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Jumps to science learning outcomes for following grade levels:
NOTE: Modifications of the MUDES
and knowledge acquired in BOT 630D could be incorporated into your curriculum
to achieve the Learning Outcomes highlighted in magenta.
Fourth-Grade Proficiency Tests
1. Create and use categories to organize a set of objects, organisms or phenomena.
2. Select instruments to make observations and/or organize observations of an event, object, or organism.
3. Identify and/or compare the mass, dimensions, and volume of familiar objects in standard and/or nonstandard units.
4. Use a simple key to distinguish between objects.
5. Analyze a series of events and/or simple daily or seasonal cycles and predict the next likely occurrence in the sequence.
6. Evaluate a simple procedure to carry out an exploration.
7. Identify and/or discuss the selection of resources and tools used for exploring scientific phenomena.
8. Evaluate observations and measurements made by other persons.
9. Demonstrate an understanding of safe use of materials and/or devices in science activities.
10. Explain the operation of a simple mechanical device.
11. Identify characteristics of a simple physical change.
12. Explain and/or predict the motion of objects and/or describe the effects of some objects on other objects.
13. Make predictions about the weather from observed conditions and weather maps.
14. Identify and/or describe the relationship between human activity and the environment.
15. Identify evidence and show examples of changes in the earth's surface.
16. Demonstrate an understanding of the basic needs of living things.
17. Identify ways in which organisms react to changing environments.
18. Distinguish between living and nonliving things and provide justification for these distinctions.
19. Analyze and/or evaluate various nutritional plans for humans.
1. Use a simple key to classify objects, organisms, and/or phenomena.
2. Identify the potential hazards and/or precautions involved in scientific investigations.
3. Make inferences from observations of phenomena and/or events.
4. Identify the positive and/or negative impact of technology on human activity.
5. Evaluate conclusions based on scientific data.
6. Recognize the advantages and/or disadvantages to the user in the operation of simple technological devices.
7. Predict the influences of the motion of some objects on other objects.
8. Propose and/or evaluate an investigation of simple physical and/or chemical changes.
9. Provide examples of transformation and/or conservation of matter and energy in simple physical systems.
10. Identify simple patterns in physical phenomena.
11. Describe simple cycles of the earth and moon.
12. Identify characteristics and/or patterns in rocks and soil.
13. Demonstrate an understanding of the cycling of resources on earth, such as carbon, nitrogen, and/or water.
14. Trace the transmission of energy in a small, simple ecosystem and/or identify the roles of organisms in the energy movement in an ecosystem.
15. Compare and/or contrast the diversity of ways in which living things meet their needs.
16. Analyze behaviors and/or activities that positively or negatively influence human health.
17. Analyze the impacts of human activity on the ecosystems of the earth.
1. Devise a classification system
for a set of objects or a group of organisms.
Use common
characteristics to group items
2. Distinguish between observation and inference given
a representation of a scientific situation.
Tell the difference between facts
and assumptions
3. Identify and apply science safety procedures.
Identify the safety precautions
needed when doing an experiment
4. Demonstrate an understanding
of the use of measuring devices and report data in appropriate units.
an instrument to make a certain measurement
5. Describe the results of earth-changing processes
Describe changes taking place in the
earth's surface
6. Apply concepts of the earth's rotation, tilt and revolution
to an understanding of time and season
Explain how seasons change
7. Describe interactions of matter and energy throughout
the lithosphere, hydroshphere, and atmosphere
Explain materials cycles (water, carbon,
nitrogen), currents, and weather on the land, in the water, and in
the air
8. Apply the use of simple machines to practical situations
Describe how a lever or pulley can make
a task easier
9. Apply the concept of force and inertia to predict the
motion of objects
Describe the motion of a thrown ball
10. Apply the concepts of energy transformations in electrical
and mechanical systems
Describe how the energy in a flashlight
battery is transformed into heat and light
11. Apply concepts of sound and light waves to everyday
Describe how light and sound travel
through different materials
12. Describe chemical and/or physical interactions of matter
Describe how a cube of sugar dissolves
in water, how metals rust,
and how things burn
13. Trace the flow of energy and/or interrelationships of
organisms in an ecosystem
Identify the food chain in a lake
14. Compare and contrast the characteristics
of plants and animals
Tell how plants
and animals are alike and different
15. Explain biological diversity in terms of the transmission
of genetic characteristics
Explain why there are different breeds
of dogs or kinds of plants
16. Describe how organisms accomplish basic life functions
at various levels of organization and structures
Describe a life function like digestion
complete with the appropriate anatomy
17. Describe the ways scientific ideas have changed using
historical contexts
Describe how explanations of eclipses
have changed over time
18. Compare renewable and nonrenewable resources and strategies
for managing them
Compare oil and sunlight as sources
of energy
19. Describe the relationship between
technology and science
How do science
and inventions affect each other
20. Describe how a given environmental change affects an
Describe how a flood or drought affects
plant and animal life
Twelfth-grade Proficiency Tests
1. Trace energy transformations, and/or apply the principles
of mass/energy conservation to physical and biological systems
Identify the changes in the forms of
energy within a system
2. Utilize models of atomic and molecular structures and/or
interactions to explain, interpret, or predict experimental results
Explain how a chemical reaction occurs
on a molecular level
3. Use fundamental forces to explain and make predictions
about motions and changes in systems
Explain how the path of a thrown ball
can be predicted and why the ball falls toward the ground
4. Analyze the results of changing a component of simple
Explain and predict how a change
can affect a system like a lake, a machine, or a mountain range
5. Relate structure and function in physical and biological
Use the structure of wings and feathers
to explain why birds can fly
6. Predict the effect on an ecosystem due to a given or
proposed environmental change
Identify how an environmental change
will disrupt the balance of an ecosystem
7. Evaluate the scientific validity
of data used in persuasive communication
Evaluate the
adverstising claim of a soap product
8. Formulate an experimental design
to test a given hypothesis
Design an experiment
that will test an idea
9. Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of natural
phenomena on the earth's geological formations over short and long
time spans
Explain how and why mountains, rivers,
and lakes change
10. Analyze and interpret meteorological data and predict
weather for a specified location
Use data to predict weather
11. Relate planetary cycles and observations to natural
phenomen including seasons, tides, days/nights, phases of the moon
and eclipses
Explain the tides or an eclipse of the
12. Demonstrate an understanding
of units of measure and precision by using an appropriate measuring
device for an application
Identify the
appropriate instrument needed to make a given measurement
13. Identify the safety precautions that should be taken
given a Manufacturers Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) or a product label with
a key
Know how to interpret safety precautions
given on a MSDS or a product label
14. Relate the effects of biotic and abiotic factors to
animal life including growth, reproduction, and behavior.
Describe how living and nonliving (like
fleas and floods) factors can affect animal life
15. Demonstrate an understanding
that scientific theories and methods have developed and continue to develop
throgh time
Describe how
light and water affect plants
16. Relate the effect of light
and other factors on various aspects of plant life and growth, including
photosynthesis and respiration,
and tropism
Describe how
light and water affect plants
17. Relate patterns of diversity,
extinction, adaptation, and speciation as a result of natural selection
at the molecular and population levels
Explain why
maple seeds that spin as they fall provide a survival advantage to the
maple tree; Use DNA to explain how bulldogs and
are alike and different
18. Relate biodiversity to the
stability of ecosystems within biomes
Explain why a forest
is more stable than a corn field when a plant disease occurs