Research Staff |
Dr. Ling (Jewel) Jiang
Ph.D. Peking University, Beijing, P.R. China
Research Area:
Jewel is currently working on the Arabidopsis cohesin protein AtSYN3
and the Arabidopsis homolog of the yeast CTF7. To character the
function of these two proteins, reverse genetics has been applied
analyze the phenotypes of effects of their Knock-out, Knock-down,
and OE through various microscopic techniques.
Dr. Xiaohui (Joey) Yang, Researcher Scholar
Ph.D., National University of Singapore
Research Area:
Joey is a senior post doc with
10-year extensive research experiences in the area
of biotechnology/gene transformation, molecular and
cell biology. His main research focus is on molecular
characterization of a novel PHD-finger containing
protein, MMD1, which is involved in protein-protein
or protein-DNA interaction during meiotic process of
Arabidopsis thaliana. |
Dr. Cheng Bai, Senior Postdoctoral Fellow
Research Area: Cheng has an extensive research
experience in biochemistry, protein chemistry, analytical chemistry,
microbiology, cell biology, immunochemistry, molecular biology and
insect pathology; and a great record in research publications. Cheng
has been worked in many laboratories. He earned his PhD degree in
Biochemistry and Pest Control. He is now working in Makaroff’s
laboratory studying proteins that participate in chromosome
condensation/cohesion and chromatin remodeling during meiosis and
mitosis. |
Graduate Students |
Meghan Holdorf, Ph.D. Candidate
BS, Chemistry (2002) Simpson College,
Research Area:
Meghan is currently working on the Arabidopsis homolog of the human
ETHE1, mutations of which have been linked to the autosomal
recessive disorder Ethylmalonic Encephalopathy (EE). The symptoms
of EE are well characterized, however, the mechanism and substrate
on which ETHE1 acts is currently unknown. To probe the possible
function(s) of ETHE1, we have employed several methods of protein
characterization techniques including crystallography,
chromatography, EPR, NMR, and substrate screening. In addition, we
have used reverse genetics to study the function ETHE1 plays in
Arabidopsis analyzing the phenotypes of effects of ETHE1 Knock-out,
Knock-down, and OE through various microscopic techniques. |
Pattraranee Limphong, Ph.D. Candidate
Masters, Chemistry (2004) Murray State University, Murray KY
Structure and function of GLX2-1 from Arabidopsis Thaliana.
Studying metal binding to GLX2-1 and GLX2-5 by
site-directed mutagenesis and spectroscopic (NMR, EPR, UV, X-ray
crystallography). |
Sriram Devanathan, Ph.D. Candidate
Masters, University of Madras
Research Area: Starting in Fall 2004,
Sriram is a part of the Glyoxalase team. Currently, he works on cloning and
over expression
of Glyoxalase 2-1 and 2-5 in plants. |
This page was last modified on
November 13, 2007
Miami University © 2001-2007- Comments and Suggestions: Mail to
Shelli Minton. |