$$$ Funding/Awards $$$

External support + matching funds from Miami University
(PI: Samir Bali):

Army Research Office

• 2021 - 24:   $331,885 "Particle-sorting and stochastic resonances in cold atom optical lattices: Path toward efficient nano-devices"

                  +   $  23,500 for training high school students and undergraduates in quantum information techniques

• 2018 - 19: STIR award, $60+21k "Noise-enabled high-efficiency cold atom nano-ratchets"

PRF - Petroleum Research Fund Award

2009 - 12: $65+10k "Measurement of the refractive index of highly turbid media"

2002 - 05: $35+15k "Designer lattices for measurements of Levy walks by atoms"

Industrial Funding

2011 - 12: $10k+10k (Shoupp Phase II with Dillon-Kane LLC) "Fully automated portable device for detecting extremely small changes in the refractive index of liquids"

2010: $5k (Emerson) "Real-time measurement of change in refractive index of aviation fuel"

Cottrell College Science Award

2005 - 08: $39+14k "Investigations of radiative interactions and quantum tunneling in optical lattices by correlation measurement of scattered light"

2002 - 05: $39+16k "Non-Brownian motion of cold atoms in optical lattices: An investigation based on correlation measurement of scattered light"

Internal support from Miami University:

Student Tech Fee Award ($19k, 2017-18; $32k, 2013-14; $36k, 2019-20)

Roundtable Interdisciplinary Funding Award ($25k, 2013-14 with Engineering and Chemistry depts)

Shoupp Award ($8k, 2005; $20k 2011)

CFR - Committee for Faculty Research Award ($22k, 2001-02 and $20k, 2008-09) 

College of Arts and Science Grant ($4k, 2001)

Based on their academic record and research achievements in my lab,
my students have received funding:

• Four undergraduate research mentees have been awarded
prestigious national scholarships, namely,
NSF Graduate Fellowship
  Matt Beeler 2003
- Mercury-Seven Astronaut Scholarship
  Megan Marshall 2010 (co-advised with Prof. Stephen Alexander)
  Richard Wagner 2008
  Laura Feeney 2001

• Several of my undergraduate students have been awarded
Dean's Scholar and many have been awarded
Undergraduate Summer Scholarships and
Undergraduate Research Awards by Miami University.

• Several of my MS graduate students have been awarded
DAMOP travel grants, and have been supported

during summer by the PRF award, and during the
academic year (as Research Assistants) by ARO and the CFR awards.