Selected Publications of Professor Bali
(for a chronological list, click here)
(Undergraduate and Masters' students at Miami University denoted by * and # respectively)

  Cold Atoms and Optical Lattices
        8)    "Spatial quasiperiodic driving of a dissipative optical lattice and origin of directed Brillouin modes in a randomly diffusing cold atom cloud",   
                 D. Cubero, K. Jiang#, A. Staron#, C. Scoggins#, D. Wingert#, I. Dilyard#. S. Oliver#, and S. Bali,
Physical Review A 109, 053312 (1-13) (2024).

        7)  "Observation of stochastic resonance in directed propagation of cold atoms",
A. Staron#, K. Jiang#, C. Scoggins#, D. Wingert*, D. Cubero, and S. Bali,
                Physical Review Research
4, 043211 (1-8)  (2022) [open access].  [100 word summary]

        6)  "Note: Design and implementation of a home-built imaging system with low jitter for cold atom experiments",
A. J. Hachtel#, M. C. Gillette#, E. R. Clements#, S. Zhong#, M. R. Weeks, and S. Bali,
                Review of Scientific Instruments
87, 056108 (2016).
"Design and construction of cost-effective fail-safe tapered amplifier systems for laser cooling and trapping experiments",
             J. C. B. Kangara#, A. J. Hachtel#, M. C. Gillette*, J. T. Barkeloo#, E. Clements*, S. Bali, [Miami U.]
                 B. E. Unks, N. A. Proite, D. D. Yavuz, [U. Wisconsin-Madison]
                 P. J. Martin, J. J. Thorn, D. A. Steck, [U. Oregon]

                American Journal of Physics
82(8), 805 - 81 (2014)

  "Measurements of light shifts in cold atoms using Raman pump-probe spectroscopy",
                N. Souther
#, R. Wagner*, P. Harnish*, M. Briel*, and S. Bali, Laser Physics Letters, 7 (4), 321–327 (2010).
        3)   "Large atom-density change at constant temperature by varying trap anisotropy
                in a dilute magneto-optical trap",
. Stites#, M. McClimans#, and S. Bali, Optics Communications 248, 173-178 (2005).
        2)   "
Sensitive measurement of radiation trapping in cold atom clouds by intensity correlation detection",
               R. Stites
#, M. Beeler*, L. Feeney*, S. Kim#, and S. Bali, Optics Letters 29, 2713 (2004).
        1)   "Sensitive detection of radiation trapping in cold atom clouds",
               M. Beeler*, R. Stites*, S. Kim
#, L. Feeney*, and S. Bali, Phys. Rev. A 68, 013411 (2003)

Warm Alkali Vapor
        2)  "A practical guide to electromagnetically induced transparency in atomic vapor"
               R. Finkelstein,
S. Bali,  O. Firstenberg, and I. Novikova,
                New Journal of Physics
25, 035001 (2023) [open access]

        1)  "Producing slow light in warm alkali vapor using electromagnetically induced transparency"[Supplementary notes are included]
                K. DeRose#, K. Jiang*, J. Li*, M. Julius#, L. Zhuo*, S. Wenner#, and S. Bali,
                American Journal of Physics
91(3), 193 - 205 (2023);
                Featured article; selected by AJP as a SCILIGHT

Optical Sensing in Turbid Media
9)    "Optical detection of nanoaggregates in highly concentrated strongly absorbing colloids without sample dilution",
                S. Bali
, J. T. Boivin, R. N. M. Ducay, N. Philip, J. D. Brinton, L. M. Bali, J. Scaffidi, and J. A. Berberich
                Colloid and Interface Science Communication (Rapid Communication) 16, 25 - 29 (2017)

                [Supplementary information

"Direct detection of aggregates in highly turbid colloidal suspensions of polystyrene nanoparticles",
                J. Berberich, J. Scaffidi, R. N. M. Ducay#, N. Phillip*, J. T. Boivin*, P. Judge*, L. M. Bali, and S. Bali

                Applied Optics 54(21), 6461 - 6470 (2015)

       7)    "Accurate in situ measurement of complex refractive index and particle size in intralipid emulsions",
                M. L. Dong*
, K. G. Goyal*, B. W. Worth#, S. S. Makkar*, W. R. Calhoun, L. M. Bali, and S. Bali,
Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(8), 087003(1-6) (2013)    
Empirical Model of Total Internal Reflection from Highly Turbid Media",
               K. G. Goyal
*, M. L. Dong*, V. M. Nguemaha#, B. W. Worth#, P. T. Judge*, W. R. Calhoun, L. M. Bali, and S. Bali,
               Optics Letters
38, 4888 - 4891 (2013).
Selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics Vol. 9, Iss. 1 — Jan 14 (2014);
               Editors: Andrew Dunn and Anthony Durkin.

      5)  "Note: Refractive index sensing of turbid media by differentiation of the reflectance profile: Does error-correction work?",
             K. G. Goyal
*, M. L. Dong*, D. G. Kane*, S. S. Makkar*, B. W. Worth#, L. M. Bali, and S. Bali,
             Review of Scientific Instruments
83, 086107(1-3) (2012).

      4)  "Reply to Comment on "Measurement of the refractive index of highly turbid media"",
             W. Calhoun*, H. Maeta
#, A. Combs*, L. M. Bali, and S. Bali, Optics Letters 36, 3172 (2011).
Selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics Vol. 6, Iss. 9 — Oct. 3 (2011);
              Editors: Andrew Dunn and Anthony Durkin.

      3)   "Sensitive real-time measurement of the refractive index and attenuation coefficient of milk and milk-cream mixtures",
            W. Calhoun*
, H. Maeta#, S. Roy, L. M. Bali, and S. Bali, Journal of Dairy Science 93, 3497 - 3504 (2010).
"Measurement of the refractive index of highly turbid media",
            W. Calhoun*
, H. Maeta#, A. Combs*, L. M. Bali, and S. Bali, Optics Letters 35, 1224-1226 (2010).
Selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Biomedical Optics Vol. 5, Iss. 9 — Jul. 6 (2010);
             Editor: Gregory W. Faris

         1)   "Real-time differential refractometry without interferometry at a sensitivity level of 10-6 ",
              M. McClimans
#, C. LaPlante*, D. Bonner#, and S. Bali, Applied Optics 45, 6477-6486 (2006).  

"Book Review: Experiments and Demonstrations in Physics Bar-Ilan Physics Laboratory, 2nd ed,
              by Yaakov Kraftmakher",

             (Invited Review) A. J. Hachtel and S. Bali, American Journal of Physics 83 (12), 1062 - 1064 (2015)
"An undergraduate lab on measurement of radiative broadening in atomic vapor",
              A. J. Hachtel*, J. D. Kleykamp*, D. G. Kane*, M. D. Marshall*, B. W. Worth*, J. T. Barkeloo
#, J. C. B. Kangara#,
              J. C. Camenisch*,
M. C. Gillette*, and S. Bali, American Journal of Physics 80, 740 - 743 (2012).
              Erratum: American Journal of Physics 81 (6), 471 (2013).

"Measurements of sub-natural linewidth AC Stark shifts in cold atoms: An experiment for the advanced undergraduate

J. D. Kleykamp*, A. J. Hachtel*, D. G. Kane*, M. D. Marshall*, N. J. Souther#, P. K. Harnish*, and S. Bali,
American Journal of Physics
79, 1211-1217 (2011).

       1)   "A simple method to stably float coupled optical table systems",

               R. Stites
#, M. McClimans#, C. LaPlante*, J. McHugh*, P. Burch*, and S. Bali,
               Optics and Laser Technology 39, 546-548 (2007).

Phase-dependent Resonance Fluorescence / Squeezing
      3)   "The role of quantum jumps in the squeezing of resonance fluorescence
               from short-lived and long-lived atoms",
               S. Bali,
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semi-classical Optics 6, S706 – S711 (2004).
      2)   "Observation of temporal correlations in phase-dependent resonance fluorescence",
               Z. H. Lu,  J. E. Thomas, and S. Bali, Optics Letters 30, 2478
      1)   "Physical interpretation of phase-dependent resonance fluorescence",
               S. Bali,
Proceedings of SPIE, Fluctuations and Noise in Photonics and Quantum Optics,
               edited by D. Abbott, J. H. Shapiro, Y. Yamamoto (SPIE, Bellingham, WA, 2003), pgs 514 – 522. 

Postdoctoral Work at Duke University
         Quantum degenerate 6Li fermions in an optical trap:

  "Stable, strongly attractive, two-state mixture of lithium fermions in an optical trap",
                K. M. O’Hara, M. Gehm, S. Granade, S. Bali, and J. E. Thomas, Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2092 (2000).
"Quantum-diffractive background gas collisions in atom trap heating and loss",
                S. Bali, K. M. O’Hara, M. E. Gehm, S. R. Granade, and J. E. Thomas, Phys. Rev. A 60, R29 (1999).

       1)    "Ultrastable CO2 laser trapping of lithium fermions",
                 K. M. O’Hara, S. Granade, M. Gehm, T. A. Savard, S. Bali, C. Freed, and J. E. Thomas,
                 Phys. Rev. Lett.
82, 4204 (1999). 

       Optical Phase Space Tomography:
         4)    "Time resolved phase space distributions for light backscattered from a disordered medium",
                A. Wax, S. Bali, and J. E. Thomas, Phys. Rev. Lett.85, 66 (2000).

         3)     "Characterizing the coherence of broadband sources using optical phase space contours",
                 A. Wax, S. Bali, G. Alphonse, J. E. Thomas, J. Biomedical Optics, 4 (4), 482 (1999).

         2)     "Heterodyne measurement of Wigner distributions for classical optical fields",
                 K. F. Lee, F. Reil, S. Bali, A. Wax, and J. E. Thomas, Opt. Lett.24, 1370 (1999).

         1)     "Optical phase space distributions for low-coherence light",
                 A. Wax, S. Bali, and J. E. Thomas, Opt. Lett. 24, 1188 (1999).

         Squeezing of Light:
         1)      "Observation of squeezing in the phase-dependent fluorescence spectra of two-level atoms",
                  Z. H. Lu, S. Bali, and J. E. Thomas, Phys. Rev. Lett.81, 3635 (1998).

Postdoctoral Work at University of Wisconsin-Madison

         Cold Collisions / Laser Cooling and Atom Trapping:
        4)       "Low saturation intensities in two-photon ultracold collisions",
                  C. Sukenik, D. Hoffmann, S. Bali, and T. Walker, Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 782 (1998).

        3)       "Trap-depth measurements using repulsive-state traploss collisions",
                  D. Hoffmann, S. Bali, and T. Walker, Phys. Rev. A. 54, R1030 (1996).

        2)       "Measurement of intensity correlations of scattered light from optically-trapped atoms",
                   S. Bali, D. Hoffmann, J. Simán, and T. Walker, Phys. Rev. A.53, 3469 (1995).

        1)       "Novel intensity dependence of ultra-cold collisions",
                   S. Bali, D. Hoffmann, and T. Walker, Europhys. Lett. 27, 273 (1994).

PhD work at University of Rochester

       3)       "Coherence and elastic scattering in resonance fluorescence",
                  S. Bali, F. A. Narducci and L. Mandel,
Phys. Rev. A. 47, 5056 (1993).
       2)       "Effect of varying dye flow velocity on dye laser statistics",
                 S. Bali, J. Noh, A. Fougéres, F. C. Cheng and L. Mandel, Opt. Commun.78, 377 (1990).

       1)       "Response of a phase-conjugate mirror to an incident photon",
                 Z. Y. Ou, S. Bali and L. Mandel, Phys. Rev. A. 39, 2509 (1989).