| | From the dissertation of
Mark J. Daniels (Chrispeels
Lab at UCSD)
Characterization of Water Channel Proteins
(Aquaporins) in Plants
© 1997 Mark J. Daniels; All rights reserved.
The invention of the microscope led to the discovery of
single-celled organisms (animacules) by Antonie van Leeuwenhoek [1] and of the existence
of compartments (cells) in plant tissues by Robert Hooke. Although the cells of plants are
separated by cell walls, cells maintain their identity because they are delimited by
semipermeable membranes that permit them to function as autonomous units. The flow of
materials in and out of the cell is regulated by channels, transporters and pumps in these
limiting membranes.
In plant cells, the cytoplasm is actually sandwiched between two
membranes: the plasma membrane, which forms the outer boundary of the cytoplasm, and the
tonoplast or vacuole membrane. The tonoplast forms the boundary between the cytoplasm and
the vacuolar compartment. The fluid mosaic model of cellular membrane structure, first
proposed by Singer and Nicholson [2] , presented the first coherent picture of the
membrane, as a bilayer of phospholipids and glycolipids studded and spanned by proteins
partially or fully solvated by the lipid matrix.
Membrane-bound proteins that cannot be removed from the lipid
bilayer without disrupting the membrane are known as intrinsic membrane proteins,
distinguishing them from the loosely bound extrinsic membrane proteins. Many of these
intrinsic membrane proteins have been found to be responsible for either the transport of
molecules or the transmission of signals across the membrane boundary.
Water is a small, slightly polar molecule to which all biological
membranes show some degree of permeability as a result of diffusion across the lipid
bilayer. Membrane water permeability was often ascribed to diffusion alone [3, 4] . The
diffusion of water can be driven by concentration gradients of osmotically active solutes,
which generate an osmotic force, or by physical pressure, which generates a hydraulic or
hydrostatic force. Based upon observations that osmotically or hydraulically driven water
flow in red blood cell membranes was greater than that produced by simple diffusion alone,
biologists postulated that water flow through cells was facilitated by pores in the
membrane [5-8] . These water-filled pores were hypothezied to enable the bulk flow of
water through a membrane.
This idea was supported by subsequent results showing that certain
membrane and tissue types exhibited unusually great water permeability [9, 10] .
Additional evidence for the flow of water through pores came from work showing that the
energy of activation- the thermodynamic work required- for the movement of water across
red blood cell (erythrocyte) membranes is in the range of 4-6 kcal/mol, significantly less
than that for water flow across a lipid bilayer, which is about 11-14 kcal/mol [11] . A
proteinaceous route for this anomalous water flow was suspected when it was found that
transmembrane water flux was inhibitable by mercury sulfhydyl reagents such as mercuric
chloride and para-chloromercuribenzenesulfonate (pCMBS), which are known to bind proteins
and inhibit enzymatic activities [12] . These combined results implied the existence of a
facilitated route for water transport, likely mediated by transport proteins (reviewed in
[13] ).
The physical size of the functional unit responsible for this
facilitated transport was determined by radiation inactivation to be a molecule or
molecules with a size of 30,000 dalton [14] , which corresponded with the 28,000 dalton
size of some proteins in the red blood cell membrane. The identity of this putative water
channel protein, or the gene encoding the protein, still remained unresolved.
When it was realized that the water transporting unit was likely to
be a protein, investigators attempted to purify and characterize it, so that it could be
cloned and characterized further. Xenopus laevis oocytes as a model system to study
membrane proteins and the expression of injected messenger RNA , provides a convenient
system to examine the function of membrane proteins (reviewed in [15, 16] ). Early work
showed that mRNA isolated from cells with highly water permeable membranes, such as
erythrocytes or kidney cells, when injected into the Xenopus oocytes, caused a water
channel to be expressed [17] .
Earlier, a membrane intrinsic protein with a size of 28,000 dalton
had been purified from erythrocytes and kidney cells and named CHIP28 (for channel-like
membrane integral protein of 28kD) [18] . The cDNA corresponding to this CHIP28 protein
was cloned and the nucleotide sequence found to encode a protein homologous to a family of
putative channel proteins [19] . When CHIP28 cRNA was injected into and expressed in
Xenopus oocytes, the oocytes showed a greatly increased osmotic water permeability, which
was inhibited by the transmembrane water flow inhibitor mercuric chloride [20] . The
CHIP28-expressing oocytes also showed a decreased activation energy for water transport,
similar to that found previously with erythrocyte membranes. These results clearly
indicated that the CHIP28 protein functioned as a water channel.
A number of cDNAs encoding putative intrinsic membrane proteins,
including that for CHIP28, had been found in a variety of organisms and were homologous to
a previously characterized membrane channel protein, the bovine lens fiber major intrinsic
protein known as MIP (or MP26) [21, 22] . This growing class of proteins became known as
the MIP protein family, and those members which were water channels were named aquaporins
[23]. Water channel activity in MIP family proteins has been demonstrated for a number of
CHIP28/AQP-1 homologs in animals [24-29] , AqpZ in the bacteria E. coli [30] , P25 from an
homopteran insect [31] , and the PIP and TIP proteins from plants [32-35] . Not all MIP
family proteins act as water-selective or water-conducting channels, however; GlpF from E.
coli is strictly a glycerol channel [36] . Nod26 from soybean peribacteroid membranes
appears to be an ion channel and a water channel [37, 38] . MP26 has been shown to conduct
water and glycerol, and perhaps ions as well [22, 39, 40] , while AQP-3 from mammalian
kidney conducts water, glycerol and urea [41] . CHIP28/AQP-1 and WCH-CD/AQP-2 appear to
function as channels for glycerol in addition to water [42] , and CHIP28/AQP-1 may be
induced to form a cation channel [43, 44] .
Almost all aquaporins are sensitive to inhibition by mercury
sulfhydryl reagents. Of the water channel proteins characterized to date, only two, RD28
in plants [33] and MIWC in mammals [45, 46] are insensitive to inhibition by these agents.
It should not be assumed that MIP-family aquaporins are the sole mechanism of faciliated
water transport, as there is some evidence that sugar transporters may be co- transporters
of water or be leaky for water [47, 48] and that ion channels may couple the transport of
ions with that of water molecules [49] . The pore-forming antibiotic amphotericin B is
known to conduct water [50] and has been used as a positive control in biophysical studies
of water channel effects [51] .
Plant-water relations and water flow in plant tissues have been
well-characterized [4, 52-55] , but the presence of water pores or even proteinaceous
water channels in plant membranes was not established until fairly recently [56, 57] . At
the same time that the mammalian CHIP28 aquaporin was first characterized, a number of
plant cDNAs were identified as members of the MIP protein family, including a-TIP in the
common bean Phaseolus vulgaris [58] , TobRB7 in tobacco [59] , Nod26 in soybeans [60] ,
and clone 7a/trg-31 in the pea plant Pisum sativum [61, 62] . A cDNA for a MIP-like
protein, called g-TIP, was cloned from Arabidopsis thaliana [63] and subsequently
characterized as the first plant aquaporin [32] . Many more MIP family genes have since
been identified in plants, with additional members in Arabidopsis [33-35, 63, 64] ,
tobacco [65] , spinach [66] , tomato [67] , the ice plant Mesembryanthemum crystallinum
[68] , radish [69] , and snapdragon [70] .
A number of these genes have been found to encode aquaporins and ion
channels, while many more are still being or have yet to be characterized. The roles that
aquaporins and other MIP family proteins play in plants are still poorly understood. Water
is taken up from the soil through the roots, where it flows from the cortex into vascular
tissues. From there it is transported up to the leaves where it flows through the leaf
mesophyll to the stomata, and is there lost to the atmosphere by evaporation. This
transpiration stream of water is driven by the loss of water from the leaves.
The vascular tissue responsible for the upward flow of water is
called the xylem, composed of highly elongated cylindrical tracheary elements stacked end
to end. These tubular forms are the cellulosic remains of the cell walls produced by the
vascular precursor cells, the membranes, protoplasm, and organelles of which have degraded
and disintegrated. The xylem can therefore be imagined as columns full of water extending
from the roots to the leaves. Water flowing into the xylem from the roots and out of the
xylem into the leaves must pass through many cell layers of living tissue, where cell
membranes will pose a resistance to water flow.
There are two possible routes for water flow in these living
tissues; a circuitous apoplastic route, through the porous cell walls and intercellular
space, or a more direct transcellular route, through the cell cytoplasm, vacuole, and
associated membranes. Which route water flow takes in a plant appears to depend upon the
species, developmental state, and tissue of that particular plant [53] . The presence of
aquaporins in cellular membranes may facilitate a transcellular pathway for water flow.
When plant roots are exposed to mercuric chloride, which is known to inhibit aquaporins,
the flow of water is greatly reduced while the flow of ions is not [71, 72] . This
supports the view that there exists a proteinaceous mechanism for the transport of water,
independent of the facilitated transport of ions. In addition, protoplasts of leaf cells
from transgenic plants expressing putative aquaporin antisense RNA swell at a greatly
reduced rate when introduced to hypo-osmotic conditions [73] .
Coexpression of sense and antisense RNA for this gene should greatly
diminish synthesis of the putative aquaporin, and this is suggested by the experimental
results, which show a reduction in transmembrane water flow. Aquaporins are differentially
expressed in different organs and membranes. If transcellular water flow is to be
facilitated, it is necessary for aquaporins to be present in the two major membrane
obstacles to water flow, the plasma membrane and the vacuole membrane. In Arabidopsis,
this requirement is fufilled. The aquaporins g-TIP and d-TIP are found in the vacuolar
membrane of vegetative tissues [34, 63] , while a-TIP is found in the protein storage
vacuoles of seeds [63] . The PIP proteins and RD28 are found in the plasma membranes of
vegetative tissues [33, 35] . Preliminary results indicate that the in vivo ectopic
overexpression of Arabidopsis RD28 in tobacco leads to an increase in the hydraulic
conductivity of the leaf tissue (Ted Hsiao, unpublished observations).
Regulation of aquaporin-mediated water flow, through indirect or
direct means, appears to be a mechanism by which plants can control cellular and tissue
water movement. One manner of plant water channel regulation appears to be at the level of
gene expression. The growth-inducing signals of light and the hormones abscisic acid and
gibberellic acid cause the transcription of aquaporin and putative aquaporin genes in
Arabidopsis [74, 75] . Plant MIP family genes have also been found to be expressed in
response to water stress, caused by either drought [61, 67] or salinity [65, 68] .
Pathogen attack may also lead to aquaporin expression; the plant MIP family gene tobRB7 is
induced at the feeding site of root-knot nematodes in tobacco roots [76] ; this is the
first characterized link of a putative aquaporin to a disease state in plants. In the case
of infection by the symbiotic nitrogen-fixing rhizobia, leguminous plants have evolved
root nodules with large cells that contain the bacteroids in small, vacuole-like
The ion channel and aquaporin Nod26 is found in the membranes of
these vacuoles [77] . Aquaporin activity may also be directly regulated. Phosphorylation
is a major mechanism used by cells as a molecular 'switch' to regulate protein activity.
The kinases responsible for protein phosphorylation are induced in response to a number of
signals, including drought or water stress [78, 79] , attack by pathogens [80] , the plant
hormones auxin and abscisic acid [81, 82] , and light [83] . a-TIP has been found to be
phosphorylated by a tonoplast-bound calcium-dependent protein kinase (CDPK), and the
phosphorylation state of a-TIP changes during development [84] . This phosphorylation of
a-TIP increases its water channel activity [85] . The plasma membrane-specific aquaporin
PM28a from spinach leaves is also phosphorylated, as a result of osmotic stress, by a
plasma-membrane associated CDPK [66] . Protein kinase activity in the maize root
elongation zone has been found to be stimulated by water stress [79] . These results may
indicate the existence of a mechanism in plants by which aquaporins are phosphorylated,
and their activity therefore modulated, in response to osmotic conditions.
Aquaporins belong to a family of integral membrane proteins that has
members in animals, plants, yeast, and bacteria (reviewed in [86] ). These aquaporins
share a unique feature in that the pore is highly selective for water. Several MIP
proteins are exceptions to this rule and instead of, or in addition to, transporting water
appear to conduct small ions or small uncharged molecules. All MIP family proteins share
six putative transmembrane domains, with small hydrophilic loops connecting these regions,
and two highly conserved motifs in extramembrane peptide loops thought to be involved in
channel selectivity [87] . The ancestral MIP family progenitor may have arisen from the
duplication of a three-membrane spanning domain protein gene, as evidenced by two repeats
of amino acid sequence in the putative halves of MIP proteins [88, 89] . Analysis of
different proteolytic digests of aquaporin CHIP28 supports such a membrane topology, in
which the two halves of the protein are oriented 180o with respect to each other [90] .
The first physical analyses of aquaporin structure were radiation
inactivation studies, in which the functional unit of the CHIP28 water channel was found
to have a size of roughly 30,000 dalton [14] , corresponding to the 28,000 dalton size of
the protein observed by gel electrophoresis [18] . Hydrodynamic studies have suggested
that CHIP28, and its homolog MIP26, behave physically as if they are arranged in a
tetrameric structure [91, 92] . This has been confirmed by electron microscopic
observation of freeze-fractured membranes [93] and electron crystallography [94, 95] .
Based upon these observations, and the analysis of CHIP28 mutants,
Jung et al. [87] proposed the hourglass model for CHIP28.
According to this model, the water channel pore is formed by the partial insertion into
the membrane and apposition of two homologous hairpin turns from extramembrane loops, both
bearing the same conserved sequence motif. The six transmembrane domains were predicted to
be a-helices, packed together with the pore-forming domains outside and towards the center
of an aquaporin tetramer.
To account for the molecular selectivity of MIP family channels, the
pore so formed was hypothesized to function via a size-exclusion mechanism. Inhibition of
the water channel by mercuric chloride is thought to be the result of the sulfhydryl
reagent binding a cysteine residue located in close proximity to the pore, resulting in
the physical blockage of the molecular flow through the pore. Mutational analysis of amino
acids flanking the pore has supported this hypothesis [96] and mercury- sensitive
aquaporins have been generated from normally mercury-insensitive proteins by mutagenesis,
through which pore-flanking amino acid residues were converted to cysteine [33, 46] .
MIP family proteins are predicted by computational sequence analysis
[86] and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy [97] to consist of mostly a-helical
structure. However, some have called the 'hourglass' model, with its prediction of six
membrane- spanning domains, into question. Spectroscopic analysis of tryptophan residues
in CHIP28 suggests that their positions in transmembrane domains or extramembrane loops
does not entirely agree with the 'hourglass' model [98] . As presaged by Wistow and
colleagues [89] , recent CD and fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy indicates
that CHIP28 and MIP26 have roughly equal proportions of a-helical and b-sheet structure
[99, 100] . As a result, alternate models of aquaporin structure have been proposed, one
in which the CHIP28 aquaporin is formed from four membrane-spanning a-helices [101] , and
a second in which the water channel is folded as a 16-stranded b-barrel [102] . However,
these alternate models have been disproved by recent results.
Several high-resolution projection maps of CHIP28 have been
determined by cryo-electron crystallography and show the CHIP28 tetramer forming a square
array, with a trapezoid-shaped subunit at each corner and a central cavity [103-106] .
Each subunit appears to be composed of six to eight transmembrane a-helices;
unfortunately, there is no agreement on the location or the structure of the water
channeling pore. These results show that the hourglass model
needs some revision; instead of standing to one side of the pore, the current structural
data suggest that the six transmembrane a-helices surround the pore. Further investigation
is necessary to determine the atomic structure of the water pore and the mechanism of its
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