Plant Body Page 4

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IV.  Primary Shoot Growth

A.  Shoot Apical Meristem
    1.  Lateral Organ Production
        a.  Leaves
        b.  Axillary Buds
        c.  Flower Parts
     2.  Tissue  Differentiation
        a.  Promeristem
        b.  Protoderm -> Epidermis
        c.  Ground Meristem -> Cortex + Pith
        d.  Procambium -> Primary Xylem + Primary Phloem
B.  Zones of Cell Activity
    1.  Cell Division + Cell Elongation
        a.  Perpetuates Promeristem
        b.  Gives rise to Cells of Stem, Leaves, Axillary Buds, Flower Parts

    2. Cell Elongation
        a.  Plant Cells don't migrate or slide past one another
        b.  As cells elongate the shoot apical meristem is pushed             higher into the air
    3.  Cell Maturation
        a.  Guard Cell and Trichome Formation from Epidermis
        b.  Lateral Shoot Formation from Axillary Buds often delayed
        c.  Secondary Xylem and Secondary Phloem from Vascular Cambium
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