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It's a Small World After All! (Pond Microcosms)
Lesson Plan

Summary: It's a Small World After All! is actually two activities in one inquiry. In How Much Biodiversity Exists in a Pond Microcosm? students use microscopes to investigate the diversity of life that exists in pond water. In What Is the Effect of Rice on Microcosm Biodiversity? students conduct a controlled investigation to study the effect of a pollutant (rice) on a microcosm ecosystem. Note: The best time to start this inquiry is either September or May, when pond ecosystems are at their most active levels during the school year.

Getting Ready for Microcosms

The easiest way to set up microcosms is in the context of a field trip where each team of students can fill its microcosm directly from a pond. However, since this may not be possible for all classrooms, the directions below explain how to set up microcosms at your school.
Note: When selecting a pond, keep in mind that small naturally occurring ponds tend to be richer in diversity than man-made ponds.

Day 1: Setting Up Microcosms (45 min.)


Get Set...


Day 2: How Much Producer Biodiversity Exists in a Pond Microcosm? (45 min.)
Note: If your school does not have microscopes, consider borrowing a set from the biology department of your high school. Talk to your principal about purchasing a school set of 6-8 Brock Magiscopes (microscopes) for whole-school use that are stored by your media specialist when not in use by classrooms.


Get Set...


Day 3: How Much Consumer Biodiversity Exists in a Pond Microcosm? (45 min.)


Get Set...


Day 4: How Much Consumer Biodiversity Exists in a Pond Microcosm? (45 min.)


Get Set...



Day 5: What Is the Effect of Rice on Microcosm Biodiversity? (45 min.)


Get Set...


What Is the Effect of Rice on Microcosm Biodiversity? (30 min. for each of three observations)
Note: This observation should take place three, six, and nine days after the rice is added. Introduce information on pollution once a sewage smell is observed. (See Background Information.)


Get Set...


PutItAllTogether (45 min.)



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