

Mr. Schmittel's Rules and Expectations

I don't believe in having many rules or over governing a class! You are all adults, if you act like one you will be treated like one! I will treat you to the age in which you behave, meaning if you act like an infant, I'll treat you like an infant. On the other hand if you act like an adult I will treat you like an adult! There are however a few things I feel strongly about; I have listed those below!

1. Do not use vulgar language. Speak like an educated person. The only reason people use cuss words is because they can not express themselves in a more educated way! You are educated, act like it!

2. If you want to contribute to class do so in a positive manner. You may not always agree with what is being stated but listen and think then respond!

3. If there are live specimens in the class, treat them with respect! (If you don't, they won't treat you with respect!)

4. Eating and drinking in class will be stipulated by me!

5. All homework should be turned in completely done to the best of your ability! If this was your job, would you turn in something half done or on torn paper? I didn't think so!

6. You should be in your seat and ready to go when the bell rings! That also means you should bring everything with you to class! No locker passes will be given to get forgotten items!

7. Do your best on all tests! Do your own work! (For consequences see above cartoon!)

8. No put downs to participants in the class!

9. No working on other classes assignments while we are doing science. There may be a few minutes at the end of the class that you can use as free time, but not while I'm in the middle of teaching!

10. Leave all attitudes at the door!

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