Grading Scale for Mr. Maluvac

A+ = 96.5% and up

A = 92.5 - 96.4

A- = 89.5 - 92.4

B+ = 86.5 - 89.4

B = 82.5 - 86.4

B- = 79.5 - 82.5

C+ = 76.5 - 79.4

C = 72.5 - 76.4

C- = 69.5 - 72.4

D+ = 66.5 - 69.4

D = 62.5 - 66.4

D- = 59.5 - 62.4

F = 59.4 and below

Your grade in class is simply your points earned divided by the total number of points. I do not weight tests. Keep track of your points. I have grade checks periodically and I will be happy to tell you the total points available, but I will not constantly read off your points.

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