MOTION: 1 & 2D

Projectile motion is the dominant theme of the premier meeting of the "toys" course. By now you've heard several times from various sources that the horizontal and vertical components of projectile motion are independent of one another. Today you watch a couple of videos and play with some toys that will demonstrate to you by direct observation that the horizontal and vertical components are indeed independent. We prefer to do real experiments rather than watch videos of classroom demonstrations. However, we can neither slow down time nor reduce the local acceleration of gravity. The videos, on the other hand contain slow motion sequences that effectively do just that. 


We use a spring-gun apparatus that causes two balls to fall; one falls straight down, the other falls in a parabolic trajectory. The point is to demonstrate the independence of the horizontal and vertical components of projectile motion. Sorry, no slo-mo, this one's in real time. We can't make g smaller, so we're stuck with this demo going very quickly. That means that we must observe that the components of the motion are independent in some way other than direct visual observation. The fact that the balls hit the floor simultaneously (your ears are the detectors!) shows that their vertical motions are independent of their horizontal motions. 2. Video #1 - "PROJECTILE MOTION: SIMULTANEOUS FALL" This time our eyes are our detectors. This video also shows two balls falling simultaneously using the same apparatus as in the previous demonstration. Slow motion sequences and stroboscopic photography show that the vertical motions of each ball are identical while the one following the parabolic path exhibits a constant horizontal velocity. 3. TWO COINS FALLING This is the low cost version of the previous two demonstrations. Use a finger to push a pair of coins off the edge of a desk. Just nudge one coin off the edge while giving the other a hefty horizontal velocity. Again, listen for them to hit the floor simultaneously. This one's a cheapy that anyone can do - educate your roomate! 4. Video #2 - "PROJECTILE MOTION: MONKEY AND HUNTER" This one shows a more general case than the first three. A projectile is fired toward an object (toy monkey) that is suspended by an electromagnet. When the projectile leaves the end of the air gun barrel, the electromagnet releases the monkey. Note how the air gun is aimed toward the target. This time the projectile has an initial velocity upwards rather than being projected horizontally. The projectile hits the falling monkey, again showing the independence of the perpendicular components of its motion - slow motion helps. 5. AIR TABLE VERSION - DILUTING GRAVITY This is the local version of the previous video. We substitute air table pucks for the projectile and the monkey and tilt the table slightly - i.e. we don't use all of g, just a small portion of it - we "dilute" gravity. From watching the video, how must the "hunter" aim at the "monkey"? When should the person that releases the monkey let it go relative to the motion of the projectile that is aimed at it? This one demonstrates the predictive aspect of physics. Newton could guarantee that Halley's comet would return and you can guarantee that the "monkey" will be hit if you aim at it (and that you'll miss it if you don't aim at it). There are no accidents in nature. 6. WALK THIS WAY... A SONAR (SOund Navigation And Ranging) device that is used on some auto-focus cameras is interfaced to a microcomputer. The "sonic ranger" can measure positions as a function of time fairly accurately. We'll use the sonic ranger to measure the position of a moving student for a few interesting cases.  

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