How can I organize my science materials so I can find what I need easily? This
suggestion works if you have access to copier boxes or are willing to
purchase plastic storage tubs. Start by mentally dividing your science
resources into two groups: Unit-based Resources and General Supplies.
Unit-based Resources are materials you use only for specific units of
instruction (e.g., matter, weather). Separate these by unit into storage
boxes and label. Store them in out of the way places as they may only
be used once per year. General Supplies are resources that are used regularly
and for more than one unit (e.g., rubber bands, hand lenses). Organize
these alphabetically and place them in labelled boxes (e.g., sand, salt,
seeds, and straws in the S box). Combine letters such as X, Y, and Z into
one box to use fewer boxes. Place a large letter on the outside of the
box for quick reference. Store them where they are easy to reach as they
will be used regularly. |