Points for the various activities that take place during First Year Biology.

Vocabulary--10 pts per section, usually 2 sections per chapter ( found at the end of each chapter before the chapter review).

I will divide the vocabulary into 2 to 4 sections depending on how many words are in the chapter or chapters. A chapter or unit will have 20 to 40 points in from vocabulary assignments. The students are to write down the words from the list in the back and go through the chapter and give a short, but complete definition. ( DO NOT USE THE GLOSSARY, it will give short and sometimes incomplete answers.) The assignments will be collected as follows Vocab #1 on day 2, Vocab #2 on day 3, etc.

Article reviews -- 10 pts. Only do one review per TEST not chapter. Due on same day as Chapter Review

The article needs to be about a biological concept ( Animals, Environment, Genetics, Medicine, etc.). The article does not have to deal with concepts from the chapter on which we are working. The student will give a 5 sentence summary of the article ( # each sentence) and they will give two opinion sentences about the general concept covered in the article. The articles need to be turned-in with the review. Articles can be from newspapers, magazines, journals or the internet. If you get article from magazines at home get permission from your parents to tear them out. If you get them from the library, photocopy them. All internet articles must be printed-out and from a reliable source ( AP, UPI, medical journals). They should not be just from someone's web page such as UFO science weekly. SPORTS articles are off limits, unless they talk more than 60% about biology and less about running stats or batting averages.

Concept Maps -- 10 pts. Only do one per Test not chapter. Due on same day as Directed Reading.

Will be discussed and practiced in class.

Directed Reading -- 20 to 40 pts depending on chapter or unit.

This is a worksheet packet that covers each section of a chapter. Usually 6 pages and I hand them-out 5 to 6 days before they are due.

Chapter Reviews -- 10 to 20 pts. depending on chapter or unit.

Labs -- 10 to 20 pts. depending on chapter or unit. We may do more than one lab in any given chapter. Some labs may take a couple of days to complete.

The students will work in groups and each student is responsible for a lab write-up

Chapter Test -- 40 to 60 pts. depending on chapter or unit.

Each test consists of multiple choice, T / F, fill in and essays. The students will be able to use their Directed Readings on the tests.

Participation -- 50 pts per nine weeks.

Students are expected to pay attention, ask questions in class and be active participants during group work.

I do not require students to take note, but it is highly encouraged. The test material consists of 50% from textbook and 50% from my lectures. Now is the time to hone note taking ability.

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