent stipules.Iridaceae (iris) Perennials with linear, parallel veined leaves. Flowering stems erect, flowers in terminal racemes or panicles. Petals apparently 6, showy; stamens 3, ovary inferior.Juncaginaceae (arrow grass) Flowering stems naked, flowers in terminal spikes or racemes. Leaves all basal, long and narrow, round in cross section. Plants of moist, often alkaline, sites.Labiatae (mint) Flowers tubular, regular to strongly irregular, often verticillate. Sepals forming a tube. Leaves opposite, often toothed, stems square. Plants often aromatic. Same as Lamiaceae.Lamiaceae (mint) Flowers tubular, regular to strongly irregular, often verticillate. Sepals forming a tube. Leaves opposite, often toothed, stems square. Plants often aromatic, fruit 4 nutlets.Liliaceae (lily) Herbaceous perennials with parallel to arcuate venation. Flowers showy with 3, or apparently 6, petals. Ovary superior, stamens 6. Roots commonly bulbs or corms, occasionally rhizomes.Lythraceae (loosestrife) Flowers regular, petals 4-7, from a long hypanthium which is free from the ovary. Leaves mostly opposite. Plants of wet sites. Style 1, fruit a 2-6 celled capsule.Malvaceae (mallow) Leaves palmately veined, simple to palmately lobed, alternate and stipulate. Petals 5, stamens many, forming a column (monodelphous). Carpels 2 to many. Pubescence often stellate.Onagraceae (evening primrose) Annual to perennial herbaceous plants. Petals white, yellow, or pinkish purple. Ovary inferior, fruit a 2-5 celled capsule. Flower parts often in fours.Oxalidaceae (wood sorrel) Annual or perennial herbs with stolons, rhizomes, or scaly bulbs. Leaves ternate (trifoliolate) with obcordate leaflets. Fruit an elongate 5-celled capsule. Leaves with a distinct sweet-sour taste.Papaveraceae (poppy) Annual to perennial herbs with milky or watery juice. Sepals 2-3, petals commonly 4 but sometimes 6, 8, or 12. Stamens numerous, ovary superior. Fruit 1-celled capsule opening by valves or pores.Plantaginaceae (plantain) Herbaceous plants mostly with basal leaves. Small flowers in spikes terminating the naked stems. Leaves with parallel veins. Fruit a 2-celled capsule, seeds mucilaginous when wet.Polygonaceae (dock, knotweed) Annual to perennial herbs or vines. The weedy genera with sheathing membranous stipules (ocreae). Both the flowers and fruit appearing triangular in cross section.Polypodiaceae (fern) Non-flowering plants with all basal leaves. Spores produced from structures on the backs of the leaves. Most species non-weedy. Red (or pink) )Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxred.png; Red-orange /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxredorange.png;Orange ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxorange.png; Yellow-orange 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxyelloworange.png;Yellow ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxyellow.PNG; Yellow-green 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxyellowgreen.png;Portulacaceae (purslane) vFleshy plants with simple, entire leaves. Flowers with 4 or 5 petals but only 2 sepals. Styles 2-7, fruit a capsule.Ranunculaceae (buttercup) Herbaceous annuals to perennials usually with 0, 5 or many petals and numerous stamens. The carpels separate, forming achenes or follicles. Stipules lacking.Rosaceae (rose) A large and very diverse family, including annual and perennial herbs, trees and shrubs. Some common characters include: numerous stamens, 5 petals, stipulate alternate leaves, hypanthium present.Rubiaceae (bedstraw, madder) Herbs or shrubs, with opposite to whorled leaves. Flowers small with 4 white petals and 4 stamens. Ovary inferior of two, united, 1-seeded carpels.Scrophulariaceae (snapdragon) A large and extremely diverse family. Some common characteristics include: petals united, stamens attached to the petals, flowers often irregular and showy. Ovary superior, fruit 2-celled capsule.Solanaceae (nightshade) The 5 petals united, stamens attached to the petals. Style 1, ovary superior, forming a 2-celled capsule or berry. Plants often unpleasantly aromatic. Many species containing toxic alkaloids.Tamaricaceae (tamarix) Delicately branched shrubs or small trees with tiny, juniper-like leaves. Flowers pink, very small, but showy in mass. Usally found in wet areas, particularly in alkaline soils.Typhaceae (cattail) Aquatic to semi-aquatic plants with erect stems and leaves. The leaves very long, flattened, and linear, with parallel veins. Flowers tiny, in terminal spikes. Seeds tiny, fluffy and windblown.Urticaceae (stinging nettle) Annual to perennial herbs, sometimes with stinging hairs. Flowers tiny, greenish, with no petals, in axillary clusters, male and female flowers separate. Leaves often serrate or dentate margined.Verbenaceae (verbena) Herbaceous plants with opposite, entire leaves, and square stems. Petals 5, united into a tube. Flowers regular or irregular. Fruit of 4 nutlets. Similar to Lamiaceae.Violaceae (violet) Annual or perennial herbs with simple, alternate, prominently stipulate leaves. Flowers strongly irregular with 5 separate petals. Fruit a superior 3-celled capsule.Zygophyllaceae (puncture-vine) Herbs or shrubs with opposite, compound or dissected leaves. Flowers with 5 petals and 10-15 stamens. Fruit a 4-5 celled capsule, berry, or schizocarp.Green +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxgreen.png;Blue *Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxblue.png; Blue-purple 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxbluepurple.png;Purple ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpurple.png; Red-purple /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxredpurple.png;White +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxwhite.png; Brown/Black 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxbrownblack.PNG; Multi-colored 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxmulticolored.PNG;Axillary cluster  A tight group of flowers in the inner angle between the leaf base and the stem. If the leaves are paired (opposite), the flowers may appear to go all the way around the stem..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxAXCLUSTR.png;Axillary racemes Flowers arranged similar to: PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) Fig.1529 (Pg. 160) and arising from the inner angle of the leaf and stem. Note that each flower is on a short stalk. If no stalk is present, see "spike.".Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxAXRACEME.png;Axillary spikes A spike is a long, narrow stem with the flowers attached directly to it along its length. An axillary spike arises from the inner angle of the leaf and the stem. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig.1007, Pg. 95 -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxAXSPIKE.png;Axillary umbel An umbel is a group of flowers whose stems arise from a common point (like an umbrella). An axillary umbel arises from the inner angle of the leaf and the stem. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figs. 1202-1203 Pg. 113 -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxAXUMBEL.png;,Two-rayed (dolabriform) Under magnification these hairs look like small mining picks with their handles stuck in the ground. The two rays run parallel to the main vein. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 306, Page 31. /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxtwo rayed.png;Compound umbel A large, umbrella-like cluster of flowers made up of small, umbrella-like clusters of flowers. The typical arrangement in the family Umbelliferae. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig. 1528d, Page 159. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCOMPUMBL.png;Corymb A corymb is a flat-topped cluster of flowers where (unlike an umbel) the rays originate from different levels on the stem. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig.232, Pg.25. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCORYMB.png;Cyme (simple or branched) Highly variable in shape, size, and the amount of branching. The critical feature is that the oldest (most mature) flower is at the end of the stem. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig. 1528, Page 159 *Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCYME.png;Head A group of flowers tightly clustered together and often resembling a single, larger flower (sunflower is a good example). Typical of the family Compositae. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Figs. 426-427, Pg. 43 *Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHEAD.png;Internodal cluster A cluster of flowers arising from the stem between the places where the leaves arise. This is very unusual and is not illustrated in PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X); however, Fig. 486, Pg. 49 shows an internode..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxINTNOCLU.png;Internodal raceme EAn elongate stem of flowers which arises from the stem between where the leaves arise (the internode). See PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X: Fig. 842). PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig. 486, Pg. 49 shows an internode. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxINTNORAC.png;Panicle A highly branched group of flowers arising at the top of the plant. A common and variable inflorescence. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig. 1528e, Pg. 160 -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPANICLE.png;Panicle(s) arising opp. leaves tA highly branched group of flowers arising on the other side of the stem from where a leaf arises. Very uncommon. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPANOPPLF.png; Scorpioid  /Literally "scorpion-like" referring to a group of flowers which coil at the tip of the inflorescence like a scorpion's tail. Typical of the Boraginaceae but also occurring in a few other families. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig.941, Page 89 .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSCORPOID.png; Simple umbel A cluster of flowers whose stems all arise from a single point forming an umbrella shape. See also "compound umbel." PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) Figs. 1202-1203, Page 112. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSIMPUMBL.png;Solitary, axillary A single flower arising from the base of the leaf. Can be confusing as flowers can be subtended by small, leaf-like structures called "bracts." If you are unsure of the inflorescence type, be sure to use the "OR" mark in the menus. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSOLAXIL.png;Solitary, terminal A single flower terminating the main stem. This is the simplest of all of the inflorescence types. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Figure 1528e, Page 160. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSOLTERM.png;Terminal raceme An elongate group of flowers terminating the main stem of the plant. Each flower on a small, unbranched stem. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Figure 842, Page 81. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxRACEME.png;Terminal spike An elongate group of flowers terminating the main stem of the plant. Each flower attached directly to the main stem. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Figure 1007, Page 95. +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSPIKE.png; 0 (no petals) The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber0.png;1 petal The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber1.png;2 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber2.png;3 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber3.png;4 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber4.png;5 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber5.png;6 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber6.png;7 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber7.png;8 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber8.png;9 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber9.png; 10 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber10.png;more than 10 petals The petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162.3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetalnumber11.png;Completely free to base Petals not connected to each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1553, Page 163. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETSEPNO.png;!United at base only (<25% length) fPetals grown together for less than 25% of their length, thus forming a very short tube at the base. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETSEPSH.png;United from 25% - 75% length HPetals joined together to form a tube approximately half their length. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETSEPME.png;United > 75% of length Petals joined together to form a tubular flower. The number of petals can be determined by counting the lobes at the end of the tube. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1552, Page 163. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETSEPLO.png;Bilobed wEach petal with a shallow to deep notch at the center of the tip. Bilobed petals are common in the chickweed family. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETTIPBI.png;Erose YThe petal tips irregularly jagged with short teeth. This is an unusual characteristic. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETTIPER.png; Laciniate _Petal tips irregularly jagged, similar to "erose" but with much longer and narrower segments. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETTIPLA.png;Pointed 5.0 cm (> 2.0 inches) -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFLWI50+.png; sepals lacking 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER0.png; 1 sepal 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER1.png; 2 sepals 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER2.png; 3 sepals 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER3.png; 4 sepals 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER4.png; 5 sepals 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER5.png; 6 sepals 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER6.png; 7 sepals 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER7.png; 8 sepals 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER8.png; 9 sepals 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER9.png; 10 sepals 3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER10.png; more than 10 sepals 4Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALNUMBER10+.png; Completely free to base @Sepals not joined to each other and attached only at the base. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPSEPNO.png; United at base < 25% length RSepals joined only at the base, forming a small cup at the bottom of the flower. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPSEPSH.png; United from 25% - 75% length tSepals joined for approximately half their length, forming a short tube around the petals (if petals are present). .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPSEPME.png; United > 75% of length xSepals joined for most of their length forming a tube. To count the sepals look for the lobes at the end of the tube. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPSEPLO.png; Laciniate 2Sepal tips with long, jagged, irregular margins. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPTIPLA.png; Pointed eSepals coming to an abrupt, short point. If the point is spiny, use spine-like instead of pointed. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPTIPPO.png; Rounded (Sepal tips blunt with rounded outline. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPTIPRO.png; Spine-like tSepal tips forming spines or thorns. These can be used as a bur to disseminate the fruit or to protect the seeds. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPTIPSP.png; Square #Sepal tips blunt but not rounded. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPTIPSQ.png; Toothed 'Sepal tips with small, regular teeth. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPTIPTO.png;#Unisexual (monoecious or dioecious) <Female flowers separate from the male flowers either on the same or different plants. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 756 Page 73 (female). PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1030 Page 97 (male). .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFLSEXUNI.png;Bisexual (perfect) =Individual flowers that contain both male and female parts. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFLSEXBI.png;"Styles lacking (male flowers only) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTYLENUM0.png;1 style /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTYLENUM1.png;2 styles /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTYLENUM2.png;3 styles /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTYLENUM3.png;4 styles /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTYLENUM4.png;5 styles /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTYLENUM5.png; 6 - 9 styles 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTYLENUM6-9.png; 10 styles 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTYLENUM10.png;More than 10 styles 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTYLENUM10+.png;%stamens lacking (female flowers only) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB0.png;1 stamen /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB1.png; 2 stamens /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB2.png; 3 stamens /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB3.png; 4 stamens /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB4.png; 5 stamens /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB5.png; 6 stamens /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB6.png; 7 stamens /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB7.png; 8 stamens /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB8.png; 9 stamens /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB9.png; 10 stamens 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB10.png;more than 10 stamens 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB10+.png;#Stamens NOT attached to the petals  Stamens free from the petals. Attached only to the receptacle at the base of the flower. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1644, Page 176. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTATTNO.png;Stamens attached to the petals Stamens attached to the petals. This is most common in tubular flowers. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1643, Page 176. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTATTYES.png;Filaments or anthers NOT united Stamens free from each other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1644, Page 176. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMFREE.png;Filaments united, monodelphous The filaments stuck to each other, forming a tube. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1650, Page 176. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMMONO.png;Filaments united, diadelphous The filaments stuck together forming two groups; commonly one group containing only one stamen. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1647, Page 176. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMDIAD.png;Anthers united, syngynoecious The anthers united in a ring, surrounding the ovary. Typical of the Compositae family but otherwise rare. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1645, Page 176. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMSYNG.png;Carpels united (or one) Also called syncarpous. The ovary appearing as a single unit. It can have one to several stigmas and styles. A cross-section may reveal one or more sections. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1093, Page 103. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxUNITCARP.png;Carpels separated #The ovary divided into numerous separate sections, each with its own style (apocarpous). This appears only in a small number of plants but is common in the buttercup and rose families. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig. 58, Page 8. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPCARP.png;00 (male flowers only or plants producing spores) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxcarpnumb0.png;1 carpel /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPNUMB1.png; 2 carpels /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPNUMB2.png; 3 carpels /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPNUMB3.png; 4 carpels /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPNUMB4.png; 5 carpels /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPNUMB5.png; 6 - 9 carpels 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPNUMB6-9.png; 10 carpels 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPNUMB10.png; >10 carpels 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPNUMB10+.png;Superior (hypogynous) The petals and sepals attached at the base of the ovary or fruit. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 458, Page 46. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOVARYSUP.png;Halfway (perigynous) The petals and sepals forming a tube (called a hypanthium) and arising separately approximately halfway up the length of the ovary or fruit. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 716, Page 69. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOVARYHLF.png;Inferior (epigynous) Petals and sepals attached at the upper tip of the ovary or fruit. In other words, the ovary or fruit below the attachment of the petals and sepals. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 337, Page 34. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOVARYINF.png;Achene The typical fruit of the Compositae family. Therefore, a sunflower seed is a good example of an achene. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1733a, Page 187. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxACHENE.png; Berry, black A black fleshy fruit. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1733, Page 187. 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxberryblack.png; Berry, blue A blue fleshy fruit. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1733a, Page 187. /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxberryblue.png; Berry, green A green fleshy fruit. Many berries are green when immature but change to some other color when they ripen. Try to use a ripe fruit when possible. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1733a, Page 187. 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxberrygreen.png; Berry, red A red fleshy fruit. Some fruits are red only at maturity while others are red when immature and change to another color as they ripen. Try to use a mature fruit. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig. 1733a, Page 187. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxberryred.png; Berry, white A white fleshy fruit. Many white berries are known or suspected to be toxic. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1733a, Page 187. 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBERRYwhite.png;Berry, yellow\orange\brown A fleshy fruit in any of the various shades of yellow, orange, tan, brown, etc. Be sure that this color has not been caused by decay. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1733a, Page 187. bBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxberryyellow.JPG;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxberryyellow.png;Capsule, 1-celled A dry, hollow container (fruit) of seeds which, upon cross-section, shows no partitions. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 149, Page 17. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxcapsule1.png;Capsule, 2-celled A dry, hollow container (fruit) of seeds which, upon cross-section, shows one partition and two chambers. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 149, Page 17. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxcapsule2.png;Capsule, 3-celled HA dry, hollow container (fruit) of seeds which, upon cross-section, shows three partitions and three chambers. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 149, Page 17. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 201, Page 22. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxcapsule3.png;Capsule, > 3-celled A dry, hollow container (fruit) of seeds which, upon cross-section, shows more than three partitions forming more than three chambers. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 149, Page 17. 6Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxcapsulemorethan3.png;Follicle A dry, hollow fruit much like a capsule but splitting down the side rather than at the tip. Common in the milkweed and buttercup families. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 388, Page 39. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFOLLICLE.png;Legume Literally the fruit from the family Leguminosae. Often (but not always) similar to peas or beans in appearance. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 522, Page 51. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEGUME.png; Nutlets, 4 The fruit consisting of 4, hard, one-seeded segments. Typical of only a small number of families including borages, mints, and verbenas. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 620, Page 61. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxNUTLETS.png; Schizocarp A fruit which splits apart into sections at maturity. In the Umbelliferae family the fruits split into two parts. In some other families they split into many parts. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 935, Page 89. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSCHIZO.png;Utricle A small, dry fruit with 1 seed, similar to an achene, but generally with a thinner outer shell. Typical of the pigweed, lambsquarters, and some other families. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1228, Page 114. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxUTRICLE.png;1 mm (.04 inch) or less [Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl3mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength1.png;2 mm (.08 inch) [Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl2mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength2.png;3 mm (.12 inch) [Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl3mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength3.png;4 mm (.16 inch) [Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl4mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength4.png;5 mm (.20 inch) [Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl5mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength5.png;6 mm (.24 inch) [Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl6mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength6.png;7 mm (.28 inch) [Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl7mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength7.png;8 mm (.32 inch) [Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl8mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength8.png;9 mm (.36 inch) [Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl9mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength9.png;1.0 cm (.40 inch) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl10mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength10.png;1.5 cm (.60 inch) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl15mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength15.png;2.0 cm (.80 inch) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl20mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength20.png;2.5 cm (1.0 inch) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl25mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength25.png;3.0 cm (1.2 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl30mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength30.png;3.5 cm (1.4 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl35mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength35.png;4.0 cm (1.6 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl40mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength40.png;4.5 cm (1.8 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl45mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength45.png;5.0 cm (2.0 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl50mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength50.png;6.0 cm (2.4 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl60mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength60.png;7.0 cm (2.8 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl70mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength70.png;8.0 cm (3.2 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl80mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength80.png;9.0 cm (3.6 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl90mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength90.png;1.0 dm (4.0 inches) _Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl100mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength100.png;> 1.5 dm (> 6.0 inches) aBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl150+mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength150+.png;1 mm (.04 inch) or less ZBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw1mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth1.png;2 mm (.08 inch) ZBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw2mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth2.png;3 mm (.12 inch) ZBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw3mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth3.png;4 mm (.16 inch) ZBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw4mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth4.png;5 mm (.20 inch) ZBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw5mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth5.png;6 mm (.24 inch) ZBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw6mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth6.png;7 mm (.28 inch) ZBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw7mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth7.png;8 mm (.32 inch) ZBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw8mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth8.png;9 mm (.36 inch) ZBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw9mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth9.png;1.0 cm (.40 inch) \Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw10mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth10.png;1.5 cm (.60 inch) \Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw15mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth15.png;2.0 cm (.80 inch) \Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw20mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth20.png;2.5 cm (1.0 inch) \Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw25mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth25.png;3.0 cm (1.2 inches) \Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw30mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth30.png;3.5 cm (1.4 inches) \Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw35mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth35.png;4.0 cm (1.8 inches) \Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw40mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth40.png;Fruit or seed NOT bur-like XFruit or seed without the appendages that would cause it to attach to passing animals. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBURSNOT.png;Fruit or seed bur-like PFruit or seed with appendages that would cause it to stick to passing animals. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBURSyes.png; All basal As in a dandelion where the leaves are all at the base of the flowering stem. A plant must have "bolted" before this arrangement can be determined. See "scapose" PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 928, Page 88. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxALLBASAL.png; Alternate Only 1 leaf per node. These usually alternating from one side of the stem to the other. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1410a, Page 144. /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxALTERNATE.png;Alternate below, opposite above Leaves at the base of the plant are alternate in arrangement. Those near the top, are opposite in arrangement. A very rare characteristic. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figures 1410a-1410b, Pages 145-146. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxALTOPP.png;Opposite Two leaves originating from the same node on opposite sides of the stem. Plants with this arrangement sometimes have square stems. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 652, Page 64. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOPPOSITE.png;Opposite below, alternate above The leaves on the lower part of the plant are opposite in arrangement, and the leaves on the upper part of the plant are alternate in arrangement. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figures 1410a-1410b, Pages 144-145. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOPPALT.png;Whorled 3 per node Three leaves emerging from around the stem at the same node. Whorled is one of the most unusual leaf arrangements and, therefore, very significant. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1410b, Page 145. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxWHRLTHR.png;Whorled 4 per node Four leaves emerging from around the stem at the same node. Whorled is one of the most unusual leaf arrangements and, therefore, very significant. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1410b, Page 145. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxWHRLFOUR.png;Whorled 5 - 8 per node Five to eight leaves emerging from around the stem at the same node. Whorled is one of the most unusual leaf arrangements and, therefore, very significant in identification. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1410b, Page 145. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxWHRLFIVE.png;Whorled > 8 per node More than 8 leaves emerging from around the stem at the same node. Whorled is one of the most unusual leaf arrangements and, therefore, very significant in identification. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1410b, Page 145. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxMANYWHRL.png;Bifoliolate (2 leaflets) bA leaf with only 2 leaflets; these paired at the end of the leaf stem. A very rare leaf type. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBIFOLIAT.png;"Compound even pinnate < 9 leaflets A pinnately compound leaf with no leaflet at the end and four or less pairs of leaflets. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1392a, Page 138. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxEVPINNA.png;"Compound even pinnate > 9 leaflets A pinnately compound leaf with no leaflet at the end and five or more pairs of leaflets. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1392a, Page 138. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxEVPINNB.png;!Compound odd pinnate < 8 leaflets A pinnately compound leaf with a leaflet at the end and three or less pairs of leaflets. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1392a, Page 138. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxODDPINNA.png;!Compound odd pinnate > 8 leaflets A pinnately compound leaf with a leaflet at the end and four or more pairs of leaflets. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1392a, Page 138. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxODDPINNB.png; Compound palmate 4 or 5 leaflets A compound leaf with 4 or 5 sections originating from a single point -- like the fingers from the palm of your hand. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 675, Page 66. +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPALMA.png;Compound palmate > 5 leaflets A compound leaf with 5 or more segments originating from a single point -- like the fingers from the palm of your hand. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 675, Page 66. +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPALMB.png;Palmately dissected Leaf divided into many irregularly shaped, small segments. The primary segments radiating from a single point. Similar to PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 691, Page 67 (though referring to another term). .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPALMDISS.png;Pinnately dissected Leaf divided into many irregularly shaped segments. The primary segments radiating outward along a central axis like the pieces of a feather (pinnate means feather-like). PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1399b, Pg 141. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPINNDISS.png;Simple (including lobed leaves) A leaf which is neither compound nor dissected into small segments. This is the most common leaf type. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X):Note that both figures 985 and 986, Page 93, are simple leaves. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSIMPLE.png;Trifoliolate (3 leaflets) A leaf with 3 similar leaf-like segments. This is the classic clover leaf. This type of leaf is sometimes referred to as "ternate." PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figures 1160 and 1163, Page 108. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxTRIFOL.png;#Foliaceous < 2 mm (< .08 inch) long DStipules green and leaf-like, but very small; less than 2 mm long. 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPULES2-.png;%Foliaceous 2-4 mm (.08 - .16 in) long 2Stipules green and leaf-like; 2 mm to 4 mm long. 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPULES2-4.png;&Foliaceous 4-10 mm (.16 - .40 in) long 3Stipules green and leaf-like, 4 mm to 10 mm long. 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPULES4-10.png;#Foliaceous > 1 cm (> .40 inch) long 3Stipules green and leaf-like; at least 1 cm long. 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPULES10+.png;Glands jGlands are small, rounded structures which, in this case, appear at the base of the leaf stem (petiole). .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPGLND.png;Lacking 1No stipules found at the base of the leaf stem. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPLACK.png;Membranous, entire Membraneous stipules wrap around the main stem of the plant above the attachment of the leaf base. This is often indicative of the rhubarb family (Polygonaceae). .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPMEMB.png;Membranous, laciniate A membraneous stipule which wraps around the main stem of the plant above the attachment of the leaf base. This stipule has a loose, irregularly "torn" appearance at the tip. Often indicative of the rhubarb family (Polygonaeae). .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPLACI.png;Scarious A stipule which is dry and papery in texture. Caution: some membraneous stipules become dry and papery with age but were moist and pliable when young. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPSCAR.png;Tendrils absent 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxTENDRILSNO.png;Tendrils present 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxTENDRILSyes.png; Arcuate aThe veins originating from the mid-vein, like pinnate veins, but then turning and running parallel to the leaf margin forming an arc. Therefore, these can be confused with both pinnate and parallel veins. Similar to the lower veins shown in: PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1396, Page 139. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxVENARCU.png; Palmate The main veins originating from a central point at the base of the leaf and radiating like the fingers of your hand (i.e., like a maple leaf). PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 674, Page 66. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxVENPALM.png; Parallel All of the veins running parallel to each other and the leaf margin. As in a grass leaf. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 685, Page 67. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxVENPARAL.png; Pinnate The veins radiating to the sides of the main vein like the pieces of a feather (pinnate means feather-like). PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 701, Page 68. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxVENPINN.png;!Petiole absent (leaf sessile) No leaf stem present. The leaf blade appearing to attach directly to the branch or main stem. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 972, Page 92. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETRATNO.png;!Petiole < 25% total length gPetiole short, less than 25% of the total length of the leaf (less than 1/3 the length of the blade). .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETRATSH.png;!Petiole 25% - 75% total length GPetiole from somewhat shorter to somewhat longer than the leaf blade. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETRATME.png;!Petiole > 75% total length 5Petiole at least 3 times as long as the leaf blade. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETRATLO.png;"< 5 mm (< .20 inch) \Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxll5-.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLENGTH-5.png;"5 - 10 mm (.20 - .40 inch) `Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxll5-10.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLENGTH5-10.png;"1 - 2 cm (.40 - .80 inch) `Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxll1-2cm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLENGTH1-2.png;"2 - 4 cm (.80 - 1.60 inches) `Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxll2-4cm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLENGTH2-4.png;"4 - 10 cm (1.60 - 4.0 inches) bBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxll4-10cm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLENGTH4-10.png;"1 - 2 dm (4.0 - 8.0 inches) bBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxll1-2dm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLENGTH1-2dm.png;"2 - 4 dm (8.0 - 16.0 inches) bBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxll2-4dm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLENGTH2-4dm.png;"4 - 6 dm (1.3 - 2.0 feet) bBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxll4-6dm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLENGTH4-6dm.png;"> 6 dm (> 2.0 feet) `Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxll6dm+.PNG;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLENGTH6+dm.png;#< 1 mm (< .04 inch) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlw1-mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFWIDTH-1.png;#1 - 5 mm (.04 - .20 inch) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlw1-5mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFWIDTH1.png;#5 - 10 mm (.20 - .40 inch) aBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlw5-10mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFWIDTH5-10.png;#1 - 2 cm (.40 - .80 inch) _Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlw1-2cm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFWIDTH1-2.png;#2 - 4 cm (.80 - 1.6 inches) _Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlw2-4cm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFWIDTH2-4.png;#4 - 10 cm (1.6 - 4.0 inches) aBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlw4-10cm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFWIDTH4-10.png;#1 - 2 dm (4.0 - 8.0 inches) aBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlw1-2dm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFWIDTH1-2dm.png;#2 - 4 dm (8.0 - 16.0 inches) aBroadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlw2-4dm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFWIDTH2-4dm.png;#> 4 dm (>1.3 - 2.0 feet) `Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlw4+dm.PNG;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFWIDTH4-6dm.png;$Cordate (heart) Heart-shaped with rounded basal lobes. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389a, Page 133. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCORDATE.png;$Deltoid (triangular) Triangular, like the Greek symbol Delta. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389a, Page 133. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxDELTOID.png;$Elliptic |A long oval. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389a, Page 133. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxELLIPTIC.png;$Hastate (spear-head) With the lobes at the base flared outward like a spearhead. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389b, Page 133. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHASTATE.png;$ Lanceolate Narrow with the sides converging to a pointed tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389b, Page 133. Many lanceolate leaves are narrower than shown there. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLANCEOL.png;$Linear or filiform Linear means "like a line": Long and narrow with parallel sides. Filiform means "thread-like" and is even more narrow than linear. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389b, Page 133. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLINEAR.png;$Lyrate Literally, shaped like a fiddle held by its neck with the base upwards. The terminal lobe is much the largest. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389b, Page 133. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLYRATE.png;$ Oblanceolate The prefix "ob" means backwards. Therefore, this looks like a lanceolate leaf attached by its tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOBLANCE.png;$Oblong The sides nearly parallel and the body of the blade 2-4 times as long as wide. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOBLONG.png;$Obovate The opposite of ovate, like an oval but largest near the tip and narrowed to a pointed base. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOBOVATE.png;$Orbicular (round) Literally round, shaped like a dinner plate. Maybe somewhat indented at the attachment of the leaf stem. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxORBICUL.png;$Oval A compressed circle. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. *Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOVAL.png;$Ovate The opposite of obovate. Like an oval but largest near the base and narrowed to a pointed tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOVATE.png;$Palmately 3 lobed Three lobes spreading like fingers of your hand. Remember, lobes can be rounded, pointed, irregular, etc. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1162, Page 108. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPLMTHREE.png;$Palmately 4 - 5 lobed Four or five lobes, spreading like the fingers of your hand. Lobes can be pointed, rounded, irregular, etc. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1399c, Page 142 (palmatifid). -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPLMFOUR.png;$Palmately > 5 lobed _A lobed leaf with more than 5 lobes originating from a central point at the base of the leaf. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxMANYPALM.png;$Pinnately lobed A lobed leaf with the lobes radiating to the sides of the main vein like the sections of a feather (pinnate means feather-like). Think of the classic oak leaf or dandelion leaf. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPINNLOBE.png;$Reniform (kidney) Broadly rounded at the tip and broadly heart-shaped at the base, giving the general appearance of a kidney bean. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 869, Page 83. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxRENIFORM.png;$ Runcinate Like a dandelion leaf, with the lobes pointed backwards towards the base of the leaf. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 906, Page 86. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxRUNCINAT.png;$Sagittate (arrowhead) With the lobes at the base pointed backwards, like an arrowhead. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 913, Page 87. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSAGGITT.png;%"Petiolule absent (leaflet sessile) 6Leaflet attached directly to the leaf stem (rachis). .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETULEAB.png;%Petiolule < 25% total length LLeaflet stem (petiolule) is less than 1/3 the length of the leaflet blade. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETULESH.png;% Petiolule 25% - 75% total length [Leaflet stem (petiolule) from somewhat longer to somewhat shorter than the leaflet blade. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETULELO.png;&< 5 mm (< .20 inch) 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftlength-5.PNG;&5 - 10 mm (.20 - .40 inch) 3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftlength5-10.PNG;&1 - 2 cm (.40 - .80 inch) 4Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftlength1-2cm.PNG;&2 - 4 cm (.80 - 1.6 inches) 4Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftlength2-4cm.PNG;&4 - 10 cm (1.6 - 4.0 inches) 5Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftlength4-10cm.PNG;&1 -2 dm (4.0 - 8.0 inches) 4Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftlength1-2dm.PNG;&> 2 dm (> 8.0 inches) 3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftlength2+dm.PNG;'< 5 mm (< .20 inch) 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftwidth-5.PNG;'5 - 10 mm (.20 - .40 inch) 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftwidth5-10.PNG;'1 - 2 cm (.40 - .80 inch 3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftwidth1-2cm.PNG;'2 - 4 cm (.80 - 1.6 inches) 3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftwidth2-4cm.PNG;'4 - 10 cm (1.6 - 4.0 inches) 4Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftwidth4-10cm.PNG;'1 - 2 dm (4.0 - 8.0 inches) 3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftwidth1-2dm.PNG;'> 2 dm (> 8.0 inches) 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlftwidth2+dm.PNG;(Elliptic An elongate oval. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389, Page 133. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHEL.png;( Lanceolate Long and narrow, the sides converging to a pointed tip. Often narrower than ilustrated in PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389b, Page 133. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHLA.png;(Linear or filiform Linear means "like a line": Long and narrow with parallel sides. Filiform means "thread-like" and is even more narrow than linear. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389b, Page 133. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHLI.png;( Obcordate Typical of an Oxalis leaflet. Literally heart-shaped and attached at the narrow end. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389b, Page 133. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHOC.png;( Oblanceolate Like a lanceolate leaf, but attached at the narrow end. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHOL.png;(Oblong The sides nearly parallel and the blade 2-4 times as long as broad. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHOG.png;(Obovate The opposite of ovate; broadest near the tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHOO.png;(Orbicular (round) Round, shaped like a dinner plate. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHOR.png;(Oval A compressed circle. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHVL.png;(Ovate A compressed circle, largest near the base. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389c, Page 134. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHVT.png;(Palmately 3 lobed With 3 lobes, radiating like the fingers of your hand. Remember, lobes can be pointed, rounded, irregular, etc. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1162, Page 108. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHTH.png;(Palmately 4 - 5 lobed With 4 or 5 lobes radiating like the fingers of your hand. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 674, Page 66. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHFO.png;(Palmately > 5 lobed HA lobed leaflet with more than 5 lobes radiating from a central point. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHPA.png;(Pinnately lobed A lobed leaflet with the lobes radiating to the sides of the main vein like the pieces of a feather (pinnate means feather-like). PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figures 746-747, Page 73. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHPI.png;)Crenate Leaf margin with small, uniform, rounded teeth. Often somewhat wavy as well. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 239, Page 25. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFMRGCRE.png;)Dentate Literally "toothed" as in the word "dentist." In this program, all large teeth are referred to as "dentate" regardless of orientation. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 275, Page 29. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFMRGDEN.png;- Succulent 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsucculentyes.png;)Entire "Entire" means smooth, without lobes, teeth, etc. This is a very common type of leaf margin. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 329, Page 33. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFMRGENT.png;)Lobed With the margin divided into obvious, large divisions. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 746, Page 72. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFMRGLOB.png;)Parted With the lobes extending inward greater than half way to the midrib. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 747, Page 72. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFMARPTD.png;)Serrate "Serrate" is the same root word as "serrated" and "serrations," all of which mean "like the teeth of a saw." Very similar to "dentate" but with the teeth pointed forward. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 970, Pg 91. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFMRGSER.png;)Serrate, doubly "Serrate" means "like the teeth of a saw." "Doubly serrate" or "biserrate" means with each of the larger teeth having smaller teeth along its margin. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1399a, Page 141. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFMRGSDB.png;)Undulate (sinuate, repand) "Undulate" and "sinuate" refer to a wavy leaf margin. These "waves" can be in 1 or 2 planes, i.e, the same plane as the leaf surface or at right angles to it. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1210, Page. 112. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFMRGUND.png;*Acute (cuneate) The sides abruptly converging to a triangular base. Often referred to as "cuneate." PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390a, Page 135. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASEACUT.png;*Acuminate (attenuate) Tapering and becoming very long and narrow. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390a, Page 135. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASEACUM.png;* Auriculate Auricles are literally "ears" formed at the base of the leaf. "Auriculate" leaf bases are often very similar to hastate, saggitate, or cordate bases. Use the "or" command. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390a, Pg. 135. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASEAUR.png;*Clasping "A "clasping" leaf is one without a leaf stem (petiole) which wraps around the branch at the point of attachment. Clasping the branch in this manner often forms auricles at the base. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 178, Page 20. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASECLSP.png;*Cordate Literally "heart-shaped." With two, large, rounded lobes at the base. Leaves with cordate bases may or may not be cordate in overall shape. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390a, Page 135. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASECORD.png;+Notched (emarginate, retuse) The leaf tip with a deep or shallow indentation at the center of the tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figures 1391b-1391c, Pages 136-137. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFTIPNOT.png;*Hastate With the basal lobes pointed out to the sides like an "arrowhead." PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390a, Page 135. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASEHAST.png;*Oblique The 2 sides of the leaf base very uneven. The leaf, therefore, appearing skewed or lopsided. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390b, Page 135. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASEOBLQ.png;* Perfoliate "Perfoliate" literally means "through the leaf." These blade bases wrap all the way around the stem causing this appearance. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389d, Page 134. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASEPERF.png;*Rounded The 2 sides of the base coming together to form a curve. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390b, Page 135. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASEROND.png;* Sagittate "Saggitate" literally means shaped like a "spearhead." The two basal lobes pointing backwards. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390b, Page 135. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASESAGG.png;*Truncate "Truncate" means "square." Therefore, a "truncate" blade base is one where the sides form a right angle from the base. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390b, Page 135. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBASETRUN.png;+Acuminate (attenuate) Gradually narrowed to a long point. "Attenuate" is more gradually tapered than "acuminate", but they are not distinguished here. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1391a, Page 136. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFTIPACU.png;+Acute Abruptly narrowed to a short point. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1391a, Page 136. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFTIPACT.png;+Aristate With a small, stiff bristle at the tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1391a, Page 136. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFTIPARI.png;)Ciliate With stiff hairs evenly spaced along the margin. These hairs sometimes occur along the whole margin but more often occur only at the base. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 168, Page 19. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFMRGCIL.png;+ Mucronate With a short, non-spiny, pointed or nipple-like appendage in the center of the leaf tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1391b, Page 136. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFTIPMUC.png;+Rounded (obtuse) "Obtuse" = rounded. One of those terms created by scientists to make themselves sound mysterious, which is somewhat "obtuse!" PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1391c, Page 137. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFTIPRND.png;5Juice NOT milky (watery) gThe sap of the plant a colorless liquid. Do not attempt to use this characteristic on dried specimens.,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxwatery.JPG;+ Tridentate With 3 teeth at the tip. Big sagebrush is named Artemisia tridentata because its leaves have this kind of tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1159, Page 108. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFTIPTRI.png;+Truncate Squared off at the tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1391c, Page 137. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFTIPTRU.png;,Antrorsely pubescent The hairs directed forward towards the tip of the leaf or leaflet. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 54, Page 8. That illustration shows this type of hair on a branch. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxANTRORS.png;, Canescent The surface covered with a dense mat of short hairs giving it a white, grayish, or silvery appearance. Similar to "tomentose". PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 144, Page 17. 5Broadleaf Menus and attributes\Populus alba help.jpg;,Floccose With tufts of loose, wooly hairs unevenly distributed over the surface. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 381, Page 38. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFLOCCOSE.png;,Glabrous (NO hairs) +With no hairs. Often smooth and shiny. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxGLABROUS.png;, Glandular Sticky, spherical structures which can tip a hair, like the head of a pin, or be attached directly to the surface. Glandular plants are often smelly. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 407, Page 41. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxGLANDUL.png;,Glaucous With a blueish-white, waxy film covering the surface. This film is easily wiped off with your finger. The fruit of many plums and the new growth of elderberry and box-elder are glaucous. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxGLAUCOUS.jpg;,Hirsute Covered with long, somewhat stiff hairs. "Hirsute" literally means hairy and is often used to refer to men with beards. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 444, Page 44. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHIRSUTE.png;,Hispid or setose Stiff, bristly or prickly, nasty hairs. This type of hairiness is typical of the borage family. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 446, Page 45. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHISPID.png;,Lower leaf surface more hairy It is rather common to have more hair on the lower leaf surface than the upper leaf surface. This condition is more pronounced in some plants. 5Broadleaf Menus and attributes\Populus alba help.jpg;, Puberulent With a covering of very tiny, short, soft hairs. The diminutive of pubescent. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 817, Page 79. 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpuberulent.png;, Pubescent Loosely used to mean any type of hairs, i.e., pubescent vs. glabrous. In the context of this program, "pubescent" means a covering of short, soft, hairs. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 818, Page 79. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPUBESC.png;,Punctate Appearing to have small holes or pits in the blade surface. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 821, Page 79. ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPUNCTATE.jpg;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPUNCTATE1.jpg;,Retrorsely pubescent With the hairs pointed downward or toward the base. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 876, Page 84. This illustration shows retrorse hairs on a branch rather than a leaf. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxRETRORS.png;,Scabrous (like sand paper) Rough and scratchy like sandpaper. Squash leaves are a good example of this type of surface. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 923, Page 88. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSCABROUS.png;,Scurfy (mealy) A loose, granular substance on the surface. As if the plant had been sprinkled with cornmeal. These granules are sometimes sparkly. Typical of the lambsquarters family. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 945, Pg 89. :Broadleaf Menus and attributes\Chenopodium album help.jpg;,Sericeous or villous (silky) With long, soft, silky hairs which are ususlly bent or appressed. Combined here with "villous" which is the same type of hair somewhat more erect. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 969, Page 91. /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsericious.JPG;,Sparsely hairy /Only a few hairs. They can be of any type. 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsparsehair.JPG;,Spiny or prickly Usually not covering the entire surface, but on the marginal lobes, tip, midvein, etc. Includes from very rigid structures to those unable to break the skin. As in thistles. +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxspiny.JPG;,Stellate (star shaped) Literally "star-shaped." These hairs can be exquisite when viewed through a hand lens or microscsope and are only found in a few plant families. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1034, Page 97. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTELLATE.png;,Stinging hairs You will recognize these when you touch them! Generally plants with this feature are referred to as "nettles," however, some plants called "nettles" merely have spines. Stinginging hairs are actually hollow tubes filled with chemicals that irritate the skin when the tubes are broken. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1226, Page 114. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxstinging.JPG;,Strigose With short, stiff, flattened hairs. Very similar in texture to "scabrous." PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1053, Page 1053. ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxstrigose.jpg;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxstrigose1.JPG;, Tomentose Densely covered with a matted tangle of soft hairs. Similar to canescent but with longer hairs. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1130, Page 106. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxTOMENTUM.png;,Uncinate (hooked) Hooked at the tip, giving the surface a velcro-like feel; hence clinging to clothing, fur, etc. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1209, Page 112. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxUNCINATE.png;,Villous or serecious (silky) With long, soft, somewhat erect, silky hairs. Combined here with "serecious," which is the same type of hairs but somewhat bent or appressed. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1252, Page 116. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxVILLOUS.png;- Not succulent 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsucculentno.png;5 Juice milky The juice of the plant a colored and often rather thick liquid. It is generally white but may also be orange and can dry a variety of colors.+Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxMilky.JPG;/ Herbaceous I"Herbaceous" stems die completely, or die back to ground level each year.0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxherbaceous.PNG;/ Semi-woody "Semi-woody" refers to perennial stems which are less rigid and thickened than normally considered "woody." Rabbitbrush (Chrysothamnus) is a good example./Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsemiwoody.PNG;/Woody A stem which persists year after year. Each year another layer of tissue is added (growth rings), and the stem becomes rigid and thickened. Trees, shrubs, and some vines (called lianas).+Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxwoody.png;0#Hollow (flowering stem at maturity) Many large, herbaceous plants have hollow flowering stems. To qualify for this character the diameter of the open space should be at least twice the thickness of the walls which surround it. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHOLLOW.png;0Oval A round stem, which has been somewhat flattened. Roll it between your fingers and this will become evident. This characteristic is uncommon in broadleaf plants, but important in grasses. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTEMOVAL.png;0Ridged Many plants display prominent longitudinal ridges on the stem. However, this information is often lacking from written descriptions. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxRIDGED.png;0Round 3This is the most common stem cross-section shape. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTMROUND.png;0Square Although many people think that a square stem infers a member of the mint family, there are actually many families with this characteristic. "Square" stems are usually accompanied by opposite leaves. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTMSQARE.png;0Winged The "wings" of a stem are broad, flattened, longitudinal ridges. These often are extensions of the leaf bases. The difference between wings and ridges is a matter of degree. Use the "or" command if unsure. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTEMWING.png;1 Stem leafless No leaves on the flowering stems; such as a dandelion. In some cases this is technically incorrect as the "stem" is actually a peduncle. Use only for stems which originate at ground level. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTMNAKED.png;1Stem leaves greatly reduced "Greatly reduced" refers to the size relationship between the basal leaves and the stem leaves, with the stem leaves being much the smaller. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTLVSRED.png;1Stem uniformly leafy Virtually all trees and shrubs have leafy "stems" although they are often thought of as branches. If the leaves near the base are the same size as those above, the stem is "uniformly leafy."-Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTMSLFY.png;2Main stem unbranched A simple stem terminating in an inflorescence; like a dandelion. Use this character only for stems which originate at ground level. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTMUNBR.png;2Main stem branched PA branched stem will have several inflorescences, at least one on each branch. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTMBRCHD.png;3 Bulb or Corm +An enlarged, spherical stem base below ground. Although bulbs and corms are technically quite different, it is not necessary to distinguish between them in this program. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 124, page 15; Figure 223, Page 24 .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBULBCORM.png;3Fibrous A cluster of narrow, string-like roots; these often much branched. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1278, Page 122. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFIBROUS.png;3 Rhizomatous Used here to denote any horizontal, underground, reproductive structures. In either woody or herbaceous species this often results in large, dense patches of plants. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 882, Page 84. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxRHIZOMES.png;3Rooting at the nodes Roots appearing from the stem at the bases of the leaves. This is relatively common in aquatic and semi-aquatic species. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1280, Page 122. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxROOTNODE.png;3 Stoloniferous A horizontal, above ground stem. As in the "runners" on a strawberry. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1045, Page 98. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTOLONS.png;3Tap Root The root an elongation of the main stem. While a taproot is often somewhat thickened it can be much narrower than illustrated in: PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1097, Page 103. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxTAPROOT.png;3Tuberous An enlarged, thickened root portion of the root system, as in a potato. These are starchy structures used for food storage and vegetative reproduction. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1184, Page 110. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxTUBEROUS.png;Melon or Gourd A thick-skinned (rind), dry to fleshy fruit with many seeds. Also called a "pepo." Typical of the family Cucurbitaceae. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 707, Page 69. +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxMELON.png;Crassulaceae (stonecrop, sedum) Succulent, glabrous herbs or shrubs with entire, simple leaves. Petal tips usually pointed. Petals, sepals, and separate carpels all 4-5. Plants of arid environments.6Spines or Thorns ABSENT A plant without spines or thorns. Keep in mind that a plant which has not yet flowered, may later have spiny flowers or fruits.-Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSPINENO.png;6 Spines on flowers or fruits only Many species use spines or thorns to protect or disseminate their fruits. The species selected here will be spineless elsewhere on the plant, i.e., puncturevine, yellow starthistle, jimsonweed, etc..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSPINEFLW.png;6Spines on leaves and\or stems One of the easiest features to recognize. Many species protect themselves with spines or thorns on the leaves and/or stems, i.e., thistles, cactus, buffalobur, pricklepoppy, etc..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSPINELVS.png;6)Spines on flowers\fruits AND leaves\stems This category is used for those species which have spines or thorns on both the sexual and vegetative structures. This can be very diagnostic, but plants must be mature before it can be determined if the flower/fruits will be armed..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSPINEALL.png;7 Not aromatic The majority of plants do not contain aromatic chemicals in their leaves. If the aroma of your specimen is slight (even grass has a minor odor), then it is not considered aromatic./Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxnotsmelly.png;7Aromatic When the leaves and/or stems of these plants are crushed, they produce strong characteristic odors. Examples include: spearmint, sagebrush, and parsley. Aromatic plants are most common in the families Asteraceae, Lamiaceae, and Apiaceae.,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsmelly.png;8Annual An "annual" grows from seed, flowers, produces seed, and dies in one year. Check the root system. Since it has been in the ground for only a short time, it will be relatively delicate and light colored.,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxannual.png;8Biennial A "biennial" produces a rosette (PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig. 894, Pg. 85) during its first year. The second year it "bolts," flowers, produces seed, and dies. Look for rosettes and bolts in the field..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxbiennial.png;8 Perennial A "perennial" lives for more than two years and most do not flower their first year. Many perennials die back to the ground each year. Since the roots are several years old, they will be dark colored and more or less woody./Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxperennial.png;9 Prostrate Plants whose stems lie flat upon the ground. This is very distinctive and important in identification. Note: some vines may be prostrate if they have nothing to climb upon..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHABITPRO.png;9Spreading ascending These plants creep along the ground at the base and often for much of the length of the stem, but the tips of the stems eventually become erect..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHABITSPR.png;9Erect, columnar (narrow) +An erect, narrow plant forming a "column" in general outline. The classic example is Lombardy poplar. Most coniferous trees, firs, spruces, etc. are columnar (narrowly pyramidal) in shape, while most broadleaved trees (ie. oaks, maples, etc.) are not. These same shapes apply to herbaceous plants..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHABITCOL.png;9Erect, spherical (bushy) `A much branched, bushy plant which is round in outline. Woodiness is not inferred by this shape..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHABITSPH.png;9 Climbing vine One of the most unusual and easy to recognize growth forms, the term "climbing" is included to differentiate from certain prostrate plants which are referred to as vines, such as "punturevine.".Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHABITCLI.png;:< 1 cm (< .40 inch) fUsually only prostrate plants will be short enough to fall into this category at maturity (flowering)./Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman1.png;:1 - 5 cm (.40 - 2.0 inches) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman2.png;:5 - 10 cm (2.0 - 4.0 inches) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman3.png;:1 - 2 dm (4.0 - 8.0 inches) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman4.png;:2 - 4 dm (8.0 - 16.0 inches) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman5.png;:4 - 6 dm (1.3 - 2.0 feet) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman6.png;:6 - 8 dm (2.0 - 2.6 feet) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman7.png;:8 - 10 dm (2.6 - 3.3 feet) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman8.png;:1 - 1.5 meters (3.3 - 5.0 feet) /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman9.png;:!1.5 - 2.0 meters (5.0 - 6.6 feet) 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman10.png;:2 - 2.5 meters (6.6 - 8.3 feet) 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman11.png;: 2.5 - 5 meters (8.3 - 16.6 feet) 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman12.png;:#more than 5.0 meters (16.6 33 feet) 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxplantman13.png;;Not wind disseminated Neither the seeds nor the whole plant are disseminated by the wind. These plants may use water, gravity, animals, etc., to disperse their seeds.-Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxnotwind.png;; Fruit, seed, or spore wind borne The plant's propagules spread by the wind. These will either be extremely small or have structures attached to the seeds which catch the wind..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEEDBLOW.png;;$Entire plant mobilized (tumbleweeds) These are the tumbleweeds. At maturity the plant breaks off at ground level and "tumbles" in the wind, dispersing its seeds as it goes. These plants are always somewhat spherical in shape..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPLANTBLW.png;<Aquatic uThese plants grow in, or under, standing or running water. They may be attached to the bottom by their roots or not. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxaquatic.PNG;< Semi-aquatic These plants are found along shorelines, often within the zone of fluctuation so that they may be in the water at times and on the shore at others. Their roots can always reach the water table..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsemiaqua.PNG;<Seasonally saturated These are plants which grow in sites that are flooded during the wet season but dry out in the dry season. This can include flood plains, vernal pools, road ditches, etc.,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxseason.PNG;<Mesic The catch-all category for sites which are not particularly wet or dry; "mesic" means middle. Most farm ground, lawns, pastures, etc. fall into this category, as do the habitats of most plants.+Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxmesic.PNG;<Arid Those plants which are restricted to extremely dry sites (also referred to as "xeric" sites). Cactus is the classic example of a plant adapted to an "arid" site.*Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxarid.PNG;=Absent VERY RARE, i.e., dodder and a few other parasitic or saprophytic plants. Lack of chlorophyll is an extremely diagnostic character.3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxnochlorophyll.jpg;=Present With only a few exceptions, virtually all plants have chlorophyll. See the discussion under "Chlorophyll Absent" in this menu.1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxChlorophyll.jpg;Aceraceae (maple) Trees or shrubs with opposite leaves. The leaves usually palmately lobed and veined but pinnately compound in box elder. Fruit made up of two 1-seeded, winged fruits (called samaras).Compositae (sunflower, daisy) The flowers are arranged in heads which resemble a larger flower. There are two types of flowers (ray = ligulate and disk = tube). These can occur together or separately. The seeds often have a parachute-like group of hairs called a "pappus" attached. Same as Asteraceae.Hypericaceae (St. Johnswort) Leaves opposite, simple, usually sessile and punctate. Stamens many, styles 3. Fruit a capsule, seeds very small. Same as Clusiaceae.Leguminosae (pea, bean, legume) Fruit shaped like a pea or a bean. Leaves usually compound, tendrils sometimes present. Flowers regular or irregular. A very large and variable family. See also Mimosaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, and Papillionaceae. Same as Fabaceae.&Umbelliferae (parsley, carrot, celery) Flowers in simple to compound umbels. Herbaceous, aromatic, annuals or perennials. Stems often hollow. Leaves simple to more often compound or dissected. Ovary inferior, fruit splitting into two 1-seeded sections. Same as Apiaceae.Cruciferae (mustard) Petals usually 4, free to the base. Stamens usually 6 (4 long and 2 short). The fruit a 2-celled superior ovary, either long and narrow (silique) or short and broad (silicle). Often with a hot taste. Same as Brassicaceae.Bignoniaceae (bignonia) Trees, shrubs, or woody vines. The large, showy flowers distinctly 2-lipped. Fruits are long, narrow, and woody with a central partition and winged seeds. Leaves opposite, alternate, or whorled.Amaryllidaceae (amaryllis) Similar to Liliaceae. Perennial herbs with bulbs, corms, or rhizomes. Flowers often in a simple umbel. The 3 petals and 3 sepals usually all showy. Leaves linear and parallel veined.Molluginaceae (carpetweed) Annual herbs with narrow, simple leaves. Flowers small, arising from the leaf axils. Considered by some authors to be a subset of the Aizoaceae.Aizoaceae (horse purslane) Fleshy to succulent, often prostrate. Leaves simple, alternate, or opposite. Flowers inconspicuous in axillary clusters. Fruit a 1-5 celled capsule of many small seeds. Very similar to Molluginaceae.Phytolaccaceae (pokeweed) Only Phytolacca included here. A hairless, perennial herb to 9 feet tall with simple, alternate leaves 10-30 cm long. Flowers in racemes 4-8 inches long. Fruit a juicy, purple berry. Berry, purple A purple fleshy fruit. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1733a, Page 187. 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxberrypurple.png;GChenopodium multifidum1.5 dm (6.0 inches) _Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfl150mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtlength150.png;more than 4.0 cm (> 1.8 inches) ]Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfw45mm.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfrtwidth40+.png;Hippocastanaceae (buckeye) ?Shrubs or small trees with opposite, palmately compound leaves.Nut A hard, 1-seeded fruit which does not split open at maturity. Examples include walnuts, acorns, almonds, pecans, etc. but NOT peanuts (that's a legume). PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 619, Page 61. )Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxNUT.jpg;Haloragaceae (water milfoil) Myriophyllum. Emergent aquatic plants, the submersed leaves whorled and divided into linear pinnate segments. Flowers inconspicuous in whorls of 4-6 in the axils of the upper leaves.Simaroubaceae (quassia) Ailanthus a smooth barked tree often forming colonies. Leaves odd-pinnately compound with 11-41 leaflets. Each leaflet with a single glandular tooth at the base. Fruit winged with 2-5 seeds.Samara A winged fruit. These can vary in size and shape, but all are meant to aid in wind dissemination of the seeds. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 916, Page 87. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSAMARA.png;"Betulaceae (alder, birch, filbert) Trees or shrubs with simple, petiolate, alternate leaves with serrate margins and pinnate venation. Male and female flowers separate. The male flowers in pendulous catkins.Corylaceae (hazelnut, filbert) uSome authors separate the genus Corylus (hazelnuts, filberts) from the family Betulaceae and place it in this family.Catkin (ament, cone) A small, often pendulous, cone-like cluster of flowers. Found in woody plants only and sometimes appearing before the leaves. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fig. 156 Pg. 18 ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCATKIN.png;Moraceae (mulberry) wTrees or shrubs with milky juice and separate male and female flowers. Leaves alternate and simple or palmately lobed. Aggregate A fleshy fruit composed of many separate parts, such as raspberries or blackberries. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1733a, Page 187. /Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxAGGREGATE.png;Sapotaceae (wooly buckthorn) Somewhat thorny shrubs or small trees. The leaves simple, alternate to fascicled, dark glossy green on the upper surface and densely covered with white to brown hairs on the lower. Fascicled A group of leaves all apparently emerging from a single point. Commonly used to describe the needles of pine trees which may have up to five needles per fascicle. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 365, Page 36. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFASCICLE.png;Sapindaceae (soapberry) Trees, shrubs, or vines with alternate, ternate to pinnately compound leaves. Flowers in axillary or terminal panicles, stamens 8-10.Juglandaceae (walnut) Trees with large, alternate, pinnately compound leaves. Male flowers in catkins, female flowers solitary or clustered at the tips of the branches. Fruit a nut surrounded by a fleshy or woody husk.Caesalpiniaceae (caesalpinia) Considered by many to be a sub-family of the Fabaceae (Leguminosae). The most distinctive features of this group are: sepals separate to the base and the upper petal smaller than the side petals.Rhamnaceae (buckthorn) kShrubs or small trees. Leaves simple with arcuate venation. Fruit a capsule or berry-like, with 1-4 seeds.Ulmaceae (elm) Trees or shrubs with simple, alternate leaves. The leaves often scabrous and oblique. Flowers small, greenish to yellowish, petals lacking. Fruit winged or berry-like.Cornaceae (dogwood) Perennial herbs, shrubs, or small trees. Leaves opposite with arcuate venation. Flowers small but sometimes subtended by showy bracts. Sepals, petals, stamens all 4. Fruit a 1-2 seeded berry.Mimosaceae (mimosa) Considered by some authors to be a subfamily of the Fabaceae. Distinguished primarily by its 2-3 times pinnately compound leaves and its dense clusters of flowers with exserted, showy stamens.Bipinnately compound A leaf which is branched and branched again; the second division forming the leaflets. The first division is called the "pinnae." (Just in case you wanted to know.) PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 106, Page 13. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBIPINN.png;Ebenaceae (ebony) Represented here only by persimmon, a shrub or tree to 60 feet tall. Leaves thick and dark green, the blades oval to oblong 7-15 cm in length. The fruit a yellowish-brown berry 2-6 cm diameter.Oleaceae (olive, ash) Trees or shrubs with opposite, pinnately compound leaves. Flowers in pendulous clusters from the axils of the previous years growth. Fruit 1-seeded and winged (samara) = Fraxinus (ash).Cupressaceae (cypress, juniper) Evergreen trees or shrubs with overlapping scale-like or needle-like leaves. Plants pungently aromatic. Some authors include this family in the Pinaceae.(Deltoid (triangular) Deltoid means "triangular," as in the Greek symbol Delta. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1389a, Page 133. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLFLTSHDE.png;Caprifoliaceae (honeysuckle) Leaves opposite; trees, shrubs, or vines often with pithy stems. Petals united, stamens attached to the tube. Flowers regular or irregular, ovary inferior, fruit often a berry.9Floating "Floating" plants may or may not have their roots attached to the ground. In either case, the majority of the plant rests on the surface of the water..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHABITFLO.png;$ Spatulate Shaped like a spatula, the long, blunt instrument used to spread frosting. Broadly linear with a tapered base and a blunt tip. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1000, Page 94. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSPATULAT.png;Platanaceae (sycamore) Only the genus Platanus (sycamore) included here. Large trees with scaly bark and alternate, large, palmately veined leaves. Fruit a pendulous ball of brown, hairy achenes.Salicaceae (willow, poplar) Trees or shrubs often found along the margins of water courses or other wet areas. Leaves alternate, simple, short, petiolate. Male and female flowers in catkins on separate trees.Fagaceae (oak) Trees or shrubs with separate male and female flowers. The male flowers in catkins, the female flowers in the leaf axils of the new growth, forming acorns. Leaves alternate, simple, petiolate, often pinnately lobed.Spines In some plants the stipules have been modified to form spines. This often results in a pair of spines at the base of each leaf. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPSPIN.png;Acanthaceae (acanthus) Herbaceous plants with simple, opposite leaves. Flowers tubular with 5 petals, symmetrical, or asymmetrical. Fruit a superior 2-celled capsule. Stamens 2 or 4. Very similar to the Scrophulariaceae.Alismataceae (water plantain) Aquatic plants with milky juice. The leaves all basal with long petioles (leaf stems). Flowers with 3 petals, white to rarely pinkish, and separate carpels.Tripinnately compound A compound leaf which is divided into three progressively smaller segments; the last set of segments are the leaflets. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1171, Page 109. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxTRIPINN.png;Lauraceae (laurel) qAromatic, often evergreen, trees or shrubs. Leaves alternate, simple. Fruit a red or blue, single-seeded berry.Commelinaceae (spiderwort) Annual or perennial herbs with simple, alternate, parallel veined leaves. The leaf base forming a tubular sheath. 3 green sepals and 3 white or colored petals. Fruit a 2 or 3 celled capsule.Rutaceae (citrus, rue) Aromatic herbs or usually woody plants. Leaves often compound. Spines or thorns often present. Stamens twice as many as the petals.Cuscutaceae (dodder) Delicate twining, parasitic vines. Due to lacking chlorphyll the vines are a distinctive yellow to white. The leaves small and scale-like. Flowers small, yellow to white.Nyctaginaceae (four-o'clock) xAnnual or perennial herbs with opposite, simple leaves. Flower clusters subtended by large, 5-parted or 5-lobed bracts.Vitaceae (grape) Perennial vines with alternate leaves and tendrils opposite the leaves. Flowers small and greenish, arranged in panicles arising opposite the leaves. Ovary superior, fruit a 1-4 seeded berryPedaliaceae (unicorn-plant) Large annuals with sticky-fuzzy leaves. Petals united, flowers irregular and showy. fruit a large horned capsule which splits into two segments at maturity. Same as Martyniaceae.Martyniaceae (devil's-claw) Large annuals, with sticky-fuzzy, round leaves. Petals united, flowers irregular and showy. Fruit a large horned capsule, which splits into 2 segments at maturity.Pinaceae (pine, fir, spruce) Evergreen trees with resinous wood and foliage. Leaves needle-like to linear and spirally arranged or in fascicles. Male flowers in small, soon deciduous cones. Female flowers in woody cones.Spore Spores are produced only by extremely primitive plants such as ferns and horsetails. These are microscopic in size. Do not confuse them with pollen grains from other types of plants. ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSPORES.png;Loasaceae (loasa, blazing-star) Petals yellow to orange, stamens many. Herbaceous plants with rough clinging leaves. Ovary inferior, fruit a cylindrical, 1-3 celled capsule.Hydrophyllaceae (waterleaf) Herbaceous plants; the flowers in scorpoid cymes or solitary. Stamens often exserted. Fruit a one-celled capsule. Petals united, the stamens attached to the tube near the base.,Glochidiate (barbed) Hairs with a series of backwards pointing barbs. Leaves with this type of hair will readily cling to your clothing. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 410, Page 41. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxGLOCHID.png;Primulaceae (primrose) Herbaceous annuals or perennials with simple, usually entire, basal or opposite leaves. Stamens 5, free from and opposite the petals. Style 1 with a capitate stigma. Fruit a 1-celled capsule.Proboscidiaceae (unicorn-plant) Large annuals with sticky-fuzzy leaves. Petals united, flowers irregular and showy. Fruit a large horned capsule which splits into 2 segments at maturity. Same as Pedaliaceae.Viscaceae (mistletoe) $Evergreen aerial parasites of trees.Saururaceae (lizard tail) Rhizomatous herbs with simple, alternate or mostly basal leaves. Flowers in a conical terminal spike subtended by conspicuous white bracts. Plants of wet, often alkaline meadows. (Anemopsis)Pontederiaceae (pickerelweed) Aquatic to semi-aquatic, annual to perennial herbs. Leaves alternate sheathing at the base, with or without blades. Flowers apparently with 6 petals, these fused at the base forming a tube.Orobanchaceae (broomrape) Somewhat fleshy. Parasitic on the roots of many species; lacking chlorophyll and leaves. Flowers irregular, stamens 4; fruit a superior 1-celled capsule. Very similar to the ScrophulariaceaeFumariaceae (fumitory) Flowers showy and strongly irregular in racemes or panicles. Leaves dissected. Annual to perennial, herbaceous plants with watery juice.Menispermaceae (moonseed) Vines of the southeastern U.S. with separate male and female flowers, no thorns or tendrils, and simple alternate leaves. Fruit a one-seeded berry.Polemoniaceae (phlox) YSepals and petals tubular, often elongate. The fruit a superior, three sectioned capsule.Passifloraceae (passion flower) Trees shrubs or tendril bearing vines. Commonly with a distinctive, brightly colored, fringed corona. The pistil with three carpels forming a berry or capsule.Ceratophyllaceae (hornwort) |Submerged aquatic plants with whorled leaves which are divided into narrow, three forked divisions. Common in quiet waters.9Submerged (mostly or totally) KThe entire plant beneath the surface of the water or only the tips exposed..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHABITSUB.png;Hydrocharitaceae (frogbit) lSubmerged aquatic plants with simple, entire leaves. Flowers surrounded by a spathe of one to three bracts.Najadaceae (water-nymph) Submerged aquatic plants with opposite or whorled leaves. The flowers solitary in the leaf axils with one carpel and one stamen.Nymphaeaceae (water-lily) Large floating-leaved aquatic plants. Plants arising from large tuberous rhizomes. The flowers solitary and showy on long stalks.Nelumbonaceae (lotus) Large, floating-leaved aquatic plants. Visually and taxonomically very similar to the Nymphaceae (water lily). Distinguished by having seeds with a large embryo and no perisperm.Potamogetonaceae (pondweed) Submerged aquatic plants with prominently stipular leaves. The flowers perfect with floral parts in fours. Inflorescence a pedunculate spike.Sterculiaceae (redweed) Plants woody or herbaceous with simple alternate leaves. Sepals and petals three to five, pistil one and superior, fruit a capsule.Santalaceae (sandlewood) Partly to wholly parasitic plants with simple, entire leaves and three to six stamens. Perianth segments green, white or purple and connate.Berberidaceae (barberry) oHerbs or shrubs with mostly 4 or 5 whorls of 2-4 distinct members. Fruit a 1-several seeded follicle or berry.Resedaceae (mignonette) Flowers bearing a large, sterile disk between the perianth segments and the stamens. The pistil is elongate and often open terminally even while immature.Ericaceae (heath, heather) _A very diverse group. Mostly shrubs with evergreen leaves. Plants prefering cool acidic soils.GAster cordifolius#Valerianaceae (cornsalad, valerian)Herbaceous plants with opposite leaves. The petals fused above the inferior ovary. Flowers commonly (but not always) irregular.Balsaminaceae (touch-me not)A family of only four genera world-wide and only one (Impatiens) in North America. Flowers strongly irregular, plants often of moist and/or shady habitats. Capsules explosively dehiscent.GHibiscus esculentus GCentaurea repensGAesculus octandraGEupatorium rugosumGAlhagi camelorum GAlhagi pseudalhagiGAlliaria officinalisGAmaranthus graecizansGApocynum sibiricumGAmaranthus gracilisGFranseria acanthicarpaDennstaedtiaceae (bracken-fern) This family is broken out of the Polypodiaceae (the fern family) by some authors based on having hairy rhizomes and branches arising from the petiole.GAmbrosia elatior"Annonaceae (pawpaw, custard-apple) Trees or shrubs. The leaves alternate and simple, often aromatic. Sepals 3, Petals generally 6 in 2 whorls, stamens many, carpels usually many and united in a dry or fleshy mass.GFranseria confertifloraGFranseria tomentosaGFranseria discolorGCissus arboreaGXanthocephalum dracunculoides GGutierrezia dracunculoidesCelastraceae (bittersweet) Trees, shrubs or woody vines with simple membraneous to leathery leaves. The flowers small and white, greenish, or purplish. The ovary subtented by a glandular disk.GAmsinkia intermedia GAmsinckia retrorsaGAnagalis foeminaGLycopsis arvensisGAnthriscus scandicinaGArgemone intermediaGArmoracia lapathifoliaPapilionaceae (pea, bean) Considered by many to be a sub-family of the Fabaceae. Flowers strongly irregular, with large upper banner, lower keel and two smaller wing petals.GArtemisia caudataGArtemisia gnaphalodesGAstragalus wootoniiGAstragalus adsurgensLemnaceae (duckweed) Very tiny, floating aquatic plants often consisting solely of two to four very small (<5 mm) oval leaves and 1 or more fibrous roots.Linaceae (flax) WLeaves alternate, glaucous, linear and entire. The flower parts ALL in multiples of 5.GAtriplex patula var. hastata GAtriplex hastataGConvolvulus repensGConvolvulus sepiumGCamelina alyssumGOenothera dentataGOenathera contortaGCampanula americanaGLepidium repensGLepidium drabaGCardaria repensGOrthocarpus purpurascensG*Centaurea pratensis, Centaurea X pratensisG#Centaurea debeauxii ssp. thuillieriGCentaurea maculosaGCentaurea squarrosaGCerastium vulgatumGCerastium viscosumGEpilobium angustifoliumG Linaria minorGCassia fasciculataGEuphorbia albomarginataGEuphorbia glyptospermaGEuphorbia humistrataGEuphorbia hyssopifoliaGEuphorbia maculataGEuphorbia supinaGEuphorbia micromeraGEuphorbia presliiGEuphorbia nutansGEuphorbia prostrataGEuphorbia serpyllifoliaGEuphorbia serrulaGEuphorbia stictosporaGEuphorbia vermiculataGEuphorbia serpensGChenopodium lanceolatumGChenopodium dacoticumG'Chenopodium strictum var. glaucophyllumGChenopodium paganumGChenopodium salinumGChenopodium dessicatumG+Chenopodium leptophyllum var. oblongifoliumGChenopodium carinatumG(Chenopodium hybridum var. gigantospermumGChenopodium hybridumGChenopodium gigantospermumGAster spinosusGEricameria viscidiflorusGCicuta bolanderiGCirsium pastorisGMontia perfoliataGEupatorium coelestinumGConvulvulus simulansGErigeron canadensisGLeptilon canadenseGEremocarpus setigerusGCucurbita texanaGCuscuta planifloraGApium leptophyllumGCymopterus watsoniiGAmpelamus albidusGCynanchum nigrumGDatura meteloidesG Datura feroxGDelphinium virescensGDelphinium nelsoniiGDescurainia pinnataGVeronica campylopodaGBrodiaea pulchellaGDichelostemma pulchellumGDiodia hirsutaGDiodia tetragonaGMoldavica parvifloraGRudbeckia amplexicauleGMicrampelis lobataG Eclipta albaG Elodea densaGAnacharis canadedsisGEpilobium paniculatumGEpilobium watsoniiGEpilobium adenocaulonGChrysothamnus nauseosusGErigeron ramosusGErysimum asperumGCheirinia cheiranthoidesGCoryphantha viviparaGMamillaria viviparaGEuphorbia robustaGEuphorbia virgataGPoinsettia dentataGEuphorbia obtusataGFagopyrum saggitatumGFalcaria sioidesGRhamnus frangulaGGalinsoga ciliataGGalinsoga caracasanaGGalium spuriumGGalium parisienseGGaura biennis var. pitcherG Gaura mollisGHaplopappus ciliatusGBrayulinea densaGXanthocephalum microcephalumGXanthocephalum sarothraeGHelenium tenuifoliumGHelianthus lenticularisG$Helianthus laetiflorus var. rigidus GHelianthus rigidusGViguiera annuaGHeliopsis scabraGCentromadia pungensGHeracleum lanatumGHerniaria cinereaGZosterella dubiaGHeterotheca latifoliaGChrysopsis villosaGHieracium pratenseGHieracium florentinumGBrassica geniculataGBrassica incanaGHoffmanseggia densifloraGDugaldia hoopesiiGHelenium hoopesiiGHypericum spathulatumGImpatiens bifloraGIpomoea trichocarpaG Ipomoea nilGIpomoea hirsutulaGHaplopappus heterophyllusGHaplopappus tenuisectusGScabiosa arvensisGLespedeza striataGLactuca scariolaGLactuca virosaGLactuca tataricaGLappula redowskiiGLappula echinataGCrockeria chrysanthaGLeontodon nudicaulisGLeontodon leysseriGLepidium apetalumGChrysanthemum leucanthemumG#Linaria genistifolia ssp. dalmaticaGLinaria macedonicaGLinaria linariaGLotus purshianusGJussiaea decurrensGJussiaea repens var. peploidesGLycium halimifoliumGMachaeranthera ramosaGHaplopappus spinulosusGMalva rotundifoliaGSida hederaceaGMatricaria matricarioidesGChamomilla suaveolensGMedicago hispidaGMedicago falcataGMentha canadensisGMentha gentilisGThlaspi perfoliatumGArenaria patulaGAllionia nyctagineaGAntirrhinum orontiumGMyosotis virginicaGMyriophyllum brasilenseGMyriophyllum sibiricumGNicotiana trigonophyllaGNicotiana bigeloviiGNothoscordum inordorumGNuphar polysepalumGLinaria canadensisGOenothera hookeriGOenothera strigosaGOxalis europaeaGPhoradendron serotinumGLippia cuneifoliaGPhysalis wrightiiGPhysalis subglabrataGPhysalis ixocarpaGPhysalis lanceolataGPlantago purshiiGPolansia graveolensGPolygonatum commutatumGPolygonum natansGPolygonum muhlenbergiaGPolygonum coccineumGPolygonum scabrumGPotentilla monspeliensisGMartynia louisianicaG"Prosopis juliflora var. glandulosaGGnaphalium obtusifoliumGGnaphalium stramineumGGnaphalium chilenseGAnemone patensGPhysalis lobataGRorippa nasturtium-aquaticumGRosa pratincolaG Rosa fendleriGRubus procerusGRudbeckia serotinaGRumex triangulivalisGRumex mexicanusGSida physocalyxGSalix exigua var. interiorGSalpichroa rhomboideaGSalsola kali var. tragusGSalsola pestiferGSalvia pitcheriGSalvia lancefoliaGSapindus drummondiiGSarcostemma cynanchoidesGFunastrum heterophyllumGPhilibertella cynanchoidesGSchrankia nuttalliiGSchrankia uncinataGSchrankia occidentalisGSenecio longilobusGCassia covesiiG!Cassia leptocarpa var. glaberrimaGCassia lindheimerianaGCassia obtusifoliaGCassia occidentalisGCassia romerianaGSesbania exaltataGDaubentonia puniceaGBumelia lanuginosaG Lychnis albaG Silene albaGSilene cucubalusGBrassica hirtaGBrassica kaberGBrassica arvensisGSolanum sarrachoidesGSolidago canadensis var. scabraGSolidago graminifoliaGSolidago occidentalisGSoliva pterospermaGSonchus uliginosusGMalvastrum coccineumGSwainsona salsulaGSpiraea latifoliaG Striga luteaGStrophostyles paucifloraGPotamogeton pectinatusGAster ericoidesGAster multiflorusGAster subulatusG Aster exilisGAster falcatusG Aster pilosusGAster occidentalisGRhus diversilobaGRhus toxicodendronGToxicodendron toxicariumG Rhus radicansGToxicodendron radicansGTragopogon majorGTrifolium procumbensGSpecularia perfoliataG!Matricaria maritima var. agrestisGMatricaria inodoraGMatricaria perforataGUrtica proceraGUrtica gracilisGUrtica lyalliiGVaccaria segetalisGVaccaria vulgarisGVaccaria pyramidataGSaponaria vaccariaGActinomeris alternifoliaGVernonia altissimaGVicia angustifoliaGVicia dasycarpaGViola rafinesquiiGXanthium pensylvanicumGXanthium italicumGXanthium orientaleGToxicoscordion gramineumG'Alisma plantago aquatica var. americanaGBaccharis glutinosaGKochia scopariaGBidens polylepisGBoerhaavia coccineaGKuhnia eupatorioidesGBrunnichia cirrhosaGLithospermum arvenseGBrassica campestrisGVincetoxicum nigrumGGnaphalium purpureumGLeucelene ericoidesGSilphium speciosumGPlantago arenariaGAmaranthus rudisGBalsamita majorGCentaurea biebersteiniiCapparidaceae (caper)Foul smelling herbs or shrubs. Very similar to Cruciferae. Petals 4, stamens 6 to many, leaves usually trifoliate or palmately compound. Fruit a 1-celled capsule, often with a prominent stipe. In some references, this family is spelled Capparaceae.GAster novae-angliaeGCnidoscolus stimulosusMyricaceae (wax-myrtle)Trees or shrubs with aromatic foliage. The tiny flowers, without petals or sepals, are borne in unisexual catkins. The leaves bearing both glandular and non glandular hairs.GCoronilla variaG Datura inoxiaGDelphinium occidentaleGChrysanthemum partheniumGEupatorium fistulosumGPsoralea tenuifloraGPsoralea lanceolataGEupatorium maculatumGSolidago rigidaGPotentilla anserinaGAlchemilla microcarpaGCuscuta arvensisGTrifolium agrariumGGonolobis laevisGSanguisorba occidentalisGRumex persicarioidesGErechtites prenanthoidesGAlchemilla pratensisGAlchemilla vulgarisGAmaranthus lividusGAlchemilla arvensisGAlchemilla occidentalisGMesembryanthemum cordifoliumGChrysanthemum balsamitaGHedyotis nigricansGBaptisia leucanthaGBaptisia leucophaeaGMontia spathulataGSatureja vulgarisGCorispermum hyssopifoliumGCuphea petiolataGPotentilla fruitcosaGDichondra repensGErechtites argutaGErodium obtusiplicatumG Eruca sativaGGalium tricorneGGnaphalium pensylvanicumGGnaphalium peregrinumG Gaura odorataGHelenium nudifloraGHemizonia ramosissimaGSedum purpureumGSedum telephiumGSedum triphyllumG Malva crispaGMatricaria chamomillaGMentha piperitaGNemophylla trilobaGSenecio plattensisGPlantago indicaGPlantago hybridaGPontederia lanceolataGGnaphalium viscossumGRosa rubiginosaGLychnis dioicaGSuaeda occidentalisGAster hesperiusG Aster simplexGAster lateriflorusGAster vimeneusGTaraxacum erythrospermumGThymus serpyllumGIpheion uniflorumGViola papillionaceaGHedyotis australisGPlantago elongataGIva xanthifoliaGLespedeza stipulaceaGSenecio aureusG!Sonchus arvensis var. glabrescensGCuscuta campestrisGLippia nodiflora Nutlets, 2\The fruit consisting of 2, hard, one-seeded segments. A very unusual fruit type (Phyla). 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxtwo nutlets.png;GCassia chamaecristaGPolygonum bicorneG!Dichondra repens var. carolinenseGSenecio glabellusGHoustonia nigricansGBaptisia lacteaGRoubevia multifidaGCirsium lanceolatumGGrindelia perennisAlabamaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 5State Maps PNG\alabama.png;State Maps PNG\legend.jpg;ArkansasEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\arkansas.png;HLP\legend.jpg; ConnecticutEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. /State Maps PNG\connecticutt.png;HLP\legend.jpg;G&Hemizonia pungens var. septentrionalisDelawareEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\delaware.png;HLP\legend.jpg;FloridaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\florida.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GeorgiaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\georgia.png;HLP\legend.jpg;IllinoisEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\illinois.png;HLP\legend.jpg;KansasEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. )State Maps PNG\kansas.png;HLP\legend.jpg;KentuckyEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\kentucky.png;HLP\legend.jpg; LouisianaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. ,State Maps PNG\louisiana.png;HLP\legend.jpg; MassachusettsEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 1State Maps PNG\massachusettes.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GAster puniceusMaineEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. (State Maps PNG\maine.png;HLP\legend.jpg;MichiganEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\michigan.png;HLP\legend.jpg;MissouriEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\missouri.png;HLP\legend.jpg; MississippiEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. .State Maps PNG\mississippi.png;HLP\legend.jpg;North CarolinaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 1State Maps PNG\north carolina.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GConvolvulus pellitus New HampshireEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 0State Maps PNG\new hampshire.png;HLP\legend.jpg; New JerseyEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. -State Maps PNG\new jersey.png;HLP\legend.jpg;New YorkEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\new york.png;HLP\legend.jpg;OhioEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 'State Maps PNG\ohio.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GSagina apetala var. barbata PennsylvaniaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. /State Maps PNG\pennsylvania.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GDioscorea oppositifoliaSouth CarolinaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 1State Maps PNG\south carolina.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GEupatorium dubium TennesseeEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\tennesee.png;HLP\legend.jpg;TexasEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. (State Maps PNG\texas.png;HLP\legend.jpg;VirginiaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\virginia.png;HLP\legend.jpg; WisconsinEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. ,State Maps PNG\wisconsin.png;HLP\legend.jpg; West VirginiaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 0State Maps PNG\west virginia.png;HLP\legend.jpg;British ColumbiaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 3State Maps PNG\british columbia.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GEuphorbia apocynifoliaGGerardia purpureaHawaiiEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. )State Maps PNG\hawaii.png;HLP\legend.jpg;G%Hieracium canadense var. fasciculatum Puerto RicoEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. .State Maps PNG\puerto rico.png;HLP\legend.jpg;Virgin IslandsEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 1State Maps PNG\virgin islands.png;HLP\legend.jpg; Menyanthaceae=Glabrous aquatic perennials with emergent or floating leaves.District of ColumbiaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 7State Maps PNG\district of columbia.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GVeronica catenataIndianaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\indiana.png;HLP\legend.jpg;MarylandEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\maryland.png;HLP\legend.jpg;"Cabombaceae (watershield, fanwort)Two genera: Cabomba and Brasenia Glabrous aquatic perennials with rhizomes. Flowers borne near or at the water surface, usually with three petals and three sepals. Rhode IslandEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. /State Maps PNG\rhode island.png;HLP\legend.jpg;VermontEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\vermont.png;HLP\legend.jpg; New BrunswickEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 0State Maps PNG\new brunswick.png;HLP\legend.jpg;Ruppiaceae (ditchgrass)ZSubmerged perennial aquatics with linear leaves. Each flower with 2 stamens and 4 pistils. Nova ScotiaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. .State Maps PNG\nova scotia.png;HLP\legend.jpg;OntarioEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\ontario.png;HLP\legend.jpg;Prince Edward IslandEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 7State Maps PNG\prince edward island.png;HLP\legend.jpg;QuebecEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. )State Maps PNG\quebec.png;HLP\legend.jpg;AlaskaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 4State Maps PNG\alaska.png;State Maps PNG\legend.jpg;ArizonaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\arizona.png;HLP\legend.jpg; CaliforniaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. -State Maps PNG\california.png;HLP\legend.jpg;ColoradoEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\colorado.png;HLP\legend.jpg;IowaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 'State Maps PNG\iowa.png;HLP\legend.jpg;IdahoEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. (State Maps PNG\idaho.png;HLP\legend.jpg; MinnesotaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. ,State Maps PNG\minnesota.png;HLP\legend.jpg;MontanaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\montana.png;HLP\legend.jpg; North DakotaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. /State Maps PNG\north dakota.png;HLP\legend.jpg; New MexicoEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. -State Maps PNG\new mexico.png;HLP\legend.jpg;NevadaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. )State Maps PNG\nevada.png;HLP\legend.jpg;OklahomaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\oklahoma.png;HLP\legend.jpg;OregonEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. )State Maps PNG\oregon.png;HLP\legend.jpg; South DakotaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. /State Maps PNG\south dakota.png;HLP\legend.jpg;UtahEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 'State Maps PNG\utah.png;HLP\legend.jpg; WashingtonEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. -State Maps PNG\washington.png;HLP\legend.jpg;WyomingEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\wyoming.png;HLP\legend.jpg;AlbertaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\alberta.png;HLP\legend.jpg;ManitobaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\manitoba.png;HLP\legend.jpg; NewfoundlandEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. /State Maps PNG\newfoundland.png;HLP\legend.jpg;St. Pierre and MiquelonEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. -State Maps PNG\st. pierre.png;HLP\legend.jpg;Butomataceae (flowering rush)Erect aquatic perennials to 1 meter tall, with fleshy stems and showy flowers. The flowers borne in a terminal umbel, each flower with 3 petals, 3 sepals, and 9 stamens.Dioscoriaceae (yam)Perennial vines from large fleshy rhizomes or tubers. Flowers unisexual, usually on different plants. Flwers with six similar tepals.Sparganiaceae (bur-reed)Erect rhizomatous herbs of aquatic, often marshy habitats. The flowers borne in several dense head-like clusters near the tip of the stem. The upper flower clusters are male, the lower ones female.Orchidaceae (orchid)A very large familt of plants with very few weedy members. The flowers showy and irregular. The inferior ovary and peduncle making a prominent twist during development.Trapaceae (water-chestnut)Floating annual aquatic herbs with large horned fruits. The flowers with 4 petals ( sometimes treated as a member of the Onagraceae).NebraskaEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\nebraska.png;HLP\legend.jpg;LabradorEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. +State Maps PNG\labrador.png;HLP\legend.jpg;Hippuridaceae (mare's-tail)Erect rhizomatous herbs of aquatic or semi-aquatic sites. The leaves linear and entire, in whorls of 4 - 12. Flowers inconspicuous, solitary in the axils of the upper leaves."Zannichelliaceae (horned pondweed)Submerged rhizomatous aquatic herbs with linear leaves. The inconspicuous flowers unisexual, male and female flowers often in the same leaf axils.Marsiliaceae (pepperwort)}Small, creeping, herbaceous plants of wet habitats. The sac-like spore producing structures originating from the leaf axils. GreenlandEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. ,State Maps PNG\greenland.png;HLP\legend.jpg; SaskatchewanEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. /State Maps PNG\saskatchewan.png;HLP\legend.jpg;YukonEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. (State Maps PNG\yukon.png;HLP\legend.jpg;Meliaceae (mahogany)tTrees and shrubs, usually with alternate, pinnately compound leaves. They are often aromatic and commonly evergreenMelastomataceae (melastome)lPrimarily tropical plants with distinctive leaves. The leaves are opposite with 3 to 7 arcuate main veins.Arecaceae (palm)Large trees with unbranched single stems. The compound leaves borne only at the apex of the trunk, with the older senescent leaves often still present below.GCarthamus baeticusGGnaphalium luteo-albumMyoporaceae (false-sandlewood)Evergreen trees or shrubs with clusters of axillary flowers forming one-seeded purple fruits. An escaped ornamental in California.GPhysalis lanceifoliaGEuryops subcarnosusGConyza coulteriGGnaphalium collinumGGnaphalium japonicumGAtriplex heterospermaGLotus pedunculatusGGeranium purpureumGZigadenus elegansGZigadenus nuttalliiG"Zigadenus venenosus var. gramineusGZigadenus fremontiiGZigadenus paniculatusGZigadenus venenosusG Oxalis laxaGPolygonum prolificumGAcaena anserinifoliaGHemizonia pungensGProboscidea luteaGPyracantha crenatoserrataGSapium sebiferumGVerbena tenuisectaGBaeria californicaG&Happlopappus venutus var. vernonioidesG$Plantago hookeriana var. californicaG"Plantago hirtella var. galeottianaGSarcostemma hirtellumGSpergularia marinaGCuscuta subinclusaGAcnida altissimaGChenopodium pumiloGNothoscordum borbobicumNunavutEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. *State Maps PNG\Nunavut.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GEupatoriadelphus dubiusGLesquerella gordoniiGChenopodium ambrosioidesGChenopodium botrysGEupatoriadelphus fistulosusGEupatoriadelphus maculatusGEupatorium purpureumGTamarix ramosissimaNorth West TerritoryEach geopolitical region north of Mexico is shown in association with its name. Single or multiple regions can be selected and marked using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands from the main map by highlighting the "Geography" menu title and clicking on the region or by selecting the region(s) from the list below the "Geography" menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The legend image shows the meaning of the different colors on the BONAP distribution maps. If any of the colors have diagonal lines superimposed on them, this indicates a questionable report. 6State Maps PNG\Northwest Territory.png;HLP\legend.jpg;GGamochaeta americanaGGamochaeta falcataGTamarix pentandraGHemizonia kellogiiGHymenocallis carolinianaG Mentha crispaGMentha dumetorumGMyrica pensylvanicaGPyrus melanocarpaG Lotus tenuisGMelilotus albaGRanunculus testiculatusGRubus discolorGSalsola ibericaGSambucus canadensisGBrachyactis angustaGHelianthus subtuberosusGOxytropis macouniiGRhinanthus crista-galliGSenecio palustrisGHemizonia virgataGHieracium vulgatumGOdontites serotinaGMillegrana radiolaGSalvia nemorosaGEuphorbia hypericifoliaG Althea roseaGHedyotis crassifoliaGHedyotis longifoliaGHeterotheca pilosaGMazus japonicusGLippia lanceolataLoganiaceae (Logania)nA diverse family, from trees to annuals, flowers with 4 or 5 petals and stamens the same number as the petals.Buddlejacaeae (butterfly bush)nA diverse family, from trees to annuals; flowers with 4 or 5 petals and stamens the same number as the petals.$Rhombic (diamond)9Shaped like a diamond, the petiole attached at the point.-Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxrhombic.png;GCleome spinosaGMuscari racemosumAraliaceae (ginseng)SPerennial, often woody, plants. The flowers small and greenish in simple umbels. GLudwigia uruguayensisGJussiaea uruguayensisAraceae (Arum)NThe flowers in a spike, wrapped in a sheath-like bract which is often colored.Schizaeaceae (climbing fern),A true fern, the plants rhizomatous and climbing, thus spreading both horizontally and vertically and often overwhelming all adjacent vegetation. This species was commonly sold as a houseplant but has escaped and is extremely aggressive in warm climates. Sporangia in two series along the veinlets.Salviniaceae (water fern)-Small floating plants reproducing by spores. Azollaceae (mosquito-fern)gTiny, often reddish, floating plants with tiny, overlapping (imbricate) leaves. Reproducing by spores.GSanicula gregariaGDipsacus sylvestrisGAmbrosia tenuifoliaGFranseria tenuifoliaGAstragalus diphysusG Cassia toraGSolanum villosumGTrifolium fimbriatumGAchyranthes repensGAnoda lavaterioidesGErigeron linifoliusGLinaria elatineGLinaria spuriaGLupinus laxiflorusG Oxalis cernuaGPolygonum acreGSesbania macrocarpaGSolanum torreyiGDioscorea batatasGJussiaea leptocarpaGSalvinia rotundifoliaGSenecio smalliiSmilacaceae (green-briar)Recently split from the Liliaceae and containing only the genus Smilax. Members of this genus are vines which are often woody and/or spiny. Fruit a berry.GSenecio obovatusGSenecio tomentosusGSoliva nasturtifoliaGViola pratincolaG&Centella asiatica auct.non (l..) UrbanGGnaphalium spicatumGGnaphalium falcatumGWedelia trilobataG Aster dumosusSphenocleaceae (chicken-spike)hGlabrous, more or less succulent, annual herbs of salty soils. The inflorescence a dense terminal spike.GOsmorhiza chilensisGMentha aquatica var. crispaGStephanomeria tenuifoliaGRorippa islandicaGTragopogon pratensisTropaeolaceae (nasturtium)Herbaceous plants with palmately lobed or compound leaves. All plant parts with a sicy flavor. The flowers are strongly irregular and often very large and showy.Lentibulariaceae (bladderwort) Lentibulariaceae (bladderwort family) aquatic or semi-aquatic, carnivorous plants. There are three genera, Genlisea, the corkscrew plants, Pinguicula, the butterworts, and Utricularia, the bladderworts. The flowers highly irregular and commonly yellow to orange. Aquifoliaceae (holly)mTrees and shubs, mostly evergreen with shiny and spiny leaves. The fruits bright red, single seeded, berries.$Grossulariaceae currant, gooseberry)Shrubs with alternate, palmatetely lobed or toothed leaves. The berries borne in racemes. Those species with spines are called "gooseberries" those without spines are called "currants".GHemizonia pungens ssp. laevis Blue-green/Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxbluegreen.png;G&Alisma plantago aquatica ssp. brevipes CXMenudataBroadleaf Weed Species 4.3GFamilyFamily descriptions given in this menu often refer only to those members of the family found in this database! The ability to recognize plant families on sight is extremely important in plant identification. Even if you can reduce the possibilities to a few families by using the "or" command, it will greatly reduce the number of species remaining. Most families are identified by technical descriptions of floral parts, but even "artificial" characteristics such as milky juice, or woodiness can significantly reduce the number of families. Some families are listed under more than one name in the family menu ie. Asteraceae and Compositae. Selecting either one will produce the same results but both must be marked "no" to be eliminated. -.wtNzp<  .& 1$3="+C;0:oE7ML S34#? !6 8")#$+AB,-."2*ygx/0>1@2345L5D6FlowersFrom the outside inward flowers usually have the following parts:sepals, petals, stamens (anthers and filaments), pistil, (stigma, style, ovary). Some parts may be missing. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) Pg.162, Fig. 1546.,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFLOWER.png;  Flower ColorrFlower color usually refers to the color of the petals but may also be the sepals, bracts, etc., whatever imparts the most obvious color. If you are unsure, use the "or" function. If the petals are obviously more than one color, be sure to select "multicolored" as well. To view the entire image you can slide the center split-line to the left, or use the scroll bars.1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxcolor_wheel.gif;%&'()*789:;<=>>Inflorescence Type (How the flowers are arranged on the plant)"Inflorescence" refers to the arrangement of the flowers on the flowering stem of the plant. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): pages 154-160..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxINFLORES.GIF;?@ABDEFGHIJKLMNOPQNumber of PetalsThe petals are the second group of structures from the outside of the flower and are often large and colorful. The petals may be stuck together or free from each other. The petals and sepals are called "perianth segments" and when there is only one set of perianth segments they are considered to be sepals, whether or not they are colored and showy. This is due to the fact that sepals are defined as the outermost whorl of perianth segments. Therefore, be sure to recognize petals by their position rather than their appearance. Petal number is an extremely important and easy to use characteristic in plant identification! PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X) : Fig. 1546, Pg. 162. 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxpetal number.GIF; RSTUVWXYZ[\]Petal SeparationThe petals may be completely free from each other or joined for a portion or their entire length, in which case the flowers appear tubular. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figures 1552-1553, Page 163. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETALSEP.jpg;^_`a Petal TipThe tip of the petal is one of the features which gives flowers their unique shape, i.e., a tubular flower with pointed petals looks very different than one with rounded petals. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETALTIP.jpg;cdefghiFlower SymmetryWhen facing a regular flower, the top and bottom will look the same as do the right and left sides. In a highly irregular flower, the halves will look very different. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fg. 1553-1554, Pg 163. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFLWRSYMM.jpg;jkl-Flower Length (Head length in the Asteraceae)BFlower length is measured from the point of attachment to the tip of the petal. This is along a line which is a continuation of the stem which attaches to the base of the flower. Note that in the Asteraceae, this measurement should be the length of the involucre plus what ever floral structures are directly above it. +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfllen.GIF;mnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~+Flower Width (Head width in the Asteraceae)Flower width is measured from the tip of one petal to the tip of the opposite petal. In members of the Asteraceae (Compositae) family, head width is used instead of individual flower width. Measure from the tips of the ray flowers (if present). 9Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFlower width scaled.GIF;Number of SepalsQSepals are most often small and green and surround the larger and more colorful petals. In rare instances the sepals can be large and colored. If there is only one whorl of perianth segments, they are, by definition, sepals. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1546, Page 162. 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsepal number.GIF; Sepal SeparationSepals can be completely free or united together for some portion of their length. When united for most of their length, they form a tube-like structure. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALSEP.jpg; Sepal TipSepal tips are much less obvious than petal tips but can still convey some information. In the Compositae, the bracts beneath the flower heads can easily be misinterpreted as sepals. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSEPALTIP.jpg; Flower SexUsually flowers contain both male and female parts. The male parts are the stamens, and the female part is the pistil. In some plants these parts occur separately. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1546, Page 162. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFLWRSEX.GIF;Number of StylesThe styles protrude from the top of the ovary. The number of styles is often equal to the number of sections of the ovary. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figures 1060, 1061 Page 100. 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxstylenumber.GIF; Number of StamensThe stamens are the male part of the plant and are made up of filaments and anthers. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1029 Page 97, Figure 1546, Page 162. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMNUMB.GIF; Stamens Attached to the PetalsThe stamens may be fused to the petals or free from the petals. To see if the stamens are attached, pull off the petals and see if the stamens come with them. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTAMATTC.GIF;Stamens Connate (united)The stamens can be fused to each other or free from each other. When fused they can be joined by the anthers or the filaments. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTACONN.jpg;Carpel SeparationIn some families the ovaries are divided into distinct parts (carpels), each with its own style. In most families these parts are joined and can only be seen by making a cross-section. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPSEP.jpg;Number of CarpelsCarpels are sections of the ovary, each with its own stigma and sometimes its own style. A cross-section of the ovary is the easiest way to determine the number of carpels. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Fg. 1093, Pg. 103. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxCARPNUMB.GIF; Ovary PositionIf petals attach to the bottom of the ovary, it is superior (above). If petals attach to the top of the ovary, it is inferior (below). If petals attach in the middle, it is halfway. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxOVARYPOS.jpg; Fruit TypeThe fruit (mature ovary) can take many forms, i.e., nuts, berries, burs, etc. In this program all fleshy fruits are referred to as berries although this is not technically correct. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFRUITYPE.GIF; 9FruitA fruit is a mature ovary. Contrary to the popular notion that fruits must be fleshy, a fruit is the seed-bearing portion of any plant. Wheat and sunflower seeds are both fruits! ,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFRUITS.PNG;Fruit Length at MaturityuA fruit is a mature ovary. Fruit length is measured from the point of attachment to the opposite end of the fruit. 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfruit length.GIF; Fruit Width at MaturityA fruit is a mature ovary. Fruit width is measured at right angles to a line from the point of attachment to the opposite end of the fruit. Measure at the widest point. 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxfruit width.GIF;      Burs Burs are a means of causing animals to disseminate a plant's seeds. They can be covered with a variety of hooks, spines, barbs, hairs, or sticky substances. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 130, Page 15. *Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxBURS.GIF;LeavesWhere a leaf or leaves emerge from the stem is called a node. A leaf can have three parts: 1. The broad flattened "blade." 2. The stem by which the blade is attached to the branch,called a "petiole." 3. "Stipules" are found at the base of the petiole and can be very variable in shape, size and texture. Many leaves do not have stipules; be sure not to confuse an axillary bud with a stipule. *Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAF.png; -!"#$+),*MLeaf ArrangementLeaf arrangement specifies how the leaves are arranged on the plant's stem. Be sure that you are looking at a leaf and not a leaflet. See "Leaf Type" for further details. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFARR.jpg;  !"# Leaf TypeSee the Key to Common Types of Leaf Divisions PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X), Page 137. As well as these types, leaves may also be divided into many irregular segments. These area called "dissected" leaves. It is essential to be able to distinguish a leaf from a leaflet. Leaves have axillary buds; leaflets do not. Leaves have clasping bases; leaflets do not. If the portions of a divided leaf are all similar and "leaf like," they are leaflets and the leaf is a "compound " leaf. If the portions of a leaf vary greatly in size and shape, then they are "segments and it is a "dissected" leaf. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFTYPE.GIF; $!%&'()*+,-./StipulesStipules are small structures which appear at the base of the leaf stem (petiole). These may appear leaf-like or can be a variety of glands, membranes, or spines. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1044, Page 98. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTIPULES.GIF; /01234567,TendrilsgTendrils are coiled structures by which the plant grasps surrounding objects for support. Tendrils are found primarily in the pea, grape, and squash families. Be sure not to confuse tendrils with twining stems as are found in morningglory family. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1101, Page 103. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxTENDRILS.jpg;98VenationVenation is used to describe the pattern of the main veins in the leaf. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Pages 138 - 139. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxVENATION.jpg;:;<=Petiole (leaf stem) Blade RatioThe petiole is the stem by which the leaf attaches to the branch. The blade is the broad, flattened portion of the leaf. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 724, Page 70. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETRATIO.jpg;>?@A Leaf Length (blade PLUS petiole)Leaf length is measured from the point at which the leaf attaches to the branch to the leaf tip. Be sure to include the petiole (leaf stem) in your measurement. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 518, Page 51. 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLeaf length.GIF; BCDEFGHIJ Leaf WidthLeaf width is measured at the widest point of the leaf. This is not an accurate character if the stem leaves are much smaller than the basal leaves, or if the leaves are very young. 0Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxleaf width.GIF; KLMNOPQRSLeaf Shape (simple leaves only)Leaves come in a great variety of shapes which are one of the major identifying characteristics of plants. As many of these shapes are quite similar, freely use the "or" function in the program..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFSHAP.GIF;UVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefqgh(M7Petiolule To Leaflet Blade Ratio (compound leaves only)The petiolule is the stem which attaches the leaflet to the leaf. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 725, Page 70. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPETIOLUL.GIF;ijkM%Leaflet Length (compound leaves only)Measured from the attachment of the petiolule (leaflet stem) to the tip of the leaflet blade. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 519, Page 51. 3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxleafletlength.GIF;lmnopqrM$Leaflet Width (compound leaves only)Leaflet width is measured at the widest part of the leaflet blade. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 519, Page 51. 2Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxleafletwidth.GIF;stuvwxyM$Leaflet Shape (compound leaves only)Leaflet shape denotes the shape of the leaflets of compound leaves. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 519, Page 51. 1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFLETSHAP.GIF;%z{|}~Leaf or Leaflet MarginLeaf margins can vary from smooth to very deeply lobed. Most states in between are strictly a matter of degree, i.e., serrate is small teeth and dentate is large teeth. Use "or" if in doubt. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFMARG.jpg; Leaf or Leaflet Blade Base%The base of the blade, where it attaches to the leaf or leaflet stem or to the branch, is a major factor in determining the leaf shape. It is also a valuable character independently. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1390, Pg.135. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFBASE.jpg; Leaf or Leaflet TipThe shape of the blade tip is one of the features which give leaves their characteristic appearance. The leaf tip is also referred to as the apex. PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Figure 1391, Pages 136-137. -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAFTIP.jpg;Leaf or Leaflet Blade SurfaceGThe hairs and other structures which cover the surface of a blade are among the most diagnostic and difficult of all characteristics. A hand lens is usually required. There is an excellent key to leaf surface types in: PLANT IDENTIFICATION TERMINOLOGY (Harris and Harris, 1994, ISBN# 0-9640221-5-X): Pages 148 - 149. +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHAIRS.bmp;@C Succulence"Succulence" refers to thick, fleshy, juicy leaves. Cactus are the classic examples of a succulent plants. This is an adaptation used by plants in dry climates to store moisture./Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsucculent.GIF;Stem"Stem" as used here refers to the structure from which either leaves or branches arise. There are many stem characters such as color and hairiness which are variable and not included. *Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxLEAF.png;0124 WoodinessTo meet the criteria for "woodiness," that portion of the plant must persist for more than 1 year, thus producing annual growth rings. Hard, dried annuals or biennials, such as tumble mustard or mullien, may appear woody but will not show annual growth rings./Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxwoodiness.GIF;.Stem Cross SectionTechnically to determine this character, one should cut the stem in half and look at it from the end. This is seldom necessary. Roll the stem between your thumb and fingers to determine its shape. .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTEMCROS.jpg;.Flowering Stem LeavesThe amount of leaves on the flowering stem is one of the things which give plants their characteristic shape. Think of a dandelion with a leafy stem or a bindweed without a leafy stem! -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSTEMLVS.jpg;.Main Stem Branches"Main stem branches" is more complicated than is initially apparent. Branches of the "inflorescence" are NOT considered here. An unbranched stem may terminate in a branched "inflorescence." -Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxFLSTMBR.jpg; Root and\or Vegetative PropaguleThe term "vegetative propagule" is used here so that non-root structures, such as rhizomes and stolons (these are really horizontal stems), may be included. +Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxROOTS.jpg;GeneralThe "General" menu contains non-technical characteristics used in plant identification and recognition, such as height, smelliness, spines, etc. These are often the best characteristics for untrained users and are recommended for users of all skill levels. 56789:;</=4 Milky JuiceIf a plant stem is severed while fresh, juice is secreted which will be clear or opaque. "Milky" refers to the opaque juice regardless of color. This may be impossible to determine in dried plants.3Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxwatery milky.jpg;4Spines or ThornsAs defined here, these are structures rigid enough to draw blood. The user may wish to extrapolate this information! Less rigid structures may be prickles or "hispid" hairs.,Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxSPINES.jpg;4 Aromatic (vegetative structures)This character is used to determine smelly vs non-smelly. It does NOT refer to flowers. It refers ONLY to leaves and stems. Be sure to crush the plant between your fingers before sniffing.1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xx smellornot.jpg;4 Life CycleNLife cycle refers to the length of time which a plant lives. The best way to ascertain life cycle is to examine the roots. The roots of a perennial will be coarse and dark colored, those of an annual will be lighter and more delicate. There is no way to determine life cycle from a seedling. Practice! This is important to know!!/Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxlifecycle.jpg;4Growth Habit (while flowering)"Habit" refers to the general form or appearance of the plant. This is the most important characteristic of many species. Imagine dandelion as a vine or a prostrate oak tree!+Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxHABIT.jpg;'4Plant Height at MaturityPlant height is measured from ground level (even for aquatics) to the highest point. A prostrate plant may have stems 6 feet long, but the plant height may still be less than a few inches.-Broadleaf Menus and attributes\Plant man.GIF; 4Wind DisseminationRefers to how the plants distribute their seeds. In some species, the seeds have various types of fluff or parachutes attached to the seeds. In tumbleweeds, the whole plant is windblown..Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxWINDDISS.GIF;4Moisture RegimeThis characteristic refers to the wetness of the site where the plant is growing. It is primarily of use for those plants which grow in extremely wet or dry sites only.1Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxmoisture880.GIF;4 Chlorophyll&"Chlorophyll" is the pigment which makes plants green and by which they take energy from the sun. Plants with no chlorophyll will be yellow or white in color and often have no leaves! These plants get their energy from growing on either living plants (parasites) or dead plants (saprophytes).7Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxChlorophyllpresab.jpg;SynonymyAll synonymy is in accordance with the 2008 version of the Synthesis of the North American Flora, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America, north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in these subjects! .Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxsynonymy.PNG;drYKZVWhX#~3E1/%Yk%_`]no];O &fL!$#"  v\7kI'(r0+Vc4M/dM0q246558679<f=> }qCDHFGgU.&,JhiK* 9<   gROPUSTWVYXjZm[[WXPkl{P\xyljk]rn`bac^eeobghjlmlcpstwvuv|~}-{ nZWu}sNtmXu[Ae?)asvxdb_T nmyxQczJef;:gYU`|Z@T[f\S|hobzpqraw>p~Oi: d    ^_\_]`a^iLeaflet Characteristics8This menu for those species with compound leaves only! Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxleaflet.png;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxODDPINNB.jpg;Broadleaf Menus and attributes\xxPALMB.jpg;&'(% Geography"Highlighting the "Geography" menu title, brings up the map of North America. Placing the cursor on any state or province north of Mexico will cause its name to appear in a small "fly-over" window (a great way to study your geography). Clicking on any of the named regions will bring up a pop-up window which will allow you to select the region using the "Yes", "No", "Or" commands. Multiple regions can be marked in this manner, the marks will appear in the list below the menu title. All geography data is from the 2008 version of the Floristic Synthesis of North America, produced by the Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and used with permission of Dr. John Kartesz (www.bonap.org). The BONAP database includes several types of data for all vascular plants (native, naturalized, and adventive) of North America north of Mexico, and is the essential reference for anyone with a serious interest in this subject! The maps used for species distribution in the program show a more limited view, primarily the continental United States and Adjacent Canada. This allows for more detailed maps of county level distribution. If you discover new geographic records for any plants in this database, please file a specimen with your state herbarium and report the information to BONAP (www.bonap.org). State Maps PNG\Base Map.GIF;E'8()*G,+B9-.A1!0:/#y2$3%&J 4;  5 67K=WAn Illustrated Guide To Arizona Weeds, 1972 (ISBN 0-8165-0288-9) 338 pages. See page:MAquatic and Riparian Plants of the West, 2003 (ISBN# 1-879906-59-7) See page:@The Biology of Canadian Weeds: Canadian Journal of Plant SciencewCalifornia Growers Weed Identification Handbook, 1968 - 1998 University of California Publication # 4030-1, See page:FCommon Weeds of Canada, Mulligan 1987 (ISBN 0-910053-59-9) See page:GCommon Weeds of the Canadian Prairies, 1963 (Cat# A53-1136-1) See page:GCommon Weeds of the United States, 1971 (ISBN 0-486-20504-5) See page:vCommon Weed Seedlings of the North Central States, 2001 North Central Regional Extension Publication # 607 See page:jCommon Weed Seedlings of the United States and Canada, 1978 Coop Ext. Univ. of Georgia, Athens, See page:PField Guide To The Common Weeds Of Kansas, 1983 (ISBN 0-7006-0233-X) See page:WFifty Important Weeds of Montana, Montana Ag. Ext. Service, 1920. 126 pages. See page:4Garden Weeds of Southern California, 1981, See page:MGilkey's Weeds of the Pacific Northwest, 1980 (ISBN 0-88246-039-0) See page:Listed as a "Weed" by the Biota of North America Program, 2008*Listed in the WSSA Composite List of WeedsH CXItemname:bedstraw, catchweedS'bindweed, fieldS&bindweed, hedgeS6buckwheat, wildS? buffaloburS carrot, wildS catchfly, nightfloweringScatnipScatsear, commonS@cattail, commonSchamomile, mayweedS!chickweed, commonS chicoryScocklebur, commonS daisy, oxeyeS dandelionS8 dock, curlySGdodderS,filaree, redstemSflixweedSgroundsel, commonS-henbitS(horsetail, fieldS horseweedS houndstongueSF ivy, groundS knapweed, RussianS5knotweed, prostrateS#kochiaS"lambsquarters, commonS.loosestrife, purpleS0mallow, commonS/mallow, VeniceSCmorningglory, ivyleafS<mullein, commonSmustard, tumbleSAnettle, stingingS>nightshade, blackS parsnip, cowSpepperweed, perennialSpigweed, redrootSpineapple-weedS3plantain, broadleafS2plantain, buckhornS4plantain, woolySpoison-hemlockSB puncturevineS9purslane, commonSradishSrose, prairie wildSshepherd's-purseSDsmartweed, waterS7 sorrel, redSsowthistle, spinyS=speedwell, purslaneS) spurge, leafyS*spurge, spottedS%St. Johnswort, commonS starthistle, yellowSE sumac, smoothSsumpweed, povertySsunflower, commonS tansy, commonS thistle, bullS thistle, CanadaS$thistle, RussianSthistle, ScotchS;toadflax, yellowS+vetch, narrowleafSwaterhemlock, spottedS1woodsorrel, yellowSyarrow, commonHS millefoliumS repensS retroflexusScotulaS#scopariaS&sepiumSbursa-pastorisS solstitialisS*maculataS"albumS intybusSmaculataS arvenseSvulgareS maculatumS'arvensisS canadensisSGspp.S officinaleScarotaSsophiaS(arvenseS, cicutariumS)esulaS:aparineSF hederaceaSannuusSmaximumS/trionumS% perforatumSradicataSC hederaceaS axillarisS- amplexicauleS latifoliumS vulgareS;vulgarisS. salicariaS0neglectaS discoideaScatariaS acanthiumS1strictaS2 lanceolataS3majorS4 patagonicaSD amphibiumS5 aviculareS6 convolvulusS9oleraceaSsativusSEglabraS arkansanaS7 acetosellaS8crispusS$tragusSvulgarisS noctifloraS altissimumS>nigrumS? rostratumSasperS!mediaSvulgareS officinaleSB terrestrisS@ latifoliaSAdioicaS<thapsusS= peregrinaS+sativa ssp. nigraS strumariumH CXItemrec(. IAn aromatic perennial with leaves very similar in shape to those of stinging nettle. The volatile compounds of this plant have a strange, drug-like effect on members of the cat family. It is occasionally grown as a crop which is sold for tea or for stuffing cat toys. Note the prominent square stem typical of the mint family.SBroadleaf Species J-P\Nepeta cataria.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Nepeta cataria.png;=22412781156174140117374, 37837314533815424813776xX145fSimilar in many regards to many of our wild roses, but this species tends to be more herbaceous, often woody only at the base. It is an extremely variable species and tends to hybridize with several other native roses. It is a common, although not particularly aggressive, species throughout the Great Plains. = Rosa pratincola per South Dakota Weeds.YBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Rosa arkansana-1-Ogg.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Rosa arkansana.png;=22251859310595273504107 358 - 359xX(eAlso known as "rough pigweed." The terminal spike is much shorter and broader than on the closely related Amaranthus powellii, Amaranthus palmerii, or Amaranthus hybridus. The taproot and often the lower stem base are reddish in color; hence the common name. As with all members of this genus, the flowers are small, green, and subtended by small spines.dBroadleaf Species A-C\Amaranthus retroflexus1.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Amaranthus retroflexus.png;= Vol:60Pg1215533422146124217137875018100536025668127852077743 AMARE23193, 1954960323163, 16490556710021336237065188 94-96, 363417,8,92283122101234XXE =Usually found along the margins of lakes and streams. The flowers in white, umbrella-like clusters; the stems often with purple blotches and arising from a cluster of tuberous roots. If the stem base and root is cut in half length-wise, you will see it is divided into small chambers. From the walls of these chambers, a shiny, yellow substance is exuded. It is EXTREMELY TOXIC. It is very similar to Cicuta douglasii which occurs only in WA, OR, ID, MT, NV, CA, BC, AK and Mackenzie Canada and has elongate cells formed by the small veins on the under-side of the leaf; those of Cicuta maculata are round or square. = Cicuta bolanderiZBroadleaf Species A-C\Cicuta maculata 7032.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Cicuta maculata.png;= Vol:61Pg. 9377278808913415515336128148138323, 3246892373231241294613028898,364 104 - 105223XX->A very weedy biennial from a white taproot. The leaves divided into many small segments and the stem covered with purple blotches. This species often forms dense stands, over 6 feet tall, along stream courses but can grow in a variety of sites. The white flowers are in small, umbrella-shaped clusters, and the whole plant emits a musty "mouse nest"-like odor. This is the same species which killed Socrates, and human poisoning is common.XBroadleaf Species A-C\Conium maculatum2.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Conium maculatum.png;=107280807920785131931514912714711 COIMA139325, 3265094 320-21, 323131127109202448131296 98,100,364121105224222262207XX?8Also called "Queen Anne's lace," this is the wild ancestor of our cultivated carrot. Due to this close relationship, wild carrot is of much concern in areas where carrot seed is grown since the crop could be pollinated by the weed. The flowers are white and arranged in flat topped clusters (compound umbels), often with a purple to black flower at the center. The flower clusters fold up at maturity, forming a "bird's nest" of bur-like seeds. Beneath the umbel there are several conspicuous branched bracts which distinguish this species from some "look-alikes."RBroadleaf Species D-I\Daucus carota3.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Daucus carota.png;= Vol54 Pg67321878282202981213106150124861339314912750155373714511 DAUCA140325, 32888289663323, 3251371331122046502886191132294100,10612110641225242463 12, 27, 207XX&KCow parsnip is a native plant of moist, rich soils in the Western U.S. Its populations have fallen dramatically since the European colonization of the west due to the fact that this species will not survive cultivation or grazing by cattle. Despite the fact that this species is not at all weedy, it often appears in weed books, most likely because it is easily identified and photographed. = Heracleum lanatumYBroadleaf Species D-I\Heracleum maximum.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Heracleum maximum.png;=15825620586821565198326, 3292626xGMXAchillea lanulosa (western yarrow) is so similar to common yarrow that some authorities consider them to be the same species, although technically Achillea lanulosa is native and Achillea millefolium is European. Note the flat-topped clusters of small, white flowers and the fern-like aromatic leaves. These species can grow in a great variety of pasture, range, and wasteland situations from sea level to 10,000 feet. Although this species is common, it is not particularly aggressive and is often symptomatic of over-grazing. Pink flowered forms are cultivated and occasionally occur in nature.`Broadleaf Species A-C\Achillea millefolium4.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Achillea millefolium.png;= Vol:62Pg.16359952136210410434918442102231121218175s422094919419913 ACHMI188422, 4921391366420, 4211721731552629649218032310616516 - 178290424228,209Xx N~This is a common weed of mesic annual cropland. Its most distinctive features include: the small "daisy-like" flower heads with yellow-orange centers and white rays, the finely divided leaves, and the extremely strong and unpleasant odor when the foliage is crushed. In the Pacific Northwest this species is often erroneously referred to as "dog fennel," a name reserved for Eupatorium capillifolium in the mid-west. In the 2000 edition of Weeds of the West it says "flowers 3/4 inch in diameter." However, this is actually the measurement of the heads. Similar to Anthemis arvensis and Anthemis austriaca but much more aromatic.VBroadleaf Species A-C\Anthemis cotula5.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Anthemis cotula.png;=45993701110535118567122105121217179702115119513 ANTCO427, 428140842518917615326810743316186291 112,128,3651694992945456125XX5= Centaurea repens. The word "repens" in the scientific name means "creeping" and refers to the creeping root system of this rhizomatous perennial. The roots are usually black and scaly. The bracts beneath the flower heads are membranous and translucent. Note the EXTREMELY bitter taste of the leaves.ZBroadleaf Species A-C\Acroptilon repens1.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Acroptilon repens.png;=284 Vol:60Pg.993752938411154130335, 336176196147245771926/2713 CENRE2054441471816619544217519116928210419517929924493Xx:SEAn extremely aggressive weed in dry habitats, this species often forms extensive monocultural stands. The stiff spines beneath the flower heads are often greater than an inch long. Each head produces 2 types of seeds, some with fluffy attachments for wind dissemination and the other without such attachments which fall near the parent plant. After seed shed, the prominently white, fuzzy receptacle remains and has earned the plant the common name of "cotton-top thistle" in Britain. The plant is very toxic to horses. In some areas it is called Barnaby or Barnaby's thistle.dBroadleaf Species A-C\Centaurea solstitialis6.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Centaurea solstitialis.png;=2823129386113351741081457821913 CENSO443, 444147168433, 43425017628410329949694XX#UFlower heads with yellow centers and white rays. An aggressive, creeping perennial which is extremely competitive with grasses, particularly in low fertility, acidic soils. Application of nitrogen will help to favor the grasses. = Chrysanthemum leucanthemum_Broadleaf Species J-P\Leucanthemum vulgare.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Leucanthemum vulgare.png;= Vol84 Pg.3431073138811535518364164105119219185215196200446, 4471423017018944836917728814541962561281793030510010226, 193xX W.This weedy, tap-rooted perennial is the same species famous for its use in chicory coffee. The hairy basal leaves form a rosette, and the stem leaves are quite small. The coarse, branched stems give the plant a skeleton-like appearance. One of a very few species having blue flowers and milky juice.ZBroadleaf Species A-C\Cichorium intybus4.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Cichorium intybus.png;=9710831394112273051541092401532521878019316017213 CICIN206447, 485149176 417, 449-5026719517829017210687197149, 266130,1621933061061089528, 223XX@ One of the most serious weeds of crop and forest land in the Western United States. Its spread is primarily from creeping root stocks which are distributed by cultivation and gophers. The "snowstorms" of fluff from patches of this species have caused many feuds but actually contain very few viable seeds. This is an extremely variable species, some varieties with entire, spineless leaves. An excellent description of these varieties can be found on page 239 of Ontario Weeds.VBroadleaf Species A-C\Cirsium arvense3.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Cirsium arvense.png;=288 Vol55Pg10331093139618113183431764610718814323914189812171320/2113 CIRAR208448, 449145241781734512721871712921871103814200169, 267124,13218132 - 333071081109628, 225XX? 6This thistle has extremely stiff spines and often pointed leaf lobes. It is a biennial and, even in the rosette stage, can be distinguished from other thistles by its rough scratchy upper leaf surface. See also the photos on page 225 of the California Growers Guide which are misidentified as Scotch thistle.VBroadleaf Species A-C\Cirsium vulgare7.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Cirsium vulgare.png;=149110323981811412333917748105194139240141898320421313 CIRVU212452, 4531451821145227218917029418712034202311134,22018130811812097XX{Also called mare's tail, this species does not develop its small, white flower heads until mid to late summer. The leaves can be either entire or lobed. At all stages of growth, the leaves have stiff "ciliate" hairs along the margins. A very common weed along roadsides, this species has developed resistance to certain herbicides. = Erigeron canadensis, Leptilon canadense]Broadleaf Species A-C\Conyza canadensis 803.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Conyza canadensis.png;=290 Vol:81Pg.867161123640019111151083251868410020612923019321918116313 ERICA21345912618614462, 4632841571492961612289204134236,140181361131212212497XX=%mThe wild ancestor of today's cultivated sunflower. The lowest leaves are opposite but most above are alternate, and all are scabrous (rough and scratchy). The flowers are in large heads with yellow ray flowers and brownish disk flowers. This species is common in dry wasteland and natural areas, blooming from mid to late summer. = Helianthus lenticularis YBroadleaf Species D-I\Helianthus annuus.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Helianthus annuus.png;=29811414181412119991283171989522013518719413 HELAN224472, 473134192472, 47332915963302144216110,14631713413610024, 253xX^Despite the branched, several-flowered stems and rough hairy leaves, this species is often called dandelion. In wet climates or well watered lawns, it is an exceptionally troublesome weed.`Broadleaf Species D-I\Hypochaeris radicata5.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Hypochaeris radicata.png;= Vol:61Pg.3652131194311428915515585446, 47715016478, 479353196103264148,16261144146xX< _This rhizomatous perennial is a native weed of dry, alkaline soils in the Western U.S. The most distinctive feature is the pendulous flower heads which occur singly in the leaf axils.WBroadleaf Species D-I\Iva axillaris 80310.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Iva axillaris.png;=308 Vol:55Pg.293120437531516286166178230478, 479194478, 48035716316330415422118742 - 43146148101xX)'d3= Matricaria matricarioides, Chamomilla suaveolens This low growing annual is often confused with mayweed (Anthemis cotula) but can easily be distinguished by its pleasant, sweet odor and lack of ray flowers. It is often found in compacted soils, such as paths and driveways, with prostrate knotweed.`Broadleaf Species J-P\Matricaria discoidea1.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Matricaria discoidea.png;=151264813104351, 35268123217s4820213 MATMT236427, 48719317486, 4872611753141021665822629215418746 - 4716216210323, 125xXB)eIThe scientific name comes from the Latin "onos" for donkey and refers to the supposed effect of causing flatulence in donkeys. (Make up your own common name!) An enormous biennial with rosettes to 6 feet wide and plants 6-12 feet tall. The leaves and stems are covered with white, cobwebby to felty hairs, and the stems have prominent, spiny wings. This species can grow in a great variety of soils and sites. The photos on page 225 of the California Growers Guide are actually bull thistle (Cirsium vulgare); however, the text on the back seems to be accurate for Scotch thistle.^Broadleaf Species J-P\Onopordum acanthium1.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Onopordum acanthium.png;=2251233471061951412418921613 ONRAC237202372174316168203189164164104xX8AA common annual weed of disturbed sites. The leaves are pinnately lobed, and the small heads of yellow flowers are without ray flowers. The bracts immediately beneath the heads display the small, black tips which are typical of the genus. This species is more toxic to horses than tansy ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) but is seldom consumed in large quantities due to the small stature of the plants.YBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Senecio vulgaris 2.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Senecio vulgaris.png;= Vol:83Pg.629359141073601687813322391493, 494140206179494, 49538218131838263106, 15419151 - 53170170105xX5=gThis species is a very prickly annual with clasping stem leaves and milky juice. It is one of the very few yellow flowered "thistles." It can easily be confused with annual sowthistle which is also prickly, but much less so than prickly sowthistle. The rule of thumb is that if you wonder which one it is, it's probably not prickly sowthistle-- 'cause you would know if you touched it!VBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Sonchus asper2 603.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Sonchus asper.png;=316 Vol:64Pg.73115113162434125293161581112441592482039413 SONAS244498, 50015519499, 50039820318465324106174109235257160, 36620156 - 57326180180106xX>?hCommon tansy was imported as a medicinal herb but has since been shown to be carcinogenic. It is an extremely aggressive, rhizomatous perennial which often forms monocultural stands in pasture and waste land. It is often confused with tansy ragwort because of misuse of the common name rather than any similarities between the plants. Common tansy is an aromatic perennial without ray flowers. Tansy ragwort is a non-aromatic biennial with ray flowers.ZBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Tanacetum vulgare1.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Tanacetum vulgare.png;=6335316912322095197201499212199502, 50340718015433023628619158 - 5918418410725, 165xX@iProbably the most commonly recognized weed. This species was intentionally imported by the pioneers for its large number of useful properties. The leaves are high in vitamins and can be eaten raw or cooked. The flowers are used to make wine, and the roots can be used as an excellent substitute for coffee. It is a major competitor for pollinators in orchards. This is a taxonomically difficult group due to microspeciation via apomixis. The seeds of this species are olive to tan, while those of T. laevigatum are reddish._Broadleaf Species Q-Z\Taraxacum officinale.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Taraxacum officinale.png;=320 Vol:82Pg.82595133644381812634117291157741522421512522052035816217413 TAROF246501, 503152214181205024121971793321441764726110237144, 265148, 16220360 - 6115328186186107 23, 135, 223xX Gl= Xanthium pensylvanicum, Xanthium italicum, Xanthium orientale The common cocklebur is often found in areas that are saturated in the spring. Seedlings are easily identified by digging up the coarse bur which remains attached to the root system. Each bur contains 2 seeds, one of which germinates in the spring, the other in the fall. The cotyledon leaves are extremely toxic, and deaths in swine are common as the species is well adapted to grow around hog wallows.jBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Xanthium strumarium var glabrum3.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Xanthium strumarium.png;=326 Vol:63Pg.21119444144129291253101636211290213137216209965717218513 XANST251505132218175507, 508420161338220182240252110, 16664 - 651533419419410922, 115xXpHoundstongue has small, but beautiful, dark red to reddish-purple tubular flowers. The four nutlets are covered with hooked bristles which allow the seeds to be dispersed by passing animals. Recent evidence has shown this species to be toxic to livestock due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids. The entire plant has a sweetish musty odor which some people say smells like dirty socks and others claim smells like hot buttered popcorn!dBroadleaf Species A-C\Cynoglossum officinale5.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Cynoglossum officinale.png;= Vol:68Pg.7632613423512099172165135158162357, 35810643314012022418414512720220270XX2u/The only mustard in North America with a triangular fruit. One of the first plants to bloom in the spring, often over wintering as a rosette. The leaves are pinnately lobed and have both simple and branched hairs. The rosette photo in Weeds of Southern Turfgrasses is incorrect, likely Erodium sp. fBroadleaf Species A-C\Capsella bursa-pastoris8.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Capsella bursa-pastoris.png;=1421048281981616448949132889012836874310910331111299511412 CAPBP68238, 240597848115212184718383144802007611591145, 300 132,168,17271 270-71, 2931815422021842 27, 201, 203XXx^This species is closely related to pinnate tansymustard (Descurainia pinnata), and both species have very similar finely dissected leaves. Under magnification, it can be seen that the leaves are covered with small, star-shaped hairs. The fruits of flixweed tend to be longer and narrower than those of pinnate tansymustard, which are bullet shaped.]Broadleaf Species D-I\Descurainia sophia13.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Descurainia sophia.png;=146 Vol:57Pg.499271503517476652135449633998612 DESSO7324254109224, 2424931038515220773 274 - 27522622445XX'")This rhizomatous perennial commonly forms dense stands, choking out other vegetation in sub-irrigated areas. It produces large, rounded clusters of small, white flowers and is sometimes called "tall white-top." This plant has recently been used in the dried flower trade; the fruiting plants being sold as "beige lace." This is a tremendous potential means of spread of this aggressive, weedy species. Chew the mature seed pods or the root to see why this plant is called "pepperweed."]Broadleaf Species J-P\Lepidium latifolium.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Lepidium latifolium.png;=171 Vol87 Pg63924512535252582305118816023022847xX02{Technically this is the same species as cultivated radish (the word "sativus" means "cultivated as a crop"). The flowers vary from white to yellow or purple, and the 4 petals have prominent dark veins.XBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Raphanus sativus6.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Raphanus sativus.png;=78481519149s22254, 26162233, 23451689234232xX#:E+The seedling of this species is misidentified in the 1991edition of Weeds of the West (that's yellow starthistle) but correct in the 1992 edition. Also known as "Jim Hill mustard" for the railroad man which it followed throughout the west. The seed pods, which are up to 4 inches long but only about 2 mm wide, are a distinctive feature of this species. Second only to Russian thistle in its prevalence as a tumbleweed in most areas. When the plants bolt in the spring, the flowering stalks of the larger plants can be peeled and eaten, raw or cooked.eBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Sisymbrium altissimum2jpg.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Sisymbrium altissimum.png;=5760212185067531419340865393361191008712 SSYAL83248, 25862236, 237537998616621810230318483 279, 290-9123623449xX9&vThe photo on page 260 of the 1991 edition of Weeds of the West is misidentified as Silene noctiflora. This was correctly changed to Silene alba (= S. latifolia) in the 1992 edition. The same misidentification is made on page 69 of the 1979 Nebraska Weeds. This is particularly humorous since the text says "the two are easily mistaken for each other." An excellent photo (correctly identified) can be found on page 143 of Weeds of Alberta. AS in the above examples, white cockle is VERY commonly confused with nightflowering catchfly. THe easist way to distinguish the two is the long acuminate sepal tips on S. noctiflora.iBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Silene noctiflora-Ian Morrison 01.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Silene noctiflora.png;= Vol60Pg124340601649971002950697891998710711 MELNO210, 21314318458165126246247811819855 326-27, 329xX >&"Stellaria" means "like a star" referring to the small, white flowers with five deeply lobed petals. The specific epithet "media" means "middle," like the median strip of the highway, and refers to the fact that the stems have a single longitudinal line of hairs. If the stems are broken gently and pulled apart, they reveal an elastic core which, rumor has it, small chicks will strangle on. Hence, the name "chickweed."UBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Stellaria media.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Stellaria media.png;= Vol:60Pg.9815042631682092724431059734664867337395298925848211 STEME33216, 2175372361355185, 18655561701306624843188080182202, 29057 101, 332-3371372642603725, 179xX  A highly variable annual. The new growth, even seedlings, and lower leaf surfaces are covered with a white, mealy substance which is easily wiped off. At maturity the stems are often red striped, as is common in this family. The leaves of this species have been used as raw or cooked greens, but livestock occasionally suffer nitrate poisoning from consuming it in large quantities. = Chenopodium lanceolatum, Chenopodium dacoticum[Broadleaf Species A-C\Chenopodium album10.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Chenopodium album.png;=100 Vol:58Pg.699223130132134175429826438605352236077238179776 CHEAL10183, 18445541857146609496488222252225057195 96,204,20637 154 - 155711426926530 2, 6, 22, 113XX Also called "red belvedere" and "burning bush." This species has developed resistance to the triazine herbicides which were commonly used along road and rail rights-of-way and has since formed profuse stands in many such sites. Although introduced as a forage crop, under certain conditions the plant can accumulate toxic levels of nitrate. At maturity many of the plants break off and become "tumble-weeds." The soft, hairy leaves resemble those of Bassia hyssopifolia. = Kochia scopariaUBroadleaf Species J-P\Kochia scoparia.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Bassia scoparia.png;=2163244136199196356252580786 KCHSC15191225559447922566020639 158-59,16311627427031XXA7 = Salsola kali var. tragus, Salsola pestifer This is the classic "tumbleweed" of ghost towns in the western movies. Probably imported as a silage plant for arid regions, the young growth is succulent and edible to man or livestock. At maturity the plant forms a spiny sphere, detaching at the base and tumbling in the wind spreading seeds as it goes. The seedling leaves are extremely narrow and linear; they can be mistaken for grass seedlings without close examination.UBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Salsola iberica8.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Salsola tragus.png;=110 Vol:65Pg.37921335713810208534856256582364268381796 SASKR18181, 1914324591576215365399426061904116211727627232xX9This perennial produces a toxin which, when consumed, causes white-skinned animals to develop massive skin lesions when exposed to the sun. The leaves are small, hairless, and opposite. When held up to the light, one can see numerous "perforations" which are actually clear, window-like glands that produce the toxin. Three biocontrol agents have been released on this species; the most noticeable is an iridescent black beetle which feeds on the leaves. Also called goatweed and Klamathweed.aBroadleaf Species D-I\Hypericum perforatum13.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Hypericum perforatum.png;= Vol:68Pg.14925472266361958149123791451254514912314211 HYPPE49314, 3158590302633123107194262721276411321128027660xX= Convolvulus sepium, Convolvulus repens Very similar in appearance to field bindweed but much larger in all features. This species does not tolerate cultivation but is very aggressive in ornamental and native shrubs. The base of the flower is enclosed in a pair of bracts.ZBroadleaf Species A-C\Calystegia sepium3.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Calystegia sepium.png;=2323329289226131866814397167137s32351544 CAGSE154346, 347344, 34513611921436264140224208, 276 257 - 2592372822786719, 51XXThe scientific name "convolvulus" comes from the same root word as "convulsion" and refers to the manner in which the plant climbs by writhing and wrapping itself around any plant or object nearby. The species has a tremendous root system which allows the plant to stay green, even when everything around it has dried out. Seeds from this species can easily live for 50 years in the soil. This feature, when combined with the massive root system, makes it one of the worst crop weeds.aBroadleaf Species A-C\Convolvulus arvensis10.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Convolvulus arvensis.png;=232 Vol:62Pg.4617481332901190598322413246681428716613753159918/194 CONAR155344, 34593,941410215 341-42, 3446391371185521232266139220210,276125 257-57, 259162362842806719, 51XX+In the spring the fruiting stalks of field horsetail emerge from its creeping rhizomes. They are slender and tubular, white to pink in color. Later in the season the vegetative stalks of the plants appear. These are often described as looking like small (< 1 foot tall) Christmas trees. These stems are very flexible and have several whorls of long, narrow branches. This stage of the plant contains chlorophyll and is green throughout.YBroadleaf Species D-I\Equisetum arvense.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Equisetum arvense.png;=202 Vol:61Pg. 123278116182113206919s1354430106, 1073569311172028646111223216 217323063045 9,18,29,243XX7IOne of the worst possible weeds of range and pasture land, as well as being highly destructive to native ecosystems. This species spreads from an extensive root system, has seeds that will survive for 75 years in the soil, and is full of a toxic, milky juice which can cause permanent blindness if it comes into contact with the eye. Look for the many long, narrow, stem leaves and the pink buds on the root system. When the seed pods mature, they can "spit" the seeds up to 15 feet. The plants often occur along stream courses where the seeds and root fragments are water borne. VBroadleaf Species D-I\Euphorbia esula3.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Euphorbia esula.png;= Vol:60Pg.6516938248731839773135411391116/177 EPHES125301, 3022280167282, 2837011139919029211848224107 367 - 36931631455xX8q= Euphorbia maculata, Euphorbia supina. Therefore, look on both pages 88 and 89 in the 1979 Nebraska Weeds; pages 250 and 252 in Common Weeds of The United States; and pages 48 and 50 in Identifying Seedlings and Mature Weeds. One of many annual spurges. The stems mostly prostrate but sometimes ascending. The leaves normally bearing a central spot of dark purple and the stem hairy with soft hairs. S.W.S.S. lists Euphorbia humistrata as a separate species from Euphorbia maculata but lists both species as = Euphorbia supina. Suffice it to say that these are extremely similar species and that confusion exists._Broadleaf Species A-C\Chamaesyce supina 603.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Chamaesyce maculata.png;=206282502075701814650479871131115s281151347 EPHMA126299, 3048126 285 - 28771729412511975226,27410922198, 19931330856XXDF,= Vicia angustifolia An introduced perennial crop, now escaped and widely established. Distinguished from the other Vicia species by its 12-25 mm long flowers which occur in groups of 1-3 in the leaf axils.cBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Vicia sativa flower02.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Vicia sativa ssp. nigra.png;=238167722467124311118 VICAN288, 29045269, 27082311015011023899183351349XAlso known by the common names of "storksbill" and "cranesbill" in reference to the long, pointed fruits which are typical of the geranium family. The leaves of this species look and smell very much like carrot leaves even though carrot is in a different family. Redstem filaree is well adapted to dry rangeland and often provides valuable forage for sheep but can be a troublesome weed in many situations.]Broadleaf Species D-I\Erodium cicutarium11.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Erodium cicutarium.png;=19211136206717410269142s2511 EROCI292, 2937451274, 27583596184128309242103 144-45, 1472218735235053xX! Despite being a member of the mint family, this annual weed is not aromatic. Under warm spring conditions, it produces a small but beautiful two-lipped, tubular, purple flower with a speckled mouth. Under cooler conditions, these flowers do not open, instead they pollinate themselves while remaining closed and thus guarantee seed production whether or not the weather is suitable for the insects which pollinate them.^Broadleaf Species J-P\Lamium amplexicaule8.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Lamium amplexicaule.png;=24617314212194882401284682154103178151564211 LAMAM170371, 3721019939366868232164326131151236246,248133 250 - 2512825136236073xX%/tThis rhizomatous perennial species often forms solid stands in aquatic to semi-aquatic sites. Introduced (and still sold) as an ornamental for its showy spikes of purple flowers. It has invaded hundreds of thousands of acres of wetlands in the Northern United States. The plant has no value for wildlife, and many of the species which it displaces are valuable species.ZBroadleaf Species J-P\Lythrum salicaria4.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Lythrum salicaria.png;=237 Vol72Pg13057581147114628/29318908354115254 224 - 225380378 3, 29, 239xX This European annual can be found in a variety of sites from waste ground to annual crop. The leaves are palmately divided, but each segment is pinnately lobed. The flowers have 5 large, yellow petals, each of which has a purple base which gives the flower a purple center. Note the way the stamens are clustered together; this is typical of the mallow family. Also known as flower-of-an-hour.YBroadleaf Species D-I\Hibiscus trionum 3.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Hibiscus trionum.png;=902124371918270471161441221419 HIBTR51310, 312296, 29791710542360123337258111 230 - 23120838638458xX&* Also known as buttonweed and cheeseweed. Listed as an annual by many references, it can also be a perennial. Note the column of stamens typical of the family. The plant shown as Malva rotundifolia on page 120 of South Dakota Weeds 1966 is actually Malva neglecta.TBroadleaf Species J-P\Malva neglecta1.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Malva neglecta.png;=21071262233719313611883141119441201399 MALNE52312, 313838847920121104192154362124235256,26011320938838659xXF*1Leaves with 3 leaflets (like a clover); each leaflet shaped like a heart attached at the narrow end. Leaves often dark purple and with a pleasant, sour taste. The flowers are yellow with 5 petals. This species is common in a variety of usually shady sites. The 1979 Nebraska Weeds mentions Oxalis europaea but this is a synonym for Oxalis stricta despite the fact that it is listed by WSSA. = Oxalis europaeaSBroadleaf Species J-P\Oxalis stricta.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Oxalis stricta.png;=2407817710411811844951223211410511 OXAST13629248130158111328, 329266,3701013318639939954xX++2These fibrous rooted perennials have a long, leafless, flowering stem with a short spike of flowers at the tip. The main veins of the leaves are almost parallel and, as inferred by the scientific name, the leaves are lanceolate. This species is a common weed of lawns and pastures.^Broadleaf Species J-P\Plantago lanceolata4.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Plantago lanceolata.png;=268 Vol60Pg1269114913469599277, 27814514085176103200165651894615511 PLALA172408, 4091112613050408995153141252256382466016017082270, 2721553393427640240284 22, 109-110xX*,2A fibrous rooted perennial, common in lawns and pastures. The leaves with a broad, oval blade and distinct, parallel veins. The flowering stem is leafless with the spike of flowers occupying greater than half its length.TBroadleaf Species J-P\Plantago major2.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Plantago major.png;=270 Vol54 Pg 383189925234773100277144120851011991676619147154133173408, 409132149407, 40899515314025438760161171190, 201272, 273155 338-39,3413527740440484 22, 109-111xX,-2= Plantago purshii This native annual is common in dry disturbed sites. It is seldom more than 6 inches tall and is soft-hairy throughout. The flowers borne on the terminal spike are translucent white.aBroadleaf Species J-P\Plantago patagonica 703.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Plantago patagonica.png;=95147177156166174410384172406406xX/Prostrate knotweed is common and beneficial in areas of highly compacted soils such as paths and driveways. The tiny, axillary flowers are an interesting combination of pink, green, and white. Polygonum aviculare is much less common than Polygonum arenastrum and likely most of the P. aviculare reports for North America are actually P. arenastrum. Polygonum arenastrum has leaves of the same size on the main stem and branches, whereas P. aviculare has much larger leaves on the main stem than the branches.^Broadleaf Species J-P\Polygonum aviculare4.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Polygonum aviculare.png;=84 Vol85 Pg48112235211625237554126926047295367197372676 POLAV164, 16841, 42761052133, 1343957357446477411634967226, 274298435104502, 509498, 5052425, 175xX0hThis plant's specific name "convolvulus" is the same as the genus name for field bindweed, and to the casual observer they may appear similar. However, field bindweed is a perennial with showy, tubular flowers and no stipules. Wild buckwheat is an annual with inconspicuous flowers and sheathing stipules. Wild buckwheat is a common weed of cultivated crops.bBroadleaf Species J-P\Polygonum convolvulus2.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Polygonum convolvulus.png;= Vol:63Pg.959196245212011263010573541285848295869s127573686 POLCO38165, 16612311361337436076478218451222276,28231 88-89, 25710550450024xX45@ Also known as "sheep sorrel" and "sour dock." The specific epithet "acetosella" is derived from the same root word as acetic acid which is vinegar and refers to the pleasant sour taste of the leaves. The leaves are often arrowhead-shaped with prominent basal lobes.WBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Rumex acetosella.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Rumex acetosella.png;=862856128338724695912415459452750732169186944174, 17537-3952138, 1391347588048619741655321928433361105125082628, 215xX6@The "curly" in curly dock refers to the wavy leaf margin. At the base of each leaf stem is the prominent membranous "sheathing stipule" which is characteristic of this family. Despite common names like "Indian tobacco," this is a European species brought over by the settlers. The young leaves make an excellent, tangy, cooked green, and the red-brown mature fruits can be used in baking.SBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Rumex crispus13.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Rumex crispus.png;=903295129571303537277159122158574327507522711971666 RUMCR46176, 17737-3932165214013513354822424901828166558828633 92-93, 1513611251451027 5,23,123,215xX/13?A prostrate annual with fleshy, often brownish-colored leaves. The leaves are edible, however some people find their somewhat mucilaginous texture disagreeable. The small, yellow flowers form a capsule-type fruit which produces a large amount of tiny, black seeds. A very common weed of flower and vegetable gardens.[Broadleaf Species J-P\Portulaca oleracea.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Portulaca oleracea.png;=132 Vol:60Pg.9532735531522026244193801386251662570972810123828011P27199, 200523415954173137057684510413249262168716992, 28843 352-53,371371265225163523, 129xX A viny, annual weed with down-turned barbs on the stem and 5-8 narrow, barbed leaves per whorl. Each leaf has a small spine at the leaf tip, and the plant stem is often square. The fruit is a pair of round burs, sometimes referred to as "monkey balls." = Galium spuriumXBroadleaf Species D-I\Galium aparine1 503.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Galium aparine.png;= Vol:68Pg.481352279945281147381781172021716715716711 GALAP184411, 4121159409, 4101435256765061761744788,30215772 - 7328153853285xXC$This rhizomatous perennial has narrowly linear leaves and prefers moist, rich soils where it is very competitive with pasture grasses. The spurred flowers have a distinct orange blotch in the throat. = Linaria linariaXBroadleaf Species J-P\Linaria vulgaris5.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Linaria vulgaris.png;= Vol:75Pg.5258946328961022711411447710919162179151131392, 3941264739714631511382465088216454224,304149 137, 138-3926354854281 3, 23, 139xX"DA very distinctive biennial due to the large, soft rosette leaves and the cylindrical, yellow flowering spikes to 6 or 8 feet tall. This plant was intentionally imported for its medicinal properties. The dried plant material is smoked to dry up fluid in the lungs caused by pneumonia-like ailments. It is still harvested for use in some areas. This species prefers dry sites and is often found in sandy or gravelly soils.ZBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Verbascum thapsus1.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Verbascum thapsus.png;=266 Vol:58Pg.40192906533497261140761731091891616418315012911 VESTH178397, 398106128401, 4021475136248136510186165155306151 140 - 1413926755254682 24,149,229xX6EJWhile the small, heart-shaped fruits are typical of the genus, the linear leaves and white flowers are a combination of characters sufficient to distinguish purslane speedwell from all other species of the genus. The specific epithet "peregrina" means "migratory" and refers to the rapid invasive characteristics of the species. The photos on pages 514, 515 of Weeds of Nebraska and the Great Plains 1994 are actually this species rather than Veronica arvensis as listed.dBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Veronica peregrina scan 603.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Veronica peregrina.png;=123653409826314277194163152132181399, 4011088061404, 405148613751418816617888, 30815327155655083xX%;5Black nightshade is a common annual weed of cultivated cropland. As with many of the nightshades, the fruit is a berry, green when immature but black when ripe. This species is very similar to hairy nightshade, the major difference being that as the fruit matures in hairy nightshade (Solanum sarrachoides), the sepals become enlarged and cover the lower half of the fruit whereas in black nightshade they enlarge only slightly. Some sources lump this species with eastern black nightshade (Solanum ptycanthum). SBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Solanum nigrum.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Solanum nigrum.png;= Vol:65Pg.401142613242825313514711075168184159591731461235 SOLNI388, 389104, 1051163911528242526202318, 374145 300-01, 303412625745688026, 189xX<5Buffalobur is native to the American southwest where it evolved to grow in the highly disturbed areas caused by the buffalo wallows. The leaves have large, rounded lobes and are spiny, particularly on the lower midrib. The flowers are yellow with 5 petals forming a tube about 1 inch broad. One of the anthers is much longer than the other four. The fruit is a somewhat spherical, spiny capsule. Buffalobur has spread to virtually every state in the U.S. as a contaminant in seed.]Broadleaf Species Q-Z\Solanum rostratum 703.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Solanum rostratum.png;=264 Vol:66Pg.97725228889625413674167187157s35177431225 SOLCU152388, 390104, 105118392, 393154912752816314557657281xX B8@One would be hard pressed to find anyone with enough interest to look in a weeds book who doesn't already know what a cattail looks like. Ewell Gibbons referred to this plant as the "supermarket of the wilds." The pollen from the male flowers makes a fine flour substitute while the "grain" from the female flowers is high in protein. The "fluff" can be used as padding, insulation, or tinder, and the leaves can be woven to form mats, baskets, roofs, etc.. The young stalks, which taste like cucumbers, are called "Russian asparagus," and the roots provide a starchy meal.VBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Typha latifolia3.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Typha latifolia.png;=18378 Vol:66Pg.361871023146471163619530 110 - 1113658658220, 69xX$C9= Urtica procera, Urtica gracilis, Urtica lyallii The name "urtica" is the same root word as the medical term for hives (urticaria), which refers to the skin reaction caused by contact with this plant. The stiff hairs on the stem contain a small drop of formic acid which is extremely irritating to the skin, but the irritation is short lived. The young growth of the plant is an excellent cooked green (much like spinach), and the older stems have historically been used as a fiber source for ropes and clothing.RBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Urtica dioica4.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Urtica dioica.png;= Vol:57Pg.491187216411016226752674185186865616281271281562537253648208320 374 - 37558858423XX.A;GOther non-standardized common names include goatheads and sandbur. This species is prostrate with even pinnate leaves and small, yellow flowers. The circular fruit breaks apart to form 5 triangular segments, each with 2 spines. These spines are very rigid and easily penetrate shoes and tires, thus the name "puncturevine."^Broadleaf Species Q-Z\Tribulus terrestris8.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Tribulus terrestris.png;=19824242297880187964211310411 TRBTE134289, 291768467 287 - 2891592975118654419911310596 - 9719060059654xX!&"= Ipomoea hederacea var. integriuscula Flowers blueish to purple on the outside, white to yellow within. Leaves either entire or 3-lobed. It is pictured on pages 290 and 291 of Weeds of the West but is misnamed as Ipomoea hirsutula in the 1991 edition. The photos on pages 292 and 293 of the 1991 Weeds of the West are also Ipomoea hederacea but are misidentified as Ipomoea purpurea. In the 2000 edition of Weeds of the West the plant shown as Ipomoea nil on page 286 is actually Ipomoea purpurea, note the acute sepals in comparison with those of Ipomoea hederacea. The name Ipomoea nil has been used both as a synonym for Ipomoea hederacea and for a separate horticultural species (tall morningglory) which is distinguished by larger flowers and the sepals erect rather than spreading.PBroadleaf Species D-I\IPOHEDER.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Ipomoea hederacea.png;=238112300111591133827114514141411554 IPOHE15635334268142224 214 - 216 262 - 263240290287xX3.= Polygonum natans In water or wet soil. Flowers pink, plants rooting at the nodes. The membranous stipules occasionally with a herbaceous "skirt" arising from the upper margin. Polygonum amphibium var. emersum = Polygonum muhlenbergia, Polygonum coccineum. cBroadleaf Species J-P\Polygonum amphibium 80410.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Polygonum amphibium.png;=31494114, 11829574956, 57697774696 POLCC3516641, 42134, 13513194745087511507xX;3This shrub is native throughout much of the drier regions of the U.S. It often forms large patches due to spread from the roots. Fruit a red, hairy berry covered with short hairs which are coated with a sour substance; can be used to make lemonade.QBroadleaf Species Q-Z\Rhus glabra 803.JPG;Broadleaf PNG Maps N-Z\Rhus glabra.png;=254761147511813713342326, 330200 19, 39, 41xX^ This creeping species makes an excellent ground cover but is very aggressive and often becomes weedy in lawns. It is known to most gardeners as "gill-over-the-ground" and is commonly brought in for identification. The spelling for the genus is often given as Glecoma. _Broadleaf Species D-I\Glechoma hederacea5041.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps F-M\Glechoma hederacea.png;=87393129389a24312783153105175141118168369, 370953937414412520632236130150234246,2601332512507628, 227xX[Parasitic annuals with twining stems. The entire plant lacks leaves and chlorophyll and, therefore, has a distinctive yellowish white color.TBroadleaf Species A-C\Cuscuta pentagona2.jpg;Broadleaf PNG Maps A-E\Cuscuta spp.png;= Vol86 Pg293 LesquerellaAcalyphaAcerAllium AmaranthusAmbrosia Chamaesyce AntennariaArgemone ArtemisiaComandra OligoneuronBarbareaBidens AsclepiasCamelinaCampsis ChenopodiumCirsium ConringiaConyza CoreopsisCroton Cucurbita CyclolomaDiodia Dracocephalum EchinocystisErigeronErysimum Eupatorium Euphorbia CastillejaGeranium Gnaphalium GutierreziaHelenium HelianthusIpomoeaLactucaLeonurusLepidiumMalvaMenthaMollugo CryptanthaNepetaNeslia Pastinaca PhytolaccaPlantago Potentilla RanunculusRosa Rudbeckia GalinsogaYucca Alternanthera Toxicodendron AnthriscusCarumCicutaConiumDaucusRumexSenecioSicyosSidaSilphium SisymbriumSolidagoTeucriumVerbenaVernoniaVeronica HeracleumApocynumAchilleaAnthemisArctiumBellisCarduus Carthamus Centaurea Chondrilla Leucanthemum Chrysothamnus CichoriumCrepisCrupina Grindelia Hemizonia Heterotheca Hieracium HypochaerisIvaLapsana LygodesmiaMachaerantheraMadia Matricaria OnopordumSilybumSonchus Tanacetum Taraxacum Tetradymia TragopogonXanthium Xylorhiza AmsinckiaAsperugo CynoglossumLappula BuglossoidesAlyssumBrassicaCapsellaCardaria Chorispora DescurainiaIsatis MalcolmiaRaphanusThlaspiOpuntia CampanulaCannabisCleome Agrostemma Cerastium Gypsophila SaponariaSileneSpergula StellariaVaccariaBassia Halogeton BrickelliaSalsola Sarcobatus Hypericum Calystegia ConvolvulusCuscutaCocciniaMarahDipsacus Elaeagnus Equisetum FunastrumRicinusAlhagi AstragalusCytisusGalega GlycyrrhizaArachisLathyrusLupinusMedicago Melilotus OxytropisProsopis Sphaerophysa ThermopsisUlexViciaErodiumIris TriglochinLamium MarrubiumSalviaVeratrum EmmenantheLythrumAbutilonAnodaHibiscus Sphaeralcea EpilobiumGauraOxalis Polygonum Pteridium Calandrinia Claytonia Portulaca DelphiniumGalium Misopates DigitalisKickxiaLinaria VerbascumDatura HyoscyamusPhysalisSolanumTamarixTyphaUrticaViolaTribulusPeganumLarreaAesculus AilanthusAjugaAmorphaGlauciumArenaria BaccharisBaptisiaBetulaBoltonia Broussonetia Sideroxylon CardiospermumCarya Ericameria CeanothusCeltis CephalanthusCercis CnidoscolusCornusCorylusAgoseris DesmanthusLeucaenaDianthus DiospyrosDyssodia EchinaceaEryngium FagopyrumFraxinusJuglans GleditsiaScoparia Hemerocallis Juniperus Kummerowia Lespedeza ChaetopappaLiatrisLoniceraLotusLudwigiaMacluraMorus PyrrhopappusPapaver CoronopusPopulusPrunusPuerariaQuercusQuinculaRatibidaRhamnusRhusRobiniaRubusRuellia SagittariaSalixSambucus SassafrasSapindusSaniculaEuthamiaSophoraSymphoricarpos TradescantiaUlmusVigna ZanthoxylumHesperisArbutus MonolepisParthenocissus Proboscidea Acroptilon GymnocladusPlatanus Oenothera Escobaria Froelichia SphenocleaCrassulaSagina Eriophyllum FoeniculumWyethiaSolivaAraujia NothoscordumAtriplex Myriophyllum Echinodorus Mentzelia Salpichroa CyclospermumSaururus Eschscholzia Herniaria PhyllanthusRorippa Anemopsis Asparagus Orobanche Nicotiana CardamineNicandraPicradeniopsisEcliptaBacopaRotala Monochoria HeterantheraAlismaGloriosa DichelostemmaCucumisSibaraPicrisMimulusIbicella Lasthenia Wislizenia CitrullusCotula Plagiobothrys Trichostema Heliotropium GaleopsisGuaiacum AnagallisPhacelia Trianthema Stephanomeria SpergulariaMelochia JacquemontiaFlaveriaBerteroaGlechoma Verbesina Agastache Callirhoe CorydalisEllisia EriogonumStriga RichardiaFalcariaHedeoma Heliopsis CollinsiaMonarda Parietaria PolygonatumPrunella Triodanis Strophostyles AbelmoschusAcanthospermum Aeschynomene Ampelopsis Brunnichia Caperonia Crotalaria CommelinaCocculus Leontodon Parentucellia PulsatillaPhylaLycium Potamogeton Erucastrum ChrysopsisKnautia ScleranthusSiumEchium Euclidium Holosteum Polemonium Argentina Trifolium Zygophyllum Parthenium Stuckenia ArabidopsisClematis Anaphalis BalsamorhizaLychnisDrabaHackelia Scorzonera DesmodiumCressaNymphaea HymenocallisTragiaHypoxis Ornithogalum PassifloraPerillaSesbania CeratophyllumElodeaEgeria HymenoxysNajasNelumboNuphar AmelanchierAcaciaAllioniaBaileya Actinidia Tidestromia HeliomerisBowlesia Guilleminea ChamaesarachaMimosa Kallstroemia Centranthus AegopodiumAlliariaAngelicaBerberis Chelidonium Thelesperma Cynanchum DiplotaxisEchinopsFumariaGeumInulaAnchusaAmmanniaReseda SanguisorbaSedumStachys Thladiantha TussilagoAmmiCestrum CymopterusKalmiaLantanaFragaria ArmoraciaAsimina Cleomella DuchesneaEuonymusTripleurospermumHumulus HydrocotyleLinum PhoradendronTorilis SpirodelaAxyrisBryoniaCatalpaSpiraea Adenathera AgeratinaIsocoma Nuttallanthus CamissoniaFrangulaMalvella Rhynchosida Malvastrum Impatiens LysimachiaSinapisSmilaxVincaVitisMyosotis MinuartiaCampanulastrum SymphytumSenna ChamaecristaPseudognaphalium GamochaetaAdiantum MicrothlaspiDracopisFatouaGlycine Gossypium Pontederia Valerianella PsoralidiumAdonis Agrimonia AlchemillaWisteria AndrosaceAphanesAptenia Physostegia Calyptocarpus Clinopodium Comptonia Convallaria CorispermumCuphea Cymbalaria Dasiphora DichondraDrymariaEmex ErechtitesErucaGilia HedypnoisHippuris Hylotelephium LithospermumLobeliaLycopus MalacothrixModiolaMuscari Navarretia NemophilaOenantheOriganumPackera Penstemon PolycarponRoemeriaRubiaScandix Scrophularia SherardiaSuaeda CrataegusSymphyotrichumThymus Tristagma TropidocarpumLomatiumPectis Osmorhiza CalendulaAzollaBlechnumCyathea DennstaedtiaDepariaOnoclea DicranopterisIsoetesLygodiumMarsileaOsmunda CeratopterisSalvinia SelaginellaThujaLarixPiceaPinusTaxus Asystasia HygrophilaJusticiaPseuderanthemumAcorusAgaveFurcraeaPhormium CarpobrotusGaleniaMesembryanthemumSesuvium AchyranthesCelosiaIresineSchinusAethusaAnethum BupleurumCentella Chaerophyllum Coriandrum Cryptotaenia LevisticumOxypolis Pimpinella Ptilimnium Spermolepis TrepocarpusZizia CatharanthusEchitesTrachelospermumIlexArisaema Colocasia Cryptocoryne DieffenbachiaOrontium PeltandraPistia SymplocarpusHedera Oplopanax ScheffleraCocosPhoenixSabalSerenoa Washingtonia Calotropis Cryptostegia MetaplexisMorreniaAgeratum Amphiachyris Arctotheca Arnoglossum Centromadia Chamaemelum Chloracantha Chromolaena ConocliniumCrassocephalum Croptilon Cyanthillium CyclachaenaCynaraDelairea DoellingeriaDubautia ElephantopusEleutherantheraEmiliaEuchitonEurybiaEvaxFacelisFilago Gaillardia Gymnostyles Holocarpha HymenopappusIonactisKrigia Laennecia LasiospermumLeuciva MelantheraMikaniaMontanoaMycelis NeurolaenaOxytenia PityopsisPluchea PrenanthesPseudelephantopus RhagadiolusScolymus SphagneticolaTagetesTetragonothecaTridax XylothamiaYoungiaAnrederaBatisMahoniaNandina PodophyllumAlnusBignonia Distictis Macfadyena SpathodeaTecomaBorago Mertensia TournefortiaArabisBuniasCakileCoincya Hirschfeldia LobulariaLunaria Matthiola Nasturtium Rapistrum TeesdaliaBuddleja PolypremumButomusBraseniaCabombaCereusCylindropuntia EpiphyllumHarrisia Callitriche Wahlenbergia Polanisia DiervillaLinnaeaViburnum Lepyrodiclis MoehringiaMyosoton Casuarina Celastrus SalicorniaSuckleya Helianthemum Conocarpus MurdanniaMerremiaNyssa Corynocarpus Kalanchoe Penthorum Sempervivum Benincasa Melothria Momordica DioscoreaScabiosa ShepherdiaElatineArctostaphylosCalluna Gaultheria GaylussaciaLedum Rhododendron Vaccinium BischofiaFlueggea GlochidionJatrophaTriadicaAbrusAlbizia Alysicarpus AmphicarpaeaApios Caesalpinia CanavaliaCaragana Centrosema CeratoniaClitoriaDaleaGenista HalimodendronAkebia IndigoferaLablab MacroptiliumOnonis Orbexilum ParkinsoniaSamanea SecurigeraSpartium Stylosanthes TephrosiaTeramnusZorniaFagusDicentra CentauriumScaevolaRibes Proserpinaca LiquidambarHydrilla Hydrocharis LimnobiumOttelia VallisneriaHydrolea BelamcandaMoraeaRomulea SisyrinchiumAcinos Calamintha Chaiturus CollinsoniaHyptisHyssopusLeonotisMelissaOcimum PhyllostegiaSatureja Scutellaria LandoltiaLemnaWolffia Wolffiella Utricularia Asphodelus Chlorogalum ClintoniaDianella FritillariaHostaLeucojumLiliumLycoris Maianthemum NarcissusUvularia XerophyllumRadiola GelsemiumDecodon Lagerstroemia LiriodendronAlcea BastardiaLavateraMalachra Sericocarpus Talipariti ThespesiaUrena WissadulaThaliaMayaca ArthrostemmaClidemia Heterocentron Medinilla MelastomaMiconiaOxysporaRhexia TibouchinaMelia NymphoidesCudraniaFicusMyoporumMorellaMyricaArdisia Eucalyptus Lophostemon MelaleucaPsidium Rhodomyrtus SyncarpiaSyzygium Boerhavia MirabilisJasminum LigustrumOleaSyringa ChamerionFuchsia Stenosiphon Epipactis SpiranthesBocconiaRivina PittosporumLimoniumCollomia IpomopsisPhlox Securidaca AntigononRheum Eichhornia Trientalis Grevillea ChimaphilaPyrolaActaeaAnemone AquilegiaCaltha Ceratocephala ConsolidaMyosurus Thalictrum Berchemia ColubrinaCondalia RhizophoraAcaena Cotoneaster FilipendulaMalusPhotinia Pyracantha SibbaldiopsisSorbus GuettardaHillia Houstonia OldenlandiaPaederia SpermacoceStenariaRuppia Flindersia PhellodendronPteleaRuta Geocaulon Cupaniopsis Houttuynia LepuropetalonAgalinisAlectra AntirrhinumAlpiniaChelone Dopatrium Euphrasia Glossostigma Leucophyllum Leucospora Limnophila LinderniaMazus Mecardonia Melampyrum Micranthemum Odontites PaulowniaPseudolysimachion RhinanthusSeymeriaStemodia Calibrachoa Lycianthes SparganiumTurpinia WaltheriaDaphne Thymelaea Corchorus TriumfettaTrapa TropaeolumTrema BoehmeriaLaporteaPhenaxPilea ValerianaAloysia Avicennia Callicarpa Clerodendrum GlandulariaStachytarphetaVitexViscumCayratiaCissusXyris Zannichellia Hedychium PolystichumAlstonia AngiopterisApium Aristolchia Aristolochia ArtabotrysArundinaBahauniaBegonia BellardiaBrasiliopuntia BruguieraCallisia CallitrisCannaCapsicumCaricaCarmonaCaryotaCassiaCastillaCecropiaCedrusCinchona CinnamomumCitrusCoffeaColutea ConicosiaCordiaCosmosCrinum Cryptomeria Cunninghamia DalbergiaDelonixDeutzia DichrostachysDipogon Elsholtzia Enterolobium EpidendrumErica Eriobotrya ErythrinaEugeniaEuryops FalcatariaFirmiana FlacourtiaGmelina Haematoxylon Helichrysum Heliocarpus HippeastrumHovenia Hunnemannia KoelreutariaKunzeaLagascea LeptospermumLiriope LivistonaLudwiguaLuffaMacleayaMacrothelypteris Malvaviscus MangiferaManihot Manilkata MelicoccusMoringaMosla MuntingiaMurraya Neonotonia NephrolepisNerium Pachysandra PeltophorumPereskiaPersea Petrorhagia PetroseleniumPinelliaPithecellobium PlatycladusPolygalaPoncirusPouteriaPteris PtychospermaPyrusRetama Rhodotypos Sansevieria Sigesbeckia Solenostemon SpathoglottisSpondias Syngonium Tamaridus Terminalia ThunbergiaTithoniaToona TriphasiaVerniciaWatsoniaZiziphus Chamaebatia Glebionis ChrysolepisCistusCoprosmaCoptis Cordyline Crucianella Dimorphotheca DittrichiaLogfiaBeta Holodiscus Lachnanthes Lithocarpus Malephora Mercurialis OsteospermumPiper Arceuthobium DrosanthemumGaujacum Tetragonia Urospermum Zantedeschia EpipremnumGlinusToxicoscordionGuizotia Lamiastrum Dysphania Woodwardia HypolepisTectaria Ophioglossum Phlebodium Pityrogramma Christella Cyclosorus Thelypteris Calocedrus Chamaecyparis Cupressus Pseudotsuga AndrographisDigera GomphrenaAnnonaBiforaCaucalisCnidiumCuminum PetroselinumSeseliSmyrnium Tordylium TrachyspermumTurgeniaAmberboa Anacyclus ArnoserisBahia BaltimoraBlumea Bracteantha CallistephusCarlina Centipeda Cymophora Deinandra Eutrochium Heteranthemis Isocarpha Lapsanastrum Melampodium OncosiphonPerezia Rhodanthe Sanvitalia Schkuhria Sclerocarpus SynedrellaTolpisVenidiumZinnia CrescentiaBothriospermumCerintheNonea Omphalodes TrigonotisCalepina HornungiaIberis IonopsidiumMyagrumPhysaria Acicarpha Corrigiola IllecebrumMoenchia Paronychia PolycarpaeaVelezia Enchylaena PolycnemumSpinaciaXolantha CalophyllumCostus Ctenolepis LagenariaSechiumCarexCyperus Dulichium Eleocharis FimbristylisFuirenaIsolepisKyllinga Lipocarpha OxycaryumSchoenoplectusScirpus CephalariaSuccisa Chrozophora AdenantheraBauhiniaCicerCullen HaematoxylumHoffmannseggiaLens Ornithopus PhaseolusPisum Scorpiurus Tamarindus Trigonella FrankeniaHypecoum PelargoniumBlyxaWigandiaAristeaJuncusLuzula Lallemantia Moluccella Schizonepeta SideritisAnticleaHiptage Swietenia Commicarpus Oeceoclades CeratothecaSesamumGisekia Peperomia CeratostigmaXAegilops Aegopogon Aeluropus AgropyronAgrostisAira Alloteropsis Alopecurus Ammophila Amphicarpum Andropogon AnthoxanthumApera ArctagrostisAristida Arrhenatherum ArthraxonArundoAvenaAxonopusBambusa Beckmannia Bothriochloa Bouteloua BrachypodiumBrizaBromus CatapodiumCenchrusChloris Chrysopogon CoelorachisCoix Cortaderia CorynephorusCrypsisCutandia CymbopogonCynodon CynosurusDactylisDactyloctenium Danthonia Dasypyrum Deschampsia Dichanthelium DigitariaDinebra Distichlis EchinochloaEhrhartaEleusineElymus Enteropogon Eragrostis Eremochloa Eremopyrum Eriochloa EustachysFestucaGarnotia GastridiumGaudiniaGlyceria Hackelochloa Hainardia Hesperostipa Heteropogon HierochloeHilariaHolcusHordeum Hymenachne HyparrheniaImperata Ischaemum IxophorusKoeleria LachnagrostisLagurus LamarckiaLeersia LeptochloaLeymusLoliumLuziolaMelinis Microlaena MicrostegiumMilium MiscanthusMolinia Moorochloa MuhlenbergiaMunroaNardusNassella NeyraudiaOlyra OplismenusOryzaPanicum Parapholis PascopyrumPaspalum PennisetumPhalarisPhleum Phragmites Phyllostachys Piptatherum Piptochaetium PleuraphisPoa Pogonarthria PolypogonPsathyrostachys Pseudosasa Puccinellia Rostraria Rottboellia Rytidosperma Saccharum Sacciolepis Schedonnardus SchedonorusSchismus Schizachne Schizachyrium SclerochloaSecaleSetaria SorghastrumSorghumSpartina Sphenopholis Sporobolus Stenotaphrum TaeniatherumThemeda ThinopyrumTragus Tribolium TrichlorisTridens TripsacumTrisetumTriticumUrochloa Ventenata VetiveriaVulpiaZeaZizania ZizaniopsisNigellaAsperulaCruciata Koelreuteria Chrysophyllum Manilkara AngeloniaBuchnera ChaenorhinumNemesia PedicularisTorenia BrowalliaPetunia Salpiglossis Schizanthus Pentapetes AegiphilaDuranta Santalaceae Euphorbiaceae Aceraceae Liliaceae Amaranthaceae AsteraceaeAsclepiadaceae Papaveraceae Brassicaceae BignoniaceaeChenopodiaceae Cucurbitaceae Rubiaceae Lamiaceae GeraniaceaeConvolvulaceae Malvaceae Molluginaceae SterculiaceaeApiaceaePhytolaccaceaePlantaginaceaeRosaceae RanunculaceaePotamogetonaceae Agavaceae Anacardiaceae Polygonaceae VerbenaceaeScrophulariaceae Apocynaceae Boraginaceae OrobanchaceaeDennstaedtiaceae Cactaceae Campanulaceae Cannabaceae SchizaeaceaeCaryophyllaceaeOphioglossaceae Nymphaeaceae Dipsacaceae Elaeagnaceae EquisetaceaeFabaceae Iridaceae Juncaginaceae Lythraceae Onagraceae Oxalidaceae Ericaceae Portulacaceae Resedaceae Solanaceae Najadaceae Tamaricaceae Typhaceae Urticaceae ViolaceaeZygophyllaceaeHippocastanaceae SimaroubaceaeHydrocharitaceaeCeratophyllaceaePassifloraceae Polemoniaceae BetulaceaeMoraceae Sapotaceae Sapindaceae JuglandaceaeCaesalpiniaceae RhamnaceaeUlmaceae Cornaceae Mimosaceae EbenaceaeOleaceaeMenispermaceae CupressaceaeCaprifoliaceae Fumariaceae Berberidaceae Platanaceae SalicaceaeFagaceae Acanthaceae Alismataceae Lauraceae CommelinaceaeRutaceae Cuscutaceae NyctaginaceaeVitaceae Crassulaceae AizoaceaeHydrophyllaceae Haloragaceae Loasaceae Primulaceae SaururaceaePontederiaceae MartyniaceaeAmaryllidaceae Annonaceae Capparaceae Celastraceae LemnaceaeLinaceae Viscaceae Balsaminaceae Actinidiaceae Azollaceae Valerianaceae Blechnaceae Pteridaceae Hippuridaceae CyatheaceaeDryopteridaceaeGleicheniaceae Isoetaceae Lygodiaceae Marsileaceae Osmundaceae Parkeriaceae SalviniaceaeSelaginellaceaePinaceaeTaxaceae Acoraceae AquifoliaceaeAraceae Araliaceae Arecaceae BasellaceaeBataceae Buddlejaceae Butomaceae CabombaceaeCallitrichaceae Casuarinaceae Cistaceae Clusiaceae CombretaceaeCorynocarpaceae Dioscoreaceae Elatinaceae Gentianaceae GoodeniaceaeGrossulariaceaeHamamelidaceaeLentibulariaceae Loganiaceae Magnoliaceae Marantaceae MayacaceaeMelastomataceae Meliaceae Menyanthaceae Myoporaceae Myricaceae Myrsinaceae Myrtaceae Nelumbonaceae Orchidaceae PedaliaceaePittosporaceaePlumbaginaceae Polygalaceae Proteaceae PyrolaceaeRhizophoraceae Ruppiaceae Saxifragaceae Smilacaceae SparganiaceaeSphenocleaceae Staphyleaceae Thymelaeaceae Tiliaceae Trapaceae Tropaeolaceae XyridaceaeZannichelliaceae ZingiberaceaeLardizabalaceae MarattiaceaeAristolochaceae BegoniaceaeBuddlejacaceae Cannaceae Caricaceae Cecropiaceae Thymeliaceae Hydrangaceae ElaegnaceaeFlacourtiaceaeThelypteridaceae Moringaceae Eleocarpaceae DryopteraceaeBuxaceaeRoscaeae Mrytaceae Haemodoraceae Nymphaceae Piperaceae Capparidaceae PolypodiaceaeAristolochiaceaeUsakUsia CalyceraceaeUshiUsca Costaceae CyperaceaeElaeocarpaceaeUscoUsnm Frankeniaceae Hydrangeaceae JuncaceaeUsks Malpighiaceae CXDatablock0 PPQXB `Q@BJdI$ N@ F @ "  {D  @D > a3BIPD8 H A@ p @  " ` i@%H_ B BAL!#H[  @ "   {(@`A (JBd#F0AuBp @ " = { @< `\0@ JAb'L0'R @ "  {[ @ D 0@ H J"A"!LC @ "   {C{(@ ? 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