Transport System (Xylem and Phloem) Lab Exercise

Name ___________
(262 Points)

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IA.  Below are my and my colleagues images tracking the transpiration of dyed water through Lycopersicum.  On one of each of these images at each position (RH, TP, EP, I, N, P, L) in the plant I have labeled all the pertinent vasculature tissues and  I have indicated potential pathways for water and elements and photosynthate.  [7 * 6  * 6  points  =  252  points  total].  I have identified my images with my initials.

TIME IMAGE of Root Hair Portion of Root  (RH)
2 Hours
4 Hours
6 Hours
16 Hours

TIME IMAGE of proximal area of Tap Root (TR)
2 Hours
4 Hours
6 Hours
16 Hours

TIME IMAGE of mid-point of Epicotyl (EP)
2 Hours
4 Hours
6 Hours
16 Hours

TIME IMAGE of mid-point of 3rd youngest Internode (I)
2 Hours
4 Hours
6 Hours
16 Hours

TIME IMAGE of 3rd youngest Node (N)
2 Hours
4 Hours
6 Hours
16 Hours

TIME IMAGE of mid-point of 3rd youngest Petiole (P)
2 Hours
4 Hours
6 Hours
16 Hours

TIME IMAGE of mid-point of middle leaflet of 3rd youngest Leaf (L)
2 Hours
4 Hours
6 Hours
16 Hours

IB.  From my observations on the Populus dye experiment  I now understand that water coming from the roots and entering a particular leaf does not directly flow through all the secondary xylem in the current years annual growth ring.  Rather the pathway that this water takes is best describe as ______________.  I think that the reason behind this transpiration pathway pattern relates to _____________.  I think that photosynthate (will/will not) follow this same general pathway because _______. (4 Points)

IC.  As water flows through the xylem of the petiole into successively smaller veins in the leaf, the rate of flow __________.  The driving force for transpiration flow comes from __________.  The sugar synthesized during photosynthesis enters the sieve tube elements through ______.   The flow rate of photosynthate translocation _________ as it passes through the successively larger veins of the leaf and into the veins of the petiole.  Ultimately the veins of the petiole allow the photosynthate to be translocated to _________.  The driving force for phloem translocation is _________.  (6 Points)