Collisions and Conservation of Momentum 
This week's hands-on experiences involve systems for which linear momentum is conserved (CONP).   CONP can be viewed as a generalization of Newton's First Law:  If no net external force acts on a system, the velocity of the system is constant (i.e. acceleration = 0).  Momentum is a vector quantity composed of the system's mass (a scalar) multiplied by the system's velocity (a vector, i.e. p=mv).  Thus, if no net external force acts on a system, the system's momentum is also constant.   CONP can also be viewed as a special case of Newton's Second Law:  The net external force acting on a system equals the system's mass multiplied by it's acceleration (the familiar F=ma).  Now, since a=dv/dt, clearly ma=d(mv)/dt=dp/dt, the most general statement of Newton's Second Law is that the net external force acting on a system equals the system's rate of change of linear momentum, or F= dp/dt.  Clearly, if F=0, then dp/dt=0, implying that p=a constant).  Something that remains constant is said to be conserved.  So, we encounter the second, very powerful conservation principle that we will consider this semester.  Last week we dealt with conservation of energy (CONE).  CONP, like CONE, is and if, then situation.  If only conservative forces act, then mechanical energy is conserved.  Similarly, if NO net external force acts, then linear momentum is conserved.  Always be very careful when attempting to apply conservation principles.  The system must meet the appropriate condition(s).  In other words, ask the if, then question for the appropriate system.  CONP applies during many collisions (or inverse collisions such as projectiles being ejected or during explosions (many projectiles!)), providing the system is appropriately defined.  Please note that collisions can take on a continuum between elastic (where both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved) and perfectly inelastic (where only momentum is conserved and the colliding bodies stick together after the collision).  There is a continuous range between those extremes where some of the system's original kinetic energy is converted to other forms (e.g. deformed bodies such as mangled automobile fenders).  Again, momentum is a vector quantity & must be treated as such.

1. Happy and Unhappy Balls. 2. Golf ball and ping pong ball. 3. Five-ball pendulum. 4. Penny-penny collision. 5. Collisions on the linear track. 6. Adding mass to air puck. 7. What makes the overhead fluorescent lights come on?

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