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International Geographical Union
                                                   Commission on Political Geography                          NEWSLETTER  6  (January 2006)

                                                                                                       Edited by André-Louis Sanguin

IGU Commission on Political Geography, 2004-2008

Chair: Professor André-Louis Sanguin, Faculty of Geography, University of Paris-Sorbonne, 191 rue Saint-Jacques, 75005 Paris, France. E-mail : alsanguin@wanadoo.fr

Vice-Chair: Professor Anton Gosar, Dean, Faculty of Humanities, University of Primorska, Glagoljaska 8, 6000 Koper, Slovenia. E-mail : anton.gosar@guest.arnes.si

Secretary: Professor David Newman, Department of Politics & Government, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, POB 653, 84105 Beer Sheva, Israel. E-mail : newman@bgumail.bgu.ac.il

Webmaster: Asst. Prof. Carl Dahlman, Department of Geography, University of South Carolina, Columbia SC 29208, USA. E-mail : dahlman@sc.edu

Steering Committee:

  • Sanjay Chaturvedi, Centre for the Study of Geopolitics, Panjab University, 1600-014 Chandigarh, India. E-mail : sanjay@pu.ac.in
  • Elena Dell’Agnese, Department of Sociology and Social Research, University of Milano-Bicocca, Via Bicocca degli Arcimbaldi 8, 20126 Milan, Italy. E-mail : mailtpo:elena.dellagnese@unimib.it
  • Alexandru Ilies, Department of Geography, University of Oradea, Str. Armata Romana 5, 410078 Oradea, Romania. E-mail : ilies@uoradea.ro
  • Maano Ramutsindela, Department of Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town, Private Bag, 7701 Rondebosch, South Africa. E-mail : maano@enviro.uct.ac.za
  • Paul Reuber, Institute of Geography, University of Münster, Robert Koch Strasse 26, 48149 Münster, Germany. E-mail : p.reuber@uni-muenster.de
  • Lynn Staeheli, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, Boulder CO 80309-0487, USA. E-mail : lynner@colorado.edu
  • Marek Sobczynski, Department of Political Geography, University of Lodz, Collegium Geographicum, ul. Kopcinskiego 31, 90142 Lodz, Poland. E-mail : marsob@geo.uni.lodz.pl
  • Takashi Yamazaki, Department of Geography, Osaka City University, Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, 5588585 Osaka, Japan. E-mail : yamataka@lit.osaka-cu.ac.jp

I – Chairman’s Column

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

             In the course of the year 2005, the IGU Commission on Political Geography enjoyed three key international conferences: Jerusalem (January 2005) on "Borders Regions in Transition: Crossing Cultures, Crossing Disciplines, Crossing Scales" (see Newsletter 5 on the Commission's website); Stravropol (September 2005) on "Mountain Countries: Population, Geopolitics, GIS Monitoring"; Sarajevo (December 2005) on "Dayton – Ten Years Later: Conflict Resolution and Cooperation Perspectives". Within these three meetings, the huge number of participants and the quantity/quality of presented papers were the obvious evidence of the scientific vitality of political geography.

            Moreover, these results are not a stroke of luck. From now on, big international research teams, either formal (IBRU, EUBorderConf, Exlinea., FORNET...) or informal (BRIT...), are bringing acknowledged reports in order to help policymakers, practitioners and local stakeholders. In this perspective, we have been witnesses for the past years of the emergence of new international dynamics towards complementarity (US/Canada, EU countries...). In that way, we slowly meet the great ambition that Jean Gottmann (1915-1994) had assigned to political geography at the end of his life: settling conflicts and contributing, perhaps in a decisive way, towards the implementation of peacemaking, long-lasting and fair order. The year 2006 looks full of activities for political geography.

            With all best wishes for 2006 and beyond.                                   André-Louis Sanguin, Chair


II – Future Events Sponsored by the Commission

1. International Conference "Revisiting "Euro-Asia": Cultures, Connections and Conceptualizations". Chandigarh, India, 13-16 February 2006. This conference is jointly organized by the Centre for the Study of Mid-West and Central Asia, Panjab University (India) and the Jean Monnet Centre of European Excellence, University of Tempere (Finland). Venue: ICSSR Complex, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India.

The issue-areas of this conference straddle both Europe and Asia. The deliberate insertion of a hyphen between "Euro" and "Asia" in the title reflects our wish to avoid the military-strategic connotations of the more commonly used term "Eurasia" and to criticize the traditional "metageography" to which it is so closely related. Instead of remaining within the established limits of bounded territoriality, we would like to shift the focus to the more inclusive concepts of flow and mobility and to identify the diversity of ideas, imaginations, human practices, and social institutions that not only form boundaries but also unit this vast region. We believe an understanding of Euro-Asian diversity to be a prerequisite for initiating and sustaining a dialogue of civilizations on a continent shared by both Europe and Asia. The starting point of the conference, then, can be said to be "unity in diversity". Themes and sub-themes of the conference:

° Historical Perspectives on Euro-Asia: Mobility versus Territoriality; Heterogeneity versus Homogeneization

° Cultural Diplomacy: Inter-Cultural Communication and Dialogue of Diasporas

° Mid-West and Central Asia in the 21st Century: Clash or Dialogue of Civilizations?

° The Continent-Ocean Interface: Towards Comprehensive Maritime Security for Euro-Asia

° New Great Games and Beyond: Energy Security and Resource Sharing

° The Deepening and Broadening of Democracy and Autonomy

° Bio-Diversity of Euro-Asia and Climate Change: Towards Adaptative Strategies and International Cooperation

° Bridging Asia and Europe through Mobility and Connectivity: Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics

° Climatic Change, Disaster Management and Adaptive Strategies

° Mapping Peace and Cooperation: Towards Alternative Cartographies

            Board and lodging (including the nights of 12 and 16 February) shall be provided and paid for during the entire duration of the conference. Local hospitality will begin with dinner on Sunday 12 February and end with breakfast on Friday 17 February.

            Organizers: Dr. Sanjay Chaturvedi, member of the Commission's Steering Committee, Panjab University, Chandigarh, India (euroasiaconf@gmail.com) and Prof. Jyrki Kakonen, Jean Monnet Centre of European Excellence, University of Tampere, Finland (Jyrki.Kakonen@uta.fi). For more information and sending of paper's abstract, please contact Ms Tytti Erasto (tytti.erasto@uta.fi) at University of Tampere or Ms Eva Saroch (eva_1_1@yahoo.com) at Panjab University, Chandigarh.

2. AAG Political Geography Specialty Group Pre-Conference "Political Geographies of the City". Urbana, Illinois, USA, 5-7 March 2006. The PGSG of the Association of American Geographers will hold a conference immediately prior to the Annual Meeting of the AAG. As in the past, papers on all aspects of political geography are welcome. We also intend to organize a small number of themed sessions on the "Political Geographies of the City". The city has long been an important focus for work in political geography and we welcome expressions of interest for papers that address the range of current issues and concerns in this area.

            For questions about this conference or further informations, please contact Andrew Wood, University of Oklahoma, Norman (amwood@ou.edu) or David Wilson, University of Illinois, Urbana (dwilson2@express.cites.uiuc.edu).

3. International Conference "Borderscapes: Spaces in Conflict / Symbolic Places / Networks of Peace". Trento, Italy, 11-14 June 2006. Venue: Centro Congressi Panorama (altitude 560 meters) above Trento City. Organizer: Prof. Elena Dell'Agnese (elena.dellagnese@unimib.it), member of the Commission's Steering Committee, University of Milano-Bicocca, in collaboration with University of Trento, Autonomous Province of Trento, Confindustria Trento, University of Milano-Bicocca. This conference is planned to discuss the following questions: Borderscapes as symbolic landscapes, Borderscapes as spaces of cultural encounters, Borderscapes of fluxes and communication, trans-border cooperation

A fieldtrip to Trento and its province will be organized between the sessions to visit the relict boundary and its borderscapes and the local wineries. After the conference, a 3-days post-conference excursion (14-17 June 2006) will be organized to the bilingual area of Bolzano, the Brenner Pass and the trilingual area of Alta Badia.

Information has been already provided in the Commission's Newsletter 5 (September 2005) at www.cas.sc.edu/geog/cpg. The late news are available on the Borderscapes Conference's website at www.unitn.it/events/borderscapes/contacts.htm

4. European Association of Borderland Scholars Conference "Structures and Narratives of Border Change", Belfast, Northern Ireland, 23-25 June 2006. Organizer: Centre for International Borders Research. Venue: Queen's University, Belfast. The conference organizers welcome papers on the following topics: democracy across borders; cross-border cooperation; borders and environmental issues; comparative border change (especially borders outside Europe and North America); borders memories, identities and emotions; securing borders; the reconfiguration of the Irish border; migration, borders and belonging.

            Deadline for paper abstracts and conference registration: 31 January 2006. Please send abstracts and conference registration fees (£70) to the Conference Administrator, Grace Kelly, School of Sociology and Social Policy, Queen's University, Belfast BT7 1NN, Northern Ireland. Email: g.p.kelly@qub.ac.uk

            Conference participants who wish their papers to be considered for post-conference publication should email their completed papers (in a Word file) to the Conference Administrator by 15 May 2006.

5. IGU 2006 Regional Conference "Regional Responses to Global Changes. A View from the Antipodes", Brisbane, Australia, 3-7 July 2006. The Commission on Political Geography will organize two sessions within the IGU 2006 Regional Conference. Interested people are invited to submit and present papers on the two following general subjects:

1/ Political Spaces in and around the South Pacific

2/ Maritime Boundaries in South-East Asia and South-West Pacific

For enquiries and information please contact the Commission's Chair (alsanguin@wanadoo.fr) or Dr. Clive Schofield, Center for Maritime Policy, University of Wollongong, Wollongong NSW 2522, Australia. E-mail: clives@uow.edu.au.

The late news are available on the IGU 2006 Regional Conference website at www.igu2006.org

6. The 10th "Lodz" Political Geography International Conference "Regions in the Process of European Integration", Lodz, Poland, 19-21 September 2006. Organizers: Department of Political Geography, University of Lodz; Silesian Institute, Opole, Poland; Polish Geographical Society, Lodz Branch. Venue: Collegium Geographicum, University of Lodz and vicinity. The organizers of the conference intend to discuss the following issues:

° Multicultural cities and regions in the context of European integration

° Europe of homelands or Europe of regions? Dilemmas of the EU's regional policy

° Administrative regions versus cultural-historical regions. The future of regions in the united Europe.

° The role of the EU's regional policy in moderating regional and transborder conflicts

° The policy of old and new EU's members and applicant countries

° Multidimensional nature of regions (historical, cultural, economic, administrative, ethnic, religious...) versus unity of the European space

            As the organizers wish to print a pre-conference publication, the participants are kindly requested to send till 30 April 2006 a one-page paper abstract in English. All papers presented at the conference and accepted by editors will be published in the next issue of Region and Regionalim n°8. A complete version of the paper (not exceeding 8 pages including figures and bibliography) recorded on a floppy diskette or CD using Word for Windows text editor should be delivered to the Conference Secretary during the event.

            The conference fees are €300 to be paid by transfer to Bank PKO SA. II O/Lodz, Uniwersytet Lodski 14-1240-3028-1111-0010-0434-7782 (Political Geography) till to 30 April 2006. The fees cover full board and hotel accomodation in double rooms, conference materials, publication of papers, study tour and social party. For information and abstract's sending, please contact the Conference Secretariat to geopol@geo.uni.lodz.pl

7. BRIT VIII International Conference "Neighbours, Citizens and Borders. The Making of Geopolitical Relations and Communities", Lublin, Poland & Lviv, Ukraine, 21-25 September 2006. BRIT is an international network of scholars on border studies and geopolitics. BRIT is not a formal association. It operates as a network of scholars and practitioners who represent a wide variety of disciplines (geography, political science, economics, sociology, history...) and different areas of expertise. Since 1994, BRIT conferences have been organized in several different countries, including Germany, Finland, India, USA, Estonia, Israel and Hungary.

            The 8th in a long-standing series of conferences on borders and border regions will be organized by: Centre for European Regional and Local Studies (University of Warsaw), Department of Geography (Free University of Berlin), University of Lublin, Institute for Regional Development and Structural Planning (Erkner, Germany).

            This conference will be organized in a border region which is a laboratory for new regional partnerships, and thus for the EU's new neighbourhood policy. For this reason, the "twin" venues of Eastern Poland and Western Ukraine seem both appropriate and timely. However, BRIT VIII will not be a "Eurocentric" event. After the great success of the last BRIT VII Conference in Jerusalem (January 2005), we believe that a truly international perspective is needed in order to discuss interrelated problems of geopolitics, security, and borders as well as to debate the complex social construction of borders. The organizers welcome suggestions for papers dealing with the following issues:

° Alternative geopolitics and regional cooperation

° Geopolitics, borders and identity politics

° Redefining security in a multipolar world

° Borders, natural resources and transnational governance

° EU's new neighbourhood policies and border regions

° Theories and conceptualizations of "bordering"

° The contribution of European research programmes to understanding borders

° The development of transactional civil society

            Submissions for papers have to be sent by 30 January 2006 to Prof. James Scott, Free University of Berlin (jscott@geog.fu-berlin.de) or to Prof. Grzegorz Gorzelak, University of Warsaw (gorzelak@post.pl). Selection of papers will be according to availability. A website will be operating within the near future and more details about logistics, accomodation, programme and participation fees will be made available soon.

8. IGU 2008 International Congress "Collaboratively Building Our Territories", Tunis, Tunisia, 25-29 August 2008. In order to mobilize intellectual energies and scientific contributions to the 2008 Tunis IGU Congress, the IGU Executive Committee has approved a Mediterranean Renaissance Programme. The Commission on Political Geography is an active member of the MRP. In this view, the Commission will organize on the occasion of the Tunis International Congress the following four sessions:

1/ Geopolitical Trends of the Mediterranean in a 21st Century Globalized World

2/ The Euro-Mediterranean Partnership

3/ The Maritime Boundaries of the Mediterranean: Assessments and Outlooks

4/ Conflicts and Conflict Resolutions in the Mediterranean World

            People interested in attending these sessions and submiting papers have to contact the Commission's Chair at : alsanguin@wanadoo.fr


III – Other Future Events

1. International Borders Conference "Lineae Terrarum", El Paso, USA; Ciudad Juarez, Mexico; Las Cruces, USA, 27-30 March 2006.

            For all details, see the last issue of the Commission's Newsletter (September 2005, n° 5) on the Commission's website at www.cas.sc.edu/geog/cpg

2. IBRU Workshop "Strategies and Tools for Effective Border Management", Durham, UK, 3-4 April 2006. Organizer: IBRU (International Boundaries Research Unit), University of Durham. Managing borders in the 21st century is a complex and challenging task. It is widely agreed that in a globalising world, borders should be as open as possible; yet in the post 9/11 world governments are understandably more anxious than ever to ensure that their frontiers are secured against external threats. This innovative workshop is designed to help policymakers and practitioners develop border management strategies which strike the best possible balance between these apparently conflicting goals.

            The workshop will provide practical instruction on a range of topics which are often overlooked elsewhere, including: managing border crossings; monitoring and controlling borders between crossing points; managing maritime borders; and facilitating inter-agency cooperation. For any questions about the workshop, please contact Ms Michelle Speak at ibru-events@durham.ac.uk and keep an eye on www.ibru.dur.ac.uk/workshops.html

3. 7th International Conference "Border Management in an Insecure World", Durham, UK, 5-7 April 2006. Much has been written in recent years about the value of "soft" borders in maintaining good relations between neighbouring states and creating borderland prosperity. However, the reality in many parts of the world is that borders are hardening rather than softening as states seek to protect their populations from perceived external threats. The aim of this conference will be to examine the implications of the re-emergence of security as a key dimension of boundary management. Can borders actually be made secure in the 21st century? If so, what are the political, economic and social consequences, especially for border regions? And how can scholars assist practitioners in finding solutions to complex border management challenges.

            Potential speakers should prepare an abstract of not more than 300 words. In order to receive further information on the conference, please contact: Ms. Michelle Speak, Director of External Relations, IBRU (International Border Research Unit), Department of Geography, University of Durham, Durham DH1 3LE, UK. E-mail: michelle.speak@dur.ac.uk. Keep an eye on the IBRU website at www-ibru.dur.ac.uk/conferences.html

4. IBRU Workshop "Options for Unlocking Maritime Boundary Disputes", Paris, France, 26-28 June 2006. Organizer: International Boundary Research Unit, University of Durham, UK. Co-hosted and sponsored by Eversheds Frere Cholmeley. Further details of this event will be announced in Borderlines newsletter later in the spring 2006. Alternatively, see the IBRU website (www.ibru-dur.ac.uk/workshops) or contact Michelle Speak at michelle.speak@dur.ac.uk

5. IBRU Workshop "Geographic Information in Boundary-Making and Dispute Resolution", Durham, UK, 18-20 September 2006. Organizer: IBRU, University of Durham. Further details of this event will be announced in Borderlines newsletter later in the spring 2006. Alternatively, see the IBRU website (www.ibru-dur.ac.uk/workshops) or contact Michelle Speak at michelle.speak@dur.ac.uk


IV – Past Events Sponsored by the Commission

1. Second International Conference "Mountain Countries: Population, Geopolitics, GIS Monitoring", Stavropol, North Caucasus, Russia, 26-27 September 2005. Organizers: Vladimir Kolossov, Commission's former chair (Russian Academy of Sciences) and Prof. Vitali Belozerov (Vice-Rector, Stavropol State University). The first session was organized jointly with another international event hosted by Stravropol University on the same days – the 11th Intercarto-InterGIS "Sustainable Development: The Role of GIS and International Experience" co-sponsored by IGU and International Cartographic Association. This opening session was devoted to relationships between international migrations, boundary regime and political situation, and to use of GIS in political mapping. It was attended by several hundreds professors and students of the Stavropol University and covered by regional media.

            The remaining part of the conference included 45 presentations at plenary sessions and at 2 sections. The sessions were attended by about 60 participants from 8 countries (Azerbaijan, Croatia, Georgia, France, Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the USA). Many authors considered the reasons of ethnic tensions, especially the impact of demographic shifts and labour migrations on the political situation in Caucasus. It was stressed that international migrations became a major condition of further economic development in many countries, including Russia, and that society should survive a period of difficult and sometimes painful adaptations to the growing ethnic and cultural diversity. Some papers concerned the relation between ethnic and regional policy in multi-ethnic mountain areas. A number of authors reviewed the situation in the Balkans ten years after the Dayton Peace Accords. The conference was concluded by the round-table "Balkans-Caucasus: Lessons for the Future". There was also some theoretical papers. Participants enjoyed a three-days excursion to Dombai – high mountain resort located in the Teberda Natural Reserve (Republic of Karachai-Cherkessia), where they climbed to a glacier. They also visited a new agro-industrial plant specialized in "sturgeon-breeding".

2. International Conference "Dayton – Ten Years Later: Conflict Resolution and Cooperation Perspectives", Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, 29 November – 1 December 2005. The University of Primorska (Koper, Slovenia) and the University of Sarajevo organized on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the signing of the Dayton Peace Accords in Dayton, Ohio (21 November 1995) and annexes in Paris (14 December 1995), in cooperation with the IGU Commission on Political Geography, the Slovenian presidency of the OSCE and the CEI (Central European Initiative) a three-days long international conference.

            The ending of the conflict in BiH and the arrangements orchestrated and implemented by the international community could be evaluated through the prism of leading politicians from the broader region and the USA and Russia, through military experts of forces involved and 72 political geographers and other researchers and scientists from 24 countries. Academic sessions followed a first day lively panels of politicians and military during which close to 300 participants were registered. In the 12 academic sessions, on day two and three of the conference, the following sessions have experimented largest interest of the local and international community based in Sarajevo: Dayton, the historical times reviewed; Functional and institutional structures in BiH; Disintegration and reintegration processes in former Yugoslavia; BiH and the post-Dayton restructuring of Southeastern Europe; Post-Dayton migratory patterns in Southeastern Europe; Pre and post-Dayton's BiH in media. Memories and identities discourse in BiH.

V- Other Past Events

1. An Interdisciplinary Graduate Student Conference "Cultural Lines. Emerging Research on Ethno-Racial Boundaries", Cambridge (Massachusetts), Harvard University, 4-5 November 2005. The guest speaker was Fredrick Barth (Boston University and University of Oslo) who is well-known by many political geographers due to his famous 1969 classics Ethnic Groups and Boundaries. The conference scrutinized the following topics: Identity and citizenship; Community and Space; Family and Lineage; Hybridity; Black cultural production in America; Policy and the law.

VI – A Non-Exhaustive World List of Centres for Border Studies

° The Centre for Cross-Border Studies. Armagh, Northern Ireland (www.crossborder.ie)

° Centre for International Border Research. Queen's University, Belfast (www.qub.ac.uk/cibr/index.htm)

° Centre for Regional and Transboundary Studies. Volgograd State University, Russia (e-mail: transbound@hotbox.ru)

° The Danish Institute of Border Region Studies. Aabenraa, Denmark (www.ifg.dk)

° The Geopolitics and International Boundaries Research Centre. University of London (www.soas.ac.uk/Centres/GRC)

° International Boundaries Research Unit. University of Durham, UK (www.ibru-dur.ac.uk)

° Nijmegen Centre for Border Research. University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands (www.kun.nl/ncbr)

° Peipsi Centre for Transboundary Cooperation. Tartu, Estonia (www.ctc.ee)

° Association of Borderlands Studies (www.absborderlands.org)

° Association of European Border Regions (www.aebr.net)

° Trans-Border Institute. University of San Diego, California (www.sandiego.edu/tbi)

° California Centre for Border and Regional Economic Studies. San Diego State University, California (www.ccbres.sdsu.edu)

° Centre for Inter-American and Border Studies. University of Texas at El Paso (http://academics.utep.edu/Default.aspx)

° Centre for Latin American and Border Studies. New Mexico State University (www.nmsu.edu)

VII – Some New Titles in Political Geography

ANTHEAUME, Benoît & Frédéric GIRAUT (Editors), Le territoire est mort. Vive les territoires!, Paris, IRD Editions, 2005.

BALABAN, Oded, Interpreting Conflict. Israeli-Palestinian Negociations at Camp David II and Beyond, Berne, Peter Lang, 2005.

BARANYI, Béla, Hungarian-Romanian and Hungarian-Ukrainian Border Regions as Areas of Cooperation along the External Borders of Europe, Pécs, Centre for Regional Studies, 2005.

BERNARDIE, Nathalie & François TAGLIONI (Editors), Les dynamiques contemporaines des petits espaces insulaires. De l'île-relais aux réseaux insulaires, Paris, Editions Karthala, 2005.

BLACKSELL, Mark, Political Geography, London, Routledge, 2006.

BORDES-BENAYOUN, Chantal & Dominique SCHNAPPER, Diasporas et nations, Paris, Editions Odile Jacob, 2006.

ERIKSONAS, Linas & Leos MÜLLER (Editors), Statehood Before and Beyond Ethnicity. Minor States in Northern and Eastern Europe, 1600-2000, Berne, Peter Lang, 2005.

FALAH, Ghazi-Walid & Caroline NAGER (Editors), Geographies of Muslim Women. Gender, Religion and Space, New York, The Guilford Press, 2005.

GREGORY, Derek, The Colonial Present: Afghanistan, Palestine, Iraq, Oxford, Blackwell, 2004.

HAYOZ, Nicolas, JESIEN, Leszek & Wim VAN MEURS (Editors), Enlarged EU – Enlarged Neighbourhood. Perpectives of the European Neighbourhood Policy, Berne, Peter Lang, 2005.

LEVRAT, Nicolas, L'Europe et ses collectivités territoriales. Réflexions sur l'organisation et l'exercice du pouvoir territorial dans un monde globalisé, Berne, Peter Lang, 2005.

MOORE, Donald S., Suffering for Territory: Race, Place and Power in Zimbabwe, Durham N.C., Duke University Press, 2005.

NEVINS, Joseph, A Not-So-Distant Horror: Mass Violence in East Timor, Ithaca, Cornell University Press, 2005.

PACE, Michelle, The Politics of Regional Identity. Meddling with the Mediterranean, London, Routledge, 2005.

REBERT, Paula, La Gran Linea: Mapping the United States-Mexico Boundary, 1849-1857, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005.

REINHARTZ, Dennis & Gerald D. SAXON (Editors), Mapping and Empire: Soldier-Engineers on the Southwestern Frontier, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005.

RUPKE, Nicolas A., Alexander von Humboldt, Berne, Peter Lang, 2005.

SANGUIN, André-Louis, CATTARUZZA, Amaël & Emmanuelle CHAVENEAU-LE BRUN (Editors), L'ex-Yougoslavie dix ans après Dayton. De nouveaux Etats entre déchirements communautaires et intégration européenne, Paris, Editions L'Harmattan, 2005.

SEMELIN, Jacques, Purifier et détruire. Usages politiques des massacres et génocides, Paris, Seuil, 2005.

SLATER, David, Geopolitics and the Post-Colonial: Rethinking North-South Relations, Oxford, Blackwell, 2005.

SPARKE, Matthew, In the Space of Theory: Postfoundational Geographies of the Nation-State, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2005.

VANDERMOTTEN, Christian & Julien VANDEBURIE, Territorialités et politique, Bruxelles, Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 2005.

VILA, Pablo, Border Identifications, Austin, University of Texas Press, 2005.

This newsletter has been produced and published at the Sorbonne (Paris) by Professor André-Louis SANGUIN (Commission's Chair / http://alsanguin.monsite.wanadoo.fr) with the assistance of Caroline MOUMANEIX, PhD candidate in political geography.

IGU-CPG Website: www.cas.muohio.edu/igu-cpg

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this page are strictly those of its authors. The contents of the page have not been reviewed or approved by Miami University.

Maintained by Carl Dahlman dahlmac@muohio.edu

 updated: January 28, 2006 (Oct 4, 2006)