Loveland Duals

Reading forfeited 3 weight classes this weekend. The Blue Devils wrestled well to knock off 3 division two teams (Hillsboro, Turpin and New Richmond) and 2 division one teams (Lebanon and Wilmington). One the day, the Blue Devils won 45 individual matches and lost a total of 11 matches.

The Blue Devils also swept the awards ceremony with Chris Seta winning the most outstanding and Tim Kelly winning the most pins in least amount of time.

Final Team Places

1 Reading

2 Wilmington

3 Loveland

4 Lebanon


1st round

Reading 48 New Richmond 24 (We lost two matches)


2nd round

Reading 60 Hillsboro 15 (We only lost one match)


3rd round

Reading 55 Turpin 15 (Again we only lost one match)


4th round

Reading 42 Lebanon 27 (Lost 3 matches)


Championship Match

Reading 39 Wilmington 33 (We lost 3 matches)


103 J. Smith W by forfeit

112 D. Smith W by forfeit

119 Mages R pinned Aber W 1:44 

125 Wisecup W by forfeit

130 Seta R major dec Murphy W21 - 7 

135 Hazlett R pinned Tolliver W1:27 

140 Engel R pinned Rose W 1:53

145 Harmeyer R pinned Van Pelt W 3:18

152 Kelley R TF Ross W 20 - 5

160 Horne W dec Whitt R 9 - 2

171 Dick R Dec Steele W 9 - 2

189 Beckett W pinned Lewis R 4:57

215 Wilson R dec. Bean W 5 - 1

275 Hicks W pinned Greene R 3:29