@)rWHICH MUDES COMPONENT TO USE? DECIDING WHICH COMPONENT TO USE IN THE MIAMI UNIVERSITY DENDROLOGY EXPERT SYSTEM CREATED BY ROGER D. MEICENHEIMER CXAttdataScalelike Leaves `Typically small greenish or brownish leaves that are more or less closely oppressed to the stem. Leaves3.jpg;Broad and Flat Leaves Leaf blade is relatively broad and flat. May be evergreen or deciduous. There is wide variation in shape and complexity of leaf blades. Leaves1.jpg;Needlelike Leaves Typically yellowish or greenish, elongated, cylindrical or slightly flattened leaves that are either born singly or in definitive clusters. Leaves2.jpg;Fan-shaped Leaves Leaves4.jpg;Seeds contained in a fruit There is a wide variety of fruit morphology. Indehiscent fruits enclose seeds at maturity. Dehiscent fruits split to release seeds at maturity.Fruit Type_ Main Larger.jpg;Seeds naked, not in a fruit Gymnosperm seeds are born directly from ovules associated with cone scales. A few species have "berry-like" fleshy cones. A few species have single seeds enclosed in fleshy red or orange arils. GTHLP22.jpg;Cones Cones produced over a period of up to 3 years at various stages of development may be present on a tree. Most cones are greenish or brownish. Some species have bluish fleshy "berry-like" cones. Other species have fleshy arils that surround individual seeds, which may resemble fruits. GTHLP22.jpg;Flowers Flowers are typically present for only 1-2 months during the year for any given species. There is wide variation in the appearance of flowers.*Inflorescence and Infructescence_Main.jpg;Vessels (Pores) Present Vessels with relatively large lumens (pores) are interspersed among other cells with smaller lumens as viewed in transverse section. Vessel pores may or may not be visible to the unaided eye. Awhsects.jpg;No Vessels (Pores) Present Wood consists of tracheids with more or less uniform diameter lumens as viewed in transverse section. Some variation in tracheid wall thickness may be apparent within a growth ring. GWHSECT.jpg; CXMenudataWHICH MUDES COMPONENT TO USE?  TREE FEATURESxExamine the leaf and/or reproductive features of the unknown tree to determine whether it is a gymnosperm or angiosperm.)Angiosperm Trees_Main.jpg;Gymno_main.jpg;  WOOD FEATURESQExamine the variation in cell types apparent in a transverse section of the wood. Wood.jpg; REPRODUCTIVE FEATURESFAssess morphological features associated with the production of seeds.Reproductive0.jpg; LEAF MORPHOLOGY5Assess the morphology of the leaves that are present. Leaves0.jpg;     CXItemname Angiosperm Gymnosperm CXItemrecUse: MUDES/XidW/AngiospermTrees/AngiospermTrees.xid for further tree identification. MUDES/XidW/AngiospermWood/AngiospermWood.xid for further wood identification. MUDES/XidW/AngiospermTrees/AngiospermTreeDiseases.xid to identify disease organisms of Angiosperm Trees. _Inflorescence and Infructescence_Main.jpg;Fruit Type_ Main Larger.jpg;Leaves1.jpg;Awhsects.jpg;Use: MUDES/XidW/GymnospermTrees/GymnospermTrees.xid for further tree identification. MUDES/XidW/GymnospermWood/GymnospermWood.xid for further wood identification. MUDES/XidW/GymnospermTrees/GymnospermTreeDiseases.xid to identify disease organisms of Gymnosperm Trees.