
7100 BIOLOGY 21-22

Year, 2 credits

Prerequisite: None

Biology 21-22 is for students who are not planning on attending college or technical school after high school. It is designed for students who have difficulty in reading, study skills and test-taking.

The main emphasis of the course is ecological and environmental studies. This includes solid waste management, organization of living organisms, populations, ecosystems, biodiversity and the biosphere. Many hands-on activities are included.

Biology is the study of living things. Basic topics covered in Biology 21-22 include: metric measurements, scientific method including experimental design and daily application, photosynthesis and respiration, cells, mitosis and meiosis, classification and evolution. Topics on human biology include homeostasis, genetics, reproduction and development.

Students will be required to be motivated during class time, as this is where the majority of the work is completed. it is important that class work is consistently completed and of good quality. Lab Fee: $5.00 per semester.
