Science for Ohio Home

Living and Nonliving

Summary: Living and Nonliving is actually five activities in one inquiry. In How Do I Observe My World?, students use their senses to record and collect data. In How Do I Classify Things in My World?, students practice classifying objects as living or nonliving. In Is it Real Or Pretend?, students group objects as real or pretend. In What is Living?, students discover the needs of living things. In What Is Living Outdoors?, students compare indoor and outdoor discoveries. The Family Page extends this learning to the community by inviting parents and students to classify living and nonliving things at home.
Day 1: How Do I Observe My World? (45 min.)


Get Set...

The teacher says...

The students draw...

  1. Look with your eyes
  2. Ask what you want to know
  3. Think about how to find out
  4. Test your idea
  5. Tell what you learned
  1. two eyes
  2. a question mark
  3. a brain
  4. a test tube
  5. a brain

Suggestion: Instruct students to use a raised arm with "thumbs-up" to signal an exciting discovery so that animals and other people are not disturbed.


For K-1

For 1-2

  1. Draw two eyes by What I saw
  2. Draw two ears by What I heard
  3. Draw a nose by What I smelled
  4. Draw a hand by What I touched
  1. Draw two eyes and write What I Saw
  2. Draw two ears and write What I Heard
  3. Draw a nose and write What I Smelled
  4. Draw a hand and write What I Touched

Day 2: How Do I Classify Things in My World? (45min.)


Get Set...

Day 3: Is it Real or Pretend? (45 min.)


Get Set...


The teacher will...

The students will...

  • Hold up the puppet and make it talk.
  • Decide if the puppet is really talking or if this is pretend and mark/color the box (pretend) on their student sheets. Reinforce that although puppets are used for pretending, the puppet itself is a real object.
  • Hold up the animal and discuss that it needs SWAFS--space, water, air, food, shelter
  • Decide if the bird (animal) is real or pretend and mark/color the box (real) on their student sheets.
  • Hold up the plant and discuss that it needs LAWNS--light, air, water, nutrients, and space
  • Decide if the plant is real or pretend and mark/color the box (real) on their student sheets.
  • Hold up the cartoon. Share and discuss the cartoon story.
  • Decide if the cartoon story is real or pretend and mark/color the box (pretend) on their student sheets. Reinforce that although cartoons are used for pretending, the paper and ink used to make them are real objects.
  • Hold up the rock. Discuss that it is not alive, but is part of the Earth.
  • Decide if the rock is real or pretend and mark/color the box (real) on their student sheets.

Day 4: What is Living? (45 min.)


Get Set... Go!!!
Day 5: What is Living Outdoors? (45-60 min.)


Get Set... Go!!

Suggestion: Instruct students to use a raised arm with "thumbs-up" to signal an exciting discovery so that animals and other people are not disturbed.

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